Based on comments, some people say nay, some say yah..... so I decided to give it a spin, and see
how I get on.

To make my mirror bootable I followed instructions posted here :

I plan to do a quick write up myself of my own experience, but so far everything is working fine.

Mirror size is 200GB (Smallest disk, happens to be laptop disk), once I attached the USB drive, it started resilvering straight away, and only took 1hr 45mins to complete and it resilvered 120G !!
This I was very impressed with.

So far I've not noticed any system performance degradation with the drive attached. I did a quick test, yanked out the drive, degrades rpool as expected, but system continues to function fine.

I also did a quick test to see of the USB drive was indeed bootable, by connecting to another laptop, it booted perfectly.

Connecting the USB drive back to original laptop, the pool comes back online and resilvers seamlessly.

This is automatic 24/7 backup at it's best...

One thing I did notice, I powered down yesterday whilst USB was attached, this morning when booting up, I did so without the USB attached, laptop failed to boot, I had to connect the USB drive and it booted up fine.

Key would be to degrade the pool before shutdown, e.g. disconnect USB drive, might try using zpool offline and see how that works.

If I encounter issues, I'll post again.



On 05/ 5/10 09:34 PM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
From: [mailto:zfs-discuss-] On Behalf Of Matt Keenan

Just wondering whether mirroring a USB drive with main laptop disk for
backup purposes is recommended or not.

Plan would be to connect the USB drive, once or twice a week, let it
resilver, and then disconnect again. Connecting USB drive 24/7 would
AFAIK have performance issues for the Laptop.
MMmmm...  If it works, sounds good.  But I don't think it'll work as
expected, for a number of reasons, outlined below.

The suggestion I would have instead, would be to make the external drive its
own separate zpool, and then you can incrementally "zfs send | zfs receive"
onto the external.

Here are the obstacles I think you'll have with your proposed solution:

#1 I think all the entire used portion of the filesystem needs to resilver
every time.  I don't think there's any such thing as an incremental

#2 How would you plan to disconnect the drive?  If you zpool detach it, I
think it's no longer a mirror, and not mountable.  If you simply yank out
the plug ... although that might work, it would certainly be nonideal.  If
you power off, disconnect, and power on ... Again, it should probably be
fine, but it's not designed to be used that way intentionally, so your
results ... are probably as-yet untested.

I don't want to go on.  This list could go on forever.  I will strongly
encourage you to simply use "zfs send | zfs receive" because that's a
standard practice thing to do.  It is known that the external drive is not
bootable this way, but that's why you have this article on how to make it

This would have the added benefit of the USB drive being bootable.
By default, AFAIK, that's not correct.  When you mirror rpool to another
device, by default the 2nd device is not bootable, because it's just got an
rpool in there.  No boot loader.

Even if you do this mirror idea, which I believe will be slower and less
reliable than "zfs send | zfs receive" you still haven't gained anything as
compared to the "zfs send | zfs receive" procedure, which is known to work
reliable with optimal performance.

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