[Fedora-join] Introduction: rshadr

2024-05-01 Thread Adrien Ricciardi

Hello! I'm Adrien from Luxembourg, looking to contribute to Fedora Linux.

My first experience with open source was Blender in 2018, then I 
installed Ubuntu in 2021. Among
the distros I've used since then, I stuck with Fedora because it hits a 
nice balance between ease
of use and user control. My main interest is in making Linux more 
accessible to "non-tech" people.

I have been programming for 2 years (mainly in C), know shell scripting, 
git and the classic debugger

tools. My 4 fluent languages are French, Luxembourgish, German and English.

Time-wise, I expect to be spending 5-6 hours a week on Fedora 
contributions; as I'm still in school,

this may  vary depending on exams.

I look towards fixing upstream bugs in programs (like GNOME terminal) at 
some point, but will try my hand at translations in French and 
Luxembourgish when I get started. Looking towards working with

all you cool people!
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[Fedora-join] Introduction / Hello fellow fedorians!! :)

2024-04-25 Thread rad
Hello everyone!

My name is Ali, my online username is radbirb, and I go by Rad more often than 
not online, moving aside names, I have been involved in the Linux and FOSS 
worlds as a user since 2017! Though I've been off and on with Linux since 2017 
up until 2021, where I've gone full focus back on the Linux desktop as my daily 
driver. I've been active in various Discord and Reddit communities surrounding 
the Linux desktop, discussing things, hanging out with friends, and providing 
help / support to people who need it in support channels. I've also written a 
few (now outdated) guides and, very recently, reworked the KDE wiki page on the 
Fedora Wiki (my first Fedora contribution :O). I am currently looking at 
contributing mostly in writing documentation and other related tasks like 
article writing (possibly writing stuff for the Fedora Magazine? :P), possibly 
promo stuff for the project? who knows! Though I am currently learning Python 
and looking forward to doing Compsci (or IT) in university, maybe I'll expand 
beyond writing-related tasks in regards to contribution sooner or later.

Fedora Linux is my main choice of OS, with my preferred desktop being KDE 
Plasma (KDE spin FTW!!), though OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and Arch Linux are other 
distros I like using, and despite my main choice of desktop being Plasma, I'd 
say I'm also well versed in navigating and using GNOME (I am currently typing 
this from a Tumbleweed system running GNOME 46) so I hold both desktops in high 
regard despite my preference.

I always knew about Fedora ever since I started my Linux journey back in 2017, 
but I didn't check it out until 2021, mostly pushed by the fact that my first 
Linux install in ages (KDE Neon) was broken by a mishandled-by-Neon update, and 
the Akademy talk held by Neal Gompa 
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Laat0XoWZE) also convinced me on using 
Fedora. I've spent the majority of my time on Fedora using the KDE spin, and I 
semi regularly hang out in the KDE SIG matrix channel. I also regularly 
recommend Fedora and help with Fedora within the communities I active in.

My skills that could help the project in non-tech related areas revolve around 
my language proficiency and my ability to make incredibly rough mockups for 
demonstration purposes due to my very-not-good art skills :D. English is indeed 
my second language (Arabic being my native language as I am Lebanese), but I 
find myself to be very good at it, I often write essays, poems and slowly, 
stories. I think that my english is (un/fortunately?) my best language, so I'd 
like to make use of that to help where I can.
In regards to tech related skills, I am familiar with the command line, the 
greater desktop Linux ecosystem, I have (atm) basic Python skills and I've done 
testing for both KDE Plasma 6 and Fedora 40 during their test days.

I am very new to mailing lists, as this is basically my first one (unless you 
count bugzilla threads as such ,:P), so a lot of learning to be done there. 
Discord is my most used real time chat platform, but I have a Matrix account 
that I frequent and will probably become more active on as time goes on.

Discord: @radbirb
matrix: radbirb:fedora.im

I look forward to being part of this community! :),
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[Fedora-join] Introduction and hello !

2024-01-30 Thread Krzysztof Kuberski
I’m Chris. I've been in IT for the last 4 years. My first steps in Linux/Unix 
were in 2005 when I was managing some game servers. Desktop experience started 
also in 2005 from probably Mandriva desktop (don’t really remember :) ).
Currently working in the RHEL environment which I really like for its maturity 
and configuration options. 
Never been into any open source project, mostly there was lack of time for 
other activities.
I can help in Fedora to create, maintain or manage current projects in all 
areas close to the Operating System.
Skills? Python, very basic of C, how os protos work, probably many more which 
is related to the Linux kernel and also some stuff in the SysAdmin area as this 
is my daily job.
In private? Father, husband, sci-fi enthusiast :)
I have never use mailing list and this is weird because I remember token ring 
networks and all 2000 chaos ;-)
Hope it will be good to be here !

See you, Chris!
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[Fedora-join] Introduction and Request to Join

2023-10-20 Thread Osama Albahrani
Hello Fedora Join SIG!

My name is Osama Albahrani, a computer science student at North Carolina
State University, and the Treasurer of the NCSU Linux Users' Group (LUG)
. I recently got involved in trying to give back to
Fedora; things like trying to system-upgrade to Rawhide
, testing dual-booting
macOS and Fedora 39

(actually triple-booting now alongside macOS and Windows and it still
works), patching Homebrew to run on Silverblue (upstreamed
!), and a couple minor changes
in scripts (updating
 a shebang, and
another). I also plan to package Hyfetch
 soon, still trying to figure out
the details.

I wanted to modify QA:Testcase_dualboot_with_macOS
 to update
the Disk Utility details to reflect the interfase in the newer macOS
version. However I got the "your account must have at least one non cla*
group to be able to login and edit" message when trying to log in. I was
interested in joining the Fedora Join SIG for a bit, so I guess this email
is my request to do so. Not sure if this SIG is "non cla*" but I am
interested in joining either way.

