I too, agree with the petition!  There NEEDS to be some reining back of some, 
if not A LOT of the HF, as well as VHF & UHF band operators!
  I'm NOT a fan of Internet Radio (IRLP or Echolink).  Internet is NOT Radio!  
A LOT of these IRLP and Echo link nodes are oblivious to the fact that there 
ARE other people using that particular frequency and jump in over the top of 
them.  This can be life threatening in an emergency!
  I'm FOR "some" regulation or regrouping!

Simon Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
          ----- Original Message ----- 

>I will be responding in support of the petition. I do not believe these
> digital modes will be effective in a true national emergency. I do
> believe that they use a disproportionate amount of bandwidth for no real
> advantage. Email at less than 2400 baud is not cutting edge technology.
> In a real national emergency SSB and CW which depend on the operator's
> ear and not external devices are the only dependable modes.

I agree with this petition, the author has given much thought to it.

I also don't think that digital modes will be of much use in an emergency - 
I have often thought that this is just an excuse to promote the technology.

Simon HB9DRV 


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