On 04/17/10 11:41 AM, Brandon High wrote:
When I set up my opensolaris system at home, I just grabbed a 160 GB
drive that I had sitting around to use for the rpool.

Now I'm thinking of moving the rpool to another disk, probably ssd,
and I don't really want to shell out the money for two 160 GB drives.
I'm currently using ~ 18GB in the rpool, so any of the ssd 'boot
drives' being sold are large enough. I know I can't attach a device
that much smaller to the rpool however.

Would it be possible to do the following?
1. Attach the new drives.
2. Reboot from LiveCD.
3. zpool create new_rpool on the ssd
4. zfs send all datasets from rpool to new_rpool
5. installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 on the ssd
6. zfs export the rpool and new_rpool
7. 'zfs import new_rpool rpool' (This should rename it to rpool, right?)
8. shutdown and disconnect the old rpool drive

This should work, right? I plan to test it on a VirtualBox instance
first, but does anyone see a problem with the general steps I've laid

It should work. You aren't changing your current rpool (and you could probably import it read only for the copy), so it's there if things go tits up.


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