Looking forward to further contributing to Fedora!

Osama Albahrani
Computer Science BS '24
Treasurer - Linux Users' Group (LUG)
North Carolina State University
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[Fedora-join] Introduction: Mike Barkas

2023-10-17 Thread Mike Barkas

Hello everyone, my name is Mike and I live in Central Florida

I have approximately 10 years experience as a developer, mostly web
applications and have contributed to open source projects. When not working
with computers I enjoy flying. I am a flight instructor and have other
pilot licenses. I am also trying to get better at golf.


I have managed LAMP stacks for web applications (mostly Drupal) and have
fundamental skills with some DevOps tools like Terraform, Ansible,
containers, and k8s

I am comfortable with command line, Git, Go, Python, Bash, and currently
relearning C


I recently quit my job so I can dedicate time to learn Linux internals and
systems programming.

My goal is to build relationships in the open source community while
developing my skills.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2023-05-29 Thread Ian Meyer
- your experience with Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) 

    - have you participated in FOSS before, or is this the first time?

        -- This is my first time actively participating in the Free and 
Open-Source Software community

    - how do you imagine your place in a FOSS community?

        -- I envision myself as a healthy contributor to the Free 
Software community, utilizing my current proficiency in the English 
language to serve as a translator. My aim is to assist individuals who 
may not be familiar with the language, facilitating a more accessible 
and inclusive environment. I aspire to leverage this opportunity to 
enhance my collaborative teamwork skills and refine my communication 

- your background/skills, for example:

   - Operating System (Do you use GNU/Linux as your main OS? Is Fedora 
Linux your main distribution?)

        -- GNU/Linux is my primary OS, and specifically, Fedora Linux 
is my preferred distribution.

    - non-software development: design (Inkscape/Gimp/?), 
music/video/podcasting, marketing, language proficiency

        -- In addition to being proficient in the English language, I 
also consider myself creative, I find it easy to write and create 
stories and poems. In both English and Portuguese, my native language

    - software development related: command line, version control: 
git/hg/svn/?, rpm/packaging, programming languages/frameworks/utilities, 
testing, infrastructure/sysadmin

        -- I am currently in university, taking a course in Game 
Development. I do not enjoy programming, however. I prefer to write 
stories, as stated above. I know the basics of git, having used Github 
for my university assignments. And recently, for creating my own fedora 
post-installation bash script (albeit extremely simple). I also am 
currently taking the CS50 Opencourseware to try and learn coding. 
Although I may not possess advanced programming skills or the desire to 
develop software, I recognize the advantages of acquiring coding 

    - your experience in communication platforms:

        - have you used mailing lists before?

            -- No, this is my first time using and knowing about 
mailing lists

        - what is your preferred real time chat platform?

            -- I have no preference for a communication platform

        - how much time are you looking to/are you able to spend on 
volunteering (approximate hours per week)?

            -- While I do not typically set rigid goals, I am willing 
to dedicate a minimum of 1 to 2 hours per week to volunteering. I don't 
have a limit to how many hours I am willing to contribute. While "as 
much as I can" is not a valid answer, I do look forward to contribute my 
time and effort into the project

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[Fedora-join] Introduction - Brian Carey

2023-03-28 Thread Brian Carey
Hi everyone,

I'm Brian, 32 years of age and I come from the beautiful west coast of Ireland. 
Currently working as a software engineer and living in Dublin, Ireland. 
Interests (outside of tech) include photography, rugby, cooking, reading, 
coffee, casual gaming & taking my cat, Toddy, for walks.

I have been trying to remember when I first came across the Fedora project. I 
think it was about 8 or 9 years ago while I was working at my first company - 
all of the workstations had CentOS 6 installed which was nice and stable but I 
was looking for something with fresher packages and my search quickly led me to 
Fedora. I have been pretty much using Fedora as my main OS since then. These 
days I'm running a number of Fedora variants here at home including Silverblue, 
Workstation, Server and ARM. Fedora has allowed me to learn so much over the 
years and that is one of the reasons why I want to contribute back.

My day job involves working with the KubeVirt community as one of the CI 
maintainers for the project so I do have some experience working with open 
source software communities. Most of my previous work has been focused around 
the areas of CI/CD, Automation, Tooling and Infrastructure (including 
production cloud and bare-metal environments). I am also reasonably comfortable 
with Go, Rust and Python. I would be interested in contributing to Fedora in 
these areas but also in other areas of the project such as Docs and QA.

For communication platforms, I have experience using mailing lists and I find 
them quite useful. No strong feelings towards any chat platforms really. I have 
joined Matrix so you should be able to find me there(brianmcarey).

Initially I would be looking to commit to about 4 hours a week and depending on 
how that goes maybe increase it over time. If anyone has a good first issue 
which they think might be a nice fit for me after that brief introduction, 
please let me know. For now, I am going to join a few of the relevant mailing 
lists & matrix rooms to get a better idea of the processes and how the 
community works together.

Kind regards,Brian
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[Fedora-join] Introduction for Thorsten from Germany (thopan)

2023-01-19 Thread Thorsten Panknin


I'm Thorsten from Northern Germany, male, 48 years old, and I'm looking 
into joining Fedora in order to contribute to the OS I am using.

My interest in the Fedora community and projects was sparked by the 
current Creative Freedom Summit, its sessions and the interactions. 
Especially with Martin Owens of the Inkscape project who's coded the 
multi-page feature for Inkscape 1.2. Directly communicating with a 
person behind the scenes is an awesome thing.

