Hi Brandon,

I think I've done a similar migration before by creating a second root
pool, and then create a new BE in the new root pool, like this:

# zpool create rpool2 mirror disk-1 disk2
# lucreate -n newzfsBE -p rpool2
# luactivate newzfsBE
# installgrub ...
<reboot to newzfsBE>

I don't think LU cares that the disks in the new pool are smaller,
obviously they need to be large enough to contain the BE.



On 04/16/10 17:41, Brandon High wrote:
When I set up my opensolaris system at home, I just grabbed a 160 GB
drive that I had sitting around to use for the rpool.

Now I'm thinking of moving the rpool to another disk, probably ssd,
and I don't really want to shell out the money for two 160 GB drives.
I'm currently using ~ 18GB in the rpool, so any of the ssd 'boot
drives' being sold are large enough. I know I can't attach a device
that much smaller to the rpool however.

Would it be possible to do the following?
1. Attach the new drives.
2. Reboot from LiveCD.
3. zpool create new_rpool on the ssd
4. zfs send all datasets from rpool to new_rpool
5. installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 on the ssd
6. zfs export the rpool and new_rpool
7. 'zfs import new_rpool rpool' (This should rename it to rpool, right?)
8. shutdown and disconnect the old rpool drive

This should work, right? I plan to test it on a VirtualBox instance
first, but does anyone see a problem with the general steps I've laid


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