On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Frank Middleton
<f.middle...@apogeect.com> wrote:
> Is step 2 actually necessary? Couldn't you create a new BE
> # beadm create old_rpool
> # beadm activate old_rpool
> # reboot
> # beadm delete rpool

Right now, my boot environments are named after the build it's
running. I'm guessing that by 'rpool' you mean the current BE above.

bh...@basestar:~$ beadm list
BE      Active Mountpoint Space  Policy Created
--      ------ ---------- -----  ------ -------
snv_129 -      -          1.47M  static 2009-12-14 13:33
snv_133 NR     /          16.37G static 2010-02-23 18:54

So what you're suggesting is creating a new BE and booting to that to
do the send | recv?

Why would I want to destroy my current BE?

> You might also consider where you want swap to be and make sure
> that vfstab is correct on the old disk now that the root pool has
> a different name. There was detailed documentation on how to zfs

That's the main reason for making sure the rpool is names rpool, so I
don't have to chase down any references to the old name.

> send/recv root pools on the Sun ZFS documentation site, but right
> now it doesn't seem to be Googleable. I'm not sure your original
> set of steps will work without at least doing the above two.

I figure that by booting to a live cd / live usb, the pool will not be
in use, so there shouldn't be any special steps involved.

I'll try out a few variations on a VM and see how it goes.


Brandon High : bh...@freaks.com
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