My hobbies include
Science Fiction in books, movies and gamesTabletop roleplaying gamesI'm 
also one of the two editors of a hobby online magazine called 
Lovecrafter Online. It's a project of the German Lovecraftian Society 
of which I've been a member of for several years. I'm more interested 
in the cosmic horror side of things, not so much in the author who 
started the sub-genre

I've been using Fedora since version 36, coming from Manjaro Linux. I 
really like that:
Fedora as a distribution feels so integrated and smooth,yet is on the 
forefront of technology. I like regular and lots of updates to software 
which Fedora provides without being a rolling release distribution.

I have a little experience with FOSS communities or ecosystems I'd say:
Many, many years ago I translated a few blog posts to German for the 
XMPP communityAnd worked on a graphical redesign of  a Linux 
distribution's website whose name I actually have forgotten already.

That is what I am looking for:
Being involved in "my" OS, hopefully making a (small) differenceWorking 
in a team with regular communication and interaction, preferably not 
text-onlyI imagine my place in a FOSS community as being interactive 
and socialPossibly being involved in translating texts to German, not 
sure which sorts of text (Fedora magazine articles perhaps, rather 
something which can be done incrementally like pages or articles of 
something–no humongous material which needs ages to work through in 
one go, please)Possibly getting back into design, I like Inkscape and 
am currently getting into Penpot. I'd like to get into typography and 
informational knowledge transfer (e.g. design which focuses on 
legibility, clearness, helping people learn things via text and images)

As far as software development related things go:
I had some exposure to version control systems, but am not really 
comfortable using those for some unknown reason, this might change with 
some training

Experience in communication platforms:
I have used mailing lists before and already registered to the Join 
SIG's oneAs far as messaging goes, I'm a Signal user and, via the 
Creative Freedom Summit, have started using Matrix which I am getting 
comfortable with

As far as invested hours per week go, I'm not sure. Maybe one to two 
for starters.



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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2022-12-01 Thread vdwemil
Hi all,

My name is Emil van der Westhuizen. I am a computer engineering graduate from 
South Africa. I work full time as a full stack web developer. I'm interested in 
getting more exposure to/learning about developing services, applications (gtk 
and command line), and lower level system components.

Experience with Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) communities/ecosystems:
This will be my first time contributing to an open source project.

I hope to learn a lot and make more and more significant
contributions to the open source projects that I love and use on a
daily basis.

If anyone would be kind enough to offer some mentorship and help me
get on my feet with the fedora project and making contributions, I
would be very grateful.

I've only been using Linux (and some FreeBSD) operating
systems for 7 years now. Fedora is my distribution of choice and
it's what I use on my personal machines.

I'm proficient with Linux and administering it from the command
line. I'm very familiar with git and use it daily.

Programming languages I mainly use and have experience with:
- Python
- Javascript (and some frontend frameworks, mostly Vue)
- Rust

Experience in communication platforms:
- I have not used mailing lists before.
- I'm open to using any chat platform but do prefer open source solutions.
- I've not moderated or administered forums before.
- I will be setting a target of contributing 2 to 4 hours a week minimum and 
work my way up to contributing more.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2022-11-07 Thread Marco Sgobino
Hello people,

I'm Marco Sgobino, a CS student from Italy. I have been a Linux user
for almost 5 years, with practically the entire time having a Fedora
system installed somewhere. For sure, my main machine has been running
Fedora for 4 years straight, while I sometimes toyed with other
operating systems. I always install the Workstation edition, but I am
also a happy user of Sway window manager.

I really like this operating system, to the point I'm suggesting it to
many friends and colleagues who want a much more flexible and powerful
system or are willing to find alternatives to throwing their pc in the
trash due to Windows planned obsolescence (despite not being labeled as
'lightweight distro' or 'minimal distro', Fedora runs well on decades
old hardware). I got to know Fedora by simply looking at the ubiquitous
distro recommendations, it was suggested almost everywhere.

I would love to help the Fedora Project in some areas I could be
inclined to, that are programming and package maintaining. I have
knowledge in Java, C and C++ and I'm planning to learn some Python as
well. I write bash scripts sometimes, although not in complex ways yet.
In particular, I would like to start maintaining some packages I find
useful, especially `starship` (which appears to not be in Fedora
anymore from 37) and some Sway related utilities such as `wallutils`. I
am willing to learn anything useful and anything required for the task,
either from the programming/maintaining side and from the
security/conventions of community side.

Sadly, this semester is specially tough for me; I don't want to indulge
in classic student's complaining, but I really have to focus on a big
pile of exams before attempting serious work on Fedora Community.
Still, I would like to get the feet wet with the community, following
exchanges of messages, possibly learning required skills in midtime. I
will be really glad to help the moment I have the chance in the future.
What are the required skills and what are some useful
places/informations to look up for the task I will carry? In which
other areas can I help?

Thanks in advance to all Fedora Contributors and Fedora People that
make this software distribution not only possible, but also great.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2022-10-27 Thread Shashank Kirtania
Hello everyone,
I am Shashank Kirtania from India (UTC +05:30).
I am currently in my senior year majoring in computer engineering. I had my
first interaction with Linux in 2019 with CentOS and have been using Fedora
35 as my daily driver for quite a while now. Most of my academic and
research interest lies in applied machine learning but for the past year I
have been intrigued by open source softwares and have collaborated on PyMC
which is a python library for Bayesian modeling.
I am fluent in C++, python and C and I feel I should try my best to
contribute back to the community by working on relevant projects for
fedora. I can collaborate on any project that is relevant to my skill set.
I am open to learning from the community and giving back to it by
contributing to it.
I am on Element with username 5hv5hvnk, I am open to mails and messages on

Best Regards
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[Fedora-join] Introduction: Hello, I am Said

2022-10-27 Thread Said Urtabajev

Hello to everyone,

I am Said Urtabajev from Estonia.

