-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Marquardt
    In "Some Answered Questions" page 48, Abdul-Baha says the two winesses in 
Revelation 11:3 are Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and 'Ali, son of Abu Talib. I am 
trying to understand the paragraph in "God Passes By" page 49 where it seems to say, 
to my understanding, that Quddus' appearance was anticipated in the revelation of St. 
John the Divine as one of the two witnesses. 

Dear Larry,

Perhaps, just as Ali was foremost among the believers during the lifetime of Muhammad 
(and was elevated by Him to command the faithful), perhaps Quddus was foremost among 
the believers during the lifetime of the Bab (and was elevated by Him to lead the 
faithful in Fort Tabarsi, for example), and in this sense perhaps the latter was the 
same as (or the return of) the former.  (Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha have different 
relationships to the Bab than simply followers or believers during the lifetime of the 
Bab and perhaps are therefore in separate categories from Quddus and all other 
followers of the Bab.)

I think the Baha'i Writings confirm that the Imam Husayn had a higher station than 
Ali, but Ali was contemporaneous with Muhammad.

--- Vaughn

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