----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sholto Fisher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <digitalradio@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: FCC: "Petition to Kill Digital Advancement"

>I probably should not get involved but here's a classic example of why
> feelings against Pactor 3 run so high.
> The frequency is 10.140, the mode is PSK31, it is 19:39 UTC today (29th 
> Dec)
> and VE1CDD is in QSO with PJ2MI, N0MNO and KJ7A are on frequency and I am
> calling CQ. A Pactor-1 call up can be heard a little down the band, that's
> not too bad, he is right on the Propnet guys but he's not interfering with
> us. But then the transmission changes straight to Pactor-3 and wipes
> everyone out for at least 5 minutes.
> How can anyone justify running Pactor-3 in a narrow mode segment of the
> bands? there were at least 5 other guys minding their own business running
> PSK31 and all got QRM'ed.

This sounds like a job for WinLink-Watch! 

Stop by and see how to catch Pactor Lids red-handed and display their bad 
behavior for all to see. - They get away with a lot of it because most hams 
have no idea just how severe the problem is.

A screen-shot of four or five QSO's being wiped out by a WinLid will go a 
long way toward getting this problem resolved so that it will no longer be 
an issue.

Nobody has to stand by and put up with this kind of behavior, and once it is 
documented and put on display, it is then impossible to deny.

We have over 5 GB of image storeage at ARWatch... - There's plenty of room, 
so don't be shy... Send us your screenshots of Pactor interference.

(  For other interference/bad operating  issues, stop by at ARWatch. 
http://www.arwatch.com/  )

73 DE Charles, N5PVL

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