I am systems engineer (or sysadmin, or ops) turned to software engineer. 
In software engineering I a mstill junior, no doubt in that, but I have 
been doing IT work since 2000. I started as local network/workstation 
administrator and then moved to further supporting hosting environments 
in local telco and then moved to private company to manage 
infrastructure supporting their product. As things evolved then that 
support seemed to be kind of Software Engineering and now my work is 
mostly about developing compliance and automation tools.

My experience with FOSS communities/ecosystems is non-existent. I have 
been passive user. It is time to change that.

Unsorted bits and pieces about my skills/interests outside of daily job 
aka background skills:

- I am freelance photographer who sometimes helps also write some 
articles (mostly agriculture and travelling).
- I have enjoyed doing sales job on different fairs, design and farmers 
markets, during recent years.
- I met Linux first at 1998 when I installed Red Hat 5.1 code named 
Manhattan on my first i486.
- Later I used Slackware, tried Corel Linux, Progeny Linux, then for 
some period I was FreeBSD user, then Debian came and finally I stayed on 
Arch Linux as my main home desktop system.
- Fedora has been always besides those all since forking from Red Hat 
Linux 9. Mostly as system for work desktops/laptops.

- Bash is shell what I am still using.
- I have done some small work as package maintainer for internal tooling 
at my workplaces. Rpm, but mostly deb packaging were used.
- Programming languages I have used for my daily work as systems 
engineer have been: Perl, Python, Ruby.

- I have knowledge and experience of using Ansible and Chef.
- When I started transitioning to software engineer then my first job 
was take over long forgotten frontend and design and develop bit better 
one using Angular.

- Later I was involved in designing and creating frontend using React.
- Working with frontends was interesting but did not last long enough to 
obtain good understanding of modern web but it widened my knowledge. I 
would gladly expand this knowledge.

- Currently I have been involved with projects using .NET Core a lot.
- I have some limited knowledge about Docker, Kubernetes and 
systemd-nspawn when I need to talk about containerization.
- From list of source code management software I have limited experience 
with Apache Subversion, met briefly Mercurial and now daily driver is Git.
- Still kind of green with all single board computers and ARM platforms 
but those are in my list of interests.

Communication platforms.
- Mailinglists: I have met them, have still subscriptions in some but 
never have been big user.
- IRC: fell in love after Estonian usenet ceased to exists and it was 
better than telnet talkers.
- Telegram: has been main communications platform for me as people do 
not use IRC much anymore. Same time it is not preferred.
- Matrix: main goal is to replace Telegram with Matrix. Freedom, you 
know, and it is called modern IRC.

Realistic volunteering time for me can be about four hours a week. That 
is in balance with my employers wishes, my family and my own capabilities.


P.S. Said is not name in my passport. It has been my nickname 25 years 
already and most of my friends/acquiantances know me only by this name. 
It is also name I use it for my freelance work. Same time it not for 
problem for me to use my citizen name.

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[Fedora-join] Introduction - Ramiro

2022-10-24 Thread Ramiro Antonio

Hi everyone!

I'm Ramiro Antonio, 29, from Argentina.

I'm a software engineer with more than 10 years using Linux. I really 
like to tinker a lot with things. I have tried many distros and a few 
months ago I just picked Fedora as my distro in my personal computer. I 
have worked some time ago with CentOS and I really liked it, so I 
thought that I had to give Fedora a chance.

Today I work mostly developing in Java, some NodeJS and a bit of Python. 
Also I'm participating in a DevOps team at my work, trying to automatize 
certain processes so developers don't have to deal with them. Also I'm 
learning Ansible and Terraform.

Lastly I was interested a bit in software packaging, how the yum and apt 
repos work, the steps that a developer has to follow to package their 
app and distribute it. Also I read a bit about Flatpak and snap. I like 
to have the latest versions of everything to try new features and I am 
really interested on how collaborators are working to test them and make 
them available to everyone the fastest as possible.

So I think most of my work is done thanks to wonderful people 
collaborating to open source projects and I really like to give at least 
some of my time to try to be like them and give back a little. So I 
really like to know how I can help with the Fedora project.

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[Fedora-join] Introduction - Vengad

2022-09-20 Thread Vengadanathan Srinivasan
Hello All, 

This is Vengadanathan. You can call me Vengad. 

I'm currently working as a software engineer from Bangalore, India. I have 
around 9yrs of experience building large scale distributed systems. Worked on 
search technologies (Lucene, Elastisearch), core infra platforms (B/G 
deployment orchestration, monitoring and alerting systems) and later on 
security aspects like hardening posture of cloud services (sandboxing, 
credential access restriction etc) and enabling of various AuthN/Z mechanisms. 
I'm well versed in Go, Java etc and have hands on experience in Infra and Cloud 

Fedora is is my current OS of choice and I'm in love of it. This is the first 
FOSS community i am participating :). Wanted to contribute to open source world 
by contributing and learn new things at the same time.

I'm willing to spend 10-12 hrs per week for the same.  Looking forward to be 
part of the community.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction (user: cimat-jr)

2022-08-16 Thread Miguel Serrano
I'm enthusiastic about science and computers.I like some sports like
cycling and F1 and I enjoy playing video games and learning about new
advancements in science and technology. This year I am going to start a
computer science degree.

