On May 15, 2010, at 2:53 AM, Jan Hellevik wrote:

> I don't think that is the problem (but I am not sure). It seems like te 
> problem is that the ZIL is missing. It is there, but not recognized.
> I used fdisk to create a 4GB partition of a SSD, and then added it to the 
> pool with the command 'zpool add vault log /dev/dsk/c10d0p1'.

Ah, this is critical information! By default, ZFS import does not
look for fdisk partitions.  Hence, your log device is not found.
Since the pool is exported, there is no entry in /etc/zfs/zpool.cache
to give ZFS a hint to look at the fdisk partition.

First, you need to find the partition, because it might have moved
to a new controller. For this example, lets assume the new disk
pathname is c33d0.

        1. verify that you can read the ZFS label on the partition
                zdb -l /dev/dsk/c33d0p1
           you should see 4 labels

        2. create a symlink ending with "s0" to the partition.
                ln -s /dev/dsk/c33d0p1 /dev/dsk/c33d0p1s0

        3. see if ZFS can find the log device
                zpool import

        4. if that doesn't work, let us know and we can do the same trick
           using another name (than c33d0p1s0) or another way, using 
           the -d option to zpool import.

> When I try to import the pool is says the log is missing. When I try to add 
> the log to the pool it says there is no such pool (since it isn't imported 
> yet). Catch22? :-)

By default, Solaris only looks at fdisk partitions with a Solaris2 ID and only
one fdisk partition per disk.
 -- richard

ZFS and NexentaStor training, Rotterdam, July 13-15, 2010

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