I first experienced Linux and FOSS thanks to a raspberry pi. I really liked
the idea of being able to see and change the code of software. Besides, I
like how one can adapt Linux to run from the most powerful computer on
earth to embedded devices.
My journey with the Linux desktop began when I received an external drive
where I could install Linux without messing with Windows. I installed
Ubunto where I learnt the basics of Linux and six months after I installed
Arch. Also, I was annoyed with the fact that I needed to connect the
external drive whenever I wanted to use Linux so I installed it alongside
Windows on the internal drive.

Fast forward to two month ago, I installed Fedora, which I knew thanks to
Youtube and Reddit, because I wanted an out of the box configured Linux
distro as in I did not have much time to spend configuring it. The most
decisive factor was its intention of pushing the Linux desktop forward and
adopting new technologies rapidly. Another factor was its up to date
packages. Currently, I am trying Fedora silverblue as its premise seems
very interesting.

I have used several FOSS projects although I never contributed to them. I
have always wanted to contribute back to FOSS projects but I was
overwhelmed. I would like to push the open source software further,
especially the Linux desktop and Fedora.

I have basic programming skills in Python and Go, which I have used in some
basic personal projects. Currently I am learning a bit of Rust. I also know
some basic knowledge of git. Last, I am comfortable using the command line
and know how to do some basic stuff. I am also eager to learn any skill
necessary or helpful and new knowledge while I contribute.

Regarding the mailing list, I have never used a mailing list. I do not have
a prefered real time chat platform although I have set up matrix/element
and have a discord account. Furthermore, I have never moderated or
administered any forum. I do not know exactly how much time  I will spend
volunteering. It is a difficult question to answer as it would greatly vary
depending on the mood, personal life, etc. However, I would happily spend
at least 2-4 hours per week as stated in the "How to be a successful
contributor" page.

I hope I do not bother anyone or bore any readers.

Thanks for reading and the help.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction - arctifox

2022-05-20 Thread Matthias Schett
Helly everyone,

My name is Matthias and I currently live in Washington, DC. My professional 
background is within the transportation/rail industry, but originally started 
within IT which is also how I got to use Linux in the first place.

I have first started using Linux in 2005 or so with SUSE. Since then I have 
switched back and forth between multiple distributions and also used MacOS and 
Windows for some time on my personal computers. While using Linux, I was mainly 
using Ubuntu-based systems, but in May 2021 I switched to Fedora after F34 was 
released and have been using Fedora since then. I'm frequently using the 
command line but often just for simple things as it's just faster than some 
graphical tools.

After I've been benefiting from open source software, I now want to contribute 
as well. I have a bit of a programming background (Java, Python and VBA), but 
my interests within contributing to Fedora are more within writing, translation 
(my native language is German) and/or internationalization - I'm not completely 
sure yet about which field would suit me best.

The time I am able to commit will vary over time. I am happy to aim for at 
least 4 hours every week, but if time allows it can also be more than that.

I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know everyone here and becoming 
part of the team.

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[Fedora-join] Introduction - @dkvc22

2022-05-18 Thread Dhanush Kovi
I'm Dhanush Kovi, a Fedora enthusiast since 2 years. I'm currently looking into 
contributing to Fedora Project via updating documentation, QA 
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Join), working with upstream projects to fix 
bugs or maybe even talk in Fedora Podcast (if possible). I like tinkering with 
various things and nature.

I've beginner experience with Java & Python. I'm currently studying in 
University in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Having 
less experience with machine learning, I'm willing to learn and tinker to 
contribute to ML-SIG.

I've learnt about Fedora project while looking for a linux distribution that 
satisfies my needs. As an avid lover of Fedora and a passionate linu, I want to 
make more users needs satisfying by contributing to Fedora Project. I made lot 
of users in my university to use Fedora and they're more happy than before.

It's my first time contributing to FOSS. I imagine myself as a long-term 
successful contributor to the FOSS community.

I use Fedora Workstation as my main system with a few VMs for testing - Fedora 
Silverblue and Fedora Rawhide.
I consider myself to be proficient enough to communicate my ideas with others 
in English. Despite I had never done Podcasts, I'd love to inspire community 
participation in Fedora Podcast (if it is possible to participate in Fedora 
I consider myself to have intermediate command line experience, basic 
experience with git and advanced beginner proficiency in Java and Python.

Its my first time using mailing lists. You can contact me on Matrix. I've 
moderated as a contributor to less known forums.

Initially, I'm willing to spend 2-4 hours per week. I'll gradually increase a 
bit after increasing my experience with the project.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction: u3jun

2022-04-09 Thread 内野純
Hello everyone,
I'm a server infrastructure engineer both on On-Prem and Cloud environments
since 2011 in Japan.
I have mainly work on  Linux OS(RHEL, CentOS, Amazon Linux) and
personally use Fedora Workstation as my HomeLab and a KVM host.

I hope I can contribute to the community. Where should I start?

Best regards,
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2022-03-27 Thread Ashray V
Hi Team/Members,

My name is Ashray V and I am from India (GMT:5:30+ Asia Kolkata).
I have a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science.
Languages I am good at are C, CPP and Java. Along with Bash and Python (I
am still learning).

I have 4 years of experience in coding for Android Framework, AOSP Porting,
HAL, BSP, Linux, Linux Kernel, Device Drivers and Embedded Technologies.

And Fedora being one of my favorite Open Source Platform. I love to make
contributions in code and documentation.

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[Fedora-join] Introduction/Getting in contact with leadership

2022-03-23 Thread Sung Jun Noh

My name is Sung Jun and I'm a student and a hobbyist programmer. I've been
using Linux on and off for about 6 years now, starting with Ubuntu
derivatives on my poor old Pavilion laptop. I've also been programming,
mainly with Java and Python, for around the same time.

I'm unfortunately not planning to directly contribute to the Fedora
project. However, I would like to potentially explore the Fedora project as
for my coursework, which requires me to do primary market research from an
organization. I wasn't sure what was the best channel for such inquiries,
but I figured fedora-join could be appropriate.

I'd like to get in touch and arrange interviews with the Fedora leadership
(Fedora council, engineering committee, and/or mindshare committee), as
well as surveys amongst willing contributors at large as part of coursework
requirements. The coursework is to be completed by next fall - so they are
at liberty to select a time as they see fit, while being mindful of their
other obligations. However, I'd like to get something arranged by April
4th, when the research proposal is due. So, please help me get in contact
with the right people.

Thank you for helping me out.

Best regards,
Sung Jun

Twitter: https://twitter.com/0som8
Github: https://github.com/0something0
Discord: 0som (find me on the Fedora discord!)
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2022-03-22 Thread Nishant Mishra
Hello Team,

I am Nishant Mishra , I am a long time Linux Enthusiast starting in 2014 , My 
First Linux Distribution was Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I have never looked back. I 
want to contribute code  for the Fedora Workstation Group as I want to learn 
the workings of a Distribution Devlopment Group. My Current Daily Driver is 
Fedora 35 Workstation  and I am an aspiring SystemAdmin. I am skilled in 
Python,C++,C. Looking Forward to working with this beautiful community ! I 
learnt about Fedora Project when I discovered this beautuiful distro
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2022-01-09 Thread Ian Porter
Hi all

My name is Ian and I have been using linux for the past 20 years, love it
for what it stands for but haven't actually contributed before but want to

I am able to program in a few languages and also DB's etc, not sure what
part of the fedora project I could help out with? as my biggest problem is
finding a project to work on.

Are there any areas that I could assist with?

Ian Porter

T : +44 (0) 7743577960
E : i...@codingfriends.com
W : http://www.codingfriends.com
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2021-10-18 Thread Subhangi Choudhary
Hello everyone,
I am Subhangi Choudhary aged 23 years from India. I have graduated this
year in Electronics Engineering from CET Bhubaneswar, India. I secured an
overall rank of 6th all over the world in GirlScript Summer of Code this
year where I contributed to multiple open source projects on tech-stacks
like Python, Flask and React. I also secured 36th rank all over India in
IIT Patna Winter of Code. I have also participated in many other open
source programs like IIT Kharagpur Winter of Code, DevScript, Script Winter
of Code, GWOC. I was also a mentor to an International community called
Mentors Without Borders where I taught coding to underprivileged students.
I was also a Teaching Assistant where I taught full stack web development
to students. I have knowledge in Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JS, React and
Node.js. I got selected in Outreachy for the contribution period and am
very excited to join the Fedora Community and contribute to its Projects.

I love contributing to open source projects and participating in programs
as I believe it helps to get us to explore more and be proficient in our
tech-stacks and gain knowledge from the experienced mentors of the
community. I am working on the project 2: Revamp web application to
aggregate and distribute IRC meeting minutes and logs as it matches my
skill set. I will try my best and contribute as much as I can to the
community. Thank you! and Regards.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2021-10-17 Thread Hafsat Ajia-Egbeyemi

   Name: Hafsat

   Time Zone / Country: UTC + 1/Nigeria

   Basic skills and experiences: I am a Lawyer by training but I have been
   on the Programming journey for a year plus, so I fancy myself a developer
   at heart.
   I have knowledge of HTML, CSS, basic Javascript and some React

   Why you’re joining: I have been fascinated with the concept of Free Open
   Source contribution since I started my programming journey. I love the
   concept of working in a community to make positive changes that will
   benefit everyone.
   The reason why I am particularly interested in being a part of
   NeuroFedora is that I align with the aim of making the Fedora platform
   available for the use of scientific research.
   I hope to be able to improve my skills, while contributing to the
   success of the use of Fedora as an Operating System, worldwide.

   What you’re looking to do (be specific):  #391 Check translations for
   NeuroFedora web pages

   How much time you can contribute (usually hours per week):  10 hrs/week
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[Fedora-join] Introduction of Mahij(@khallnayak)

2021-09-06 Thread Mahij Momin
Hi All,
My name is Mahij and I am a techno-lover and love to automate stuff. I love not 
only to code but also design and architect simple yet robust solution for 
simple recurring problems.
I mainly code in python but I also want to explore Go. I love making ansible 
playbooks for simple automation want to learn more about it. I recently 
installed Fedora and loved how it feels(Looks like I will stay on Fedora for 
quite a long now)
I am new here and would love to see how I can help Fedora with my skills and 
along the way, make new friends. 
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[Fedora-join] Introduction Avnish (FAS: apal)

2021-08-27 Thread Avnish Pal
Hello Everyone. I'm Avnish. I graduated recently with CS Degree.

I was introduced to programming (python) in high school but I took a break from 
it for about a year.
After which I was introduced to Fedora by my friend since then I am using it as 
my main OS.

Previously, I have done some open source contributions to projects like 
flaskerizer (python library for converting bootstrap templates to flask 
applications) and some other small projects.
I like to work on web applications and python based projects but I would also 
like to test myself on C/C++.

This is my portfolio: https://bovem.netlify.app/
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[Fedora-join] Introduction David, FAS nick the0val

2021-08-10 Thread David Agardh
Hi Fedora! 
My name is David (he/him) and I’m a 19 yo from Skåne, Sweden. I graduated from 
the Swedish counterpart to high school this past spring. I’ve been programming 
since I was 14 or so and in high school I took a few courses in in programming 
and computer technology which broadened my perspective on tech. My favorite 
language is Go, but I’ve also learned C, made a few web projects with 
JavaScript and done some mathy/sciency programming with Python.

I’ve been using Linux full time since roughly march of 2020 (when school went 
virtual and I got to make my own setup) and I switched to Fedora last fall. 
Since F34 I’ve been running Silverblue on my main machine and I’m loving it. I 
also recently installed Fedora Server on an old computer to do some home server 
tasks. I’ve enjoyed the small amount of system administration that has entailed 
and I want to learn more about sysadmin/devops things in the future.

As someone learning to program, and just as a general computer user, open 
source software has been invaluable to me, and now I want to give back in 
whatever ways I can. I attended Nest with Fedora to get some idea of what’s 
being worked on, but I couldn’t watch all the sessions I wanted because of my 
IRL schedule (hopefully the videos will be published soon). I’m currently most 
interested in programming, packaging or infrastructure contributions. I could 
also help with Swedish translation.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction - Vaibhav Sharma (FAS ID : vaibhavsharma)

2021-06-22 Thread Vaibhav Sharma
Hey there !! I am Vaibhav Sharma from India. I have just finished high school 
and I am a beginner in competitive programming. I have been using Linux for the 
past 2 years and Fedora for the past 10 months. I really love Fedora and it's 
community and want to contribute to Fedora and other open-source projects and 
become a part of this community.
I love the philosophy behind FOSS software. I have beginner knowledge of C++, 
HTML, CSS and JavaScript and Intermediate knowledge of C, Python and Java. My 
other interests are in Discrete Mathematics, Cosmology and Observational 

Thank you,
Vaibhav Sharma
FAS ID : vaibhavsharma
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[Fedora-join] Introduction: Pete Buffon

2021-06-03 Thread Peter Buffon
Hi my name is Pete,


I am looking to change careers from winemaking into system
administration/DevOps and I would like to gain some real world experience
by joining the Fedora Infrastructure team.  I use Fedora every day and it
would be great to give back to the community.

My skills right now include Linux System Administration, Python,
containers, VMs, and a little bit of infrastructure as code.  I mess around
with my homelab, and am currently taking online courses as well as studying
for the RHCSA.

I would like to learn about maintaining and building systems, CI/CD
pipelines, infrastructure as code, and containers.  I also have interests
in security, cryptography, and web development.

I'm looking to contribute 4 - 8 hours a week.

Pete Buffon
unamelinux.com (personal blog)
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2021-05-25 Thread Natacha Rault
Hi, I'm Nattes living in Geneva, Switzerland. I am half French and half 
British, and  currently working at the University of Geneva in a service 
dedicated to dual careers in order to facilitate retention of women academics 
and researchers. 

I made my first steps in the free software movement by setting up workshops to 
teach women how to contribute to Wikipedia during a mandate I had from the 
University's Diversity and Inclusion office. I still teach this in a 4 year 
assignment at the Gender Studies department financed by the Swiss National 
Science Foundation. 

I am very passionate about issues concerning the gender gap and promoting 
inclusion, as well as helping newbies to find their own way in complex and 
sometimes not very friendly projects. I am very interested in the way Fedora is 
doing this, with a clear defined process and very admirative of the Fedora 

I have had a few friends telling me how "fedorable" this community was, but 
since I was invited at the Fedora week of diversity last October, I have felt 
very shy because I am not a coder. Someone proposed that I translate docs, and 
I first I thought it would be pretty boring for an unpaid activity. But then as 
I do want to use free software more, and learn Python, I thought I could manage 
a win win approach by first translating  documents that a newbie would stumble 
upon when joining your community. 

Apart from that I love reading (sci fi and feminist stuff above all), swimming 
and kayak, and playing Animal Crossing. 

I look forward to knowing more about Fedora!
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[Fedora-join] Introduction of my person (Andi Artz)/FAS_Account:andilinux

2021-05-13 Thread Andreas Artz
Good Evening together!

I want to give a short introduction my person after joining Fedora Join

My name is Andi Artz, 31 years old (male), living in Germany. I am
married happily with my hussy.

Myself I have ADHD and Asperger-Autism and other stuff xD But this
would be too long to list them all up :D

I am a Freelancer and I am working as a Tutor/Teacher and doing some IT

The way to Fedora community is not really new tbh. I have started using
Fedora 28 and I have been really impressed about the community and
Fedora as an OS itself. Unfortunatly, maybe other know it as well I
started distro-hopping.
Luckily,  last year I started using Fedora 33 again due a very good
friend of mine.
After participating on this years F34 release party, I have felt
encouraged to started participating on Fedora.

In Fedora I am also in the brand new F34 i3-spin group and testing the
spin and sharing my upcoming ideas or reporting bugs.
Another group is Fedora Podcast, Fedora D Team, Fedora QA.

I am looking forward and having a great time with you all together!

See you soon in the group chats or the next meetings!


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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2021-04-29 Thread sumanttulshibagwale
Hello everyone,
I am Sumant Tulshibagwale, I just completed my B.E. in Computers and am 
currently working as a Flutter developer. I am using fedora for a year now and 
am very fascinated by the idea of how people work together to build something 
this amazing. I was introduced to open source and especially fedora by a friend 
and  a fellow fedora user.While using fedora I also understood the importance 
of privacy and why and how important it is to be able to select the softwares 
we use and have a control on the data that we generate.Thank you for making me 
a part of this wonderful community!

 Sumant Tulshibagwale
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2021-04-16 Thread Luk Claes

My name is Luk Claes, but please call me Luk.
I'm living in Ghent, Belgium working at the university hospital as a
I have more than 20 years of experience with Debian (I used to be a major
contributor), but I switched to RedHat based systems since my new job
(about 9 months ago).
I would like to help with packaging.
Usually I have at least 4 hours a week to spare to contribute.


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[Fedora-join] Introduction from Hristo Marinov

2021-03-07 Thread Hristo Marinov
Hi, my name is Hristo Marinov and I live in Sofia, Bulgaria. I'm currently 
working in optical disc manufacturing, where I implement different roles 
including machinery maintenance, software applications development, network and 
system administration. I also develop web applications, that I host on my own 
servers. I look forward to joining the Fedora community and contributing to 
this project.
Besides machines and software I like mountains, running, biking and photography.

Thanks and Regards,

Hristo Marinov
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2021-02-28 Thread Diana Vazquez Romo
Hey guys, my name is Diana Vazquez Romo. I am 23, from Oakville, Ontario, 
Canada and recently graduated from Princeton University with a CS degree. I 
have little experience using Fedora though want to help improve any 
documentation. If you have any advice as to how best to get started, let me 
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[Fedora-join] Introduction from Muhammad Tehami

2021-02-24 Thread Muhammad Tehami
Hi everyone,

I'm Muhammad Tehami, you probably know that by now :D. I'm from Karachi,
Pakistan. I've recently completed my bachelors in Computer Science and
currently working as a DevOps Engineer in Nisum.

I started using Linux in 3rd year of bachelors. I used to be on Ubuntu but
switched last year to Fedora. My skills include Bash, Python, Java,
JavaScript, Jenkins, Containers, Kubernetes, Jenkins CI/CD and some
knowledge of cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP).

In the Fedora Project I'm interested in infrastructure and packaging
related work, but I'm also from one of those people who don't want to limit
themselves to some particular tech, except UI :D. Jokes apart I've also
worked on UI some years back and it wasn't that bad experience. I'm also
interested in some low level kernel stuff but need to work on my OS and C
knowledge first.

Apart from software development I love learning about the cosmos and
reading books. My hobbies are table tennis, cricket, martial arts and

Thanks to @nasirhm who inspired me to join Fedora Project. Looking forward
to contributing to Fedora.

Thanks & regards
Muhammad Tehami
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[Fedora-join] Introduction From Joshua Bende Falanga

2021-01-14 Thread Joshua Bende Falanga
My name is Joshua Bende Falanga, i'm from Democratic republic of Congo,
and currently a software engineering student.

I love open-source technologies, I have been using Fedora Linux for
over 5 years and with friends I love being part of the community
helping people discover the best free software alternatives, promoting
it. education, knowledge sharing with our local communities.
I have always liked the way everyone participates in the development
of Fedora Linux because it benefits a lot of people, that's why I'm
here, helping the community to contribute even little to the
improvement and evolution of this great distribution Fedora Linux.

Am i welcomed?

Joshua Bende Falanga.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction: Ajaykumar Pathak

2020-12-11 Thread Ajaykumar Pathak
Hello Everyone,
I am Ajaykumar Pathak from Mumbai, India. I am a 18 year old student studying 
in First Year Bsc. IT. I Know C, CPP and Python and I love to code and play 
with the source code.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction - bcourt

2020-11-24 Thread accounts

Hi Fedora Community,

I'm Ben, a web developer based in Wales with over 10 years experience.
I specialise in front end development (accessibility and performance being my
preferred areas) so most of my experience is with HTML, CSS and JavaScript but
I have previously used some PHP and Python (something I'm keen to learn more
of though).

I've used linux on and off for about 15 years, mainly at home (a mix of
workstations, home servers, raspberry pi etc) but recently changed jobs and
finally got away from working on .Net based websites so I now run Fedora 33
(KDE) on my work laptop as well.

After benefiting from other peoples contributions for many years I decided it's
time to give something back myself, so I have signed up to FAS (username is
bcourt) and thought I'd introduce myself here to get started.

The website team is the best fit in terms of my current skills but I'm also
keen to learn/help out in other areas that interest me, such as
infrastructure/dev-ops and maybe help with testing upcoming ARM/IoT releases
as I seem to be growing a small collection of ARM based devices.

I look forward to collaborating!
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[Fedora-join] Introduction: Akash Tadwai

2020-10-14 Thread Akash Tadwai
$ whoami
Hello everyone I am Akash Tadwai, currently pursuing my bachelor's in Computer 
Science at IIT Hyderabad. I love algorithmic problem-solving and 
I am currently looking for learning and Contributing to the Fedora community. I 
am good at C++, Bash, Python, and JS.
I am a fan of Linux Distributions and currently looking for a good start to 
contribute to one of them. After rigorous searching in GSOC pages finally 
decided to contribute to Fedora. I'm looking forward to learning and building 
my skills and contribute to the Organisation.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction: Antariksh Verma

2020-09-28 Thread Antariksha Verma (Student Gurgaon)
My name is Antariksh Verma and I am a new member of the Fedora community. I am 
a Python developer.

Warm Regards,

Antariksha Verma
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2020-09-18 Thread Astitva Prakash
Hello, everyone. I'm Astitva, a newbie to open source. I've been using Linux 
for quite a while and I want to contribute to make it better. My preferred 
languages are Python and Java. I'm also learning C/C++ and Ruby. I hope I can 
be of use to this community. Thank you.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2020-09-10 Thread Arnav Bagchi
Hey everyone, I am Arnav and belong to the city of Mumbai. Currently I am
an undergrad and love the concept of open-source.I will try to be a useful
asset to the Fedora community. My current language is python and I am also
familiar with git. I am an amatuer football player and a foodie.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction - masch

2020-07-15 Thread the.masch

I don't know what is the best way to do an introduction, but I'm from
Argentina, South America and I'm 36 years old. I'm a passionate backend
software developer and the lastest years I've been working on Go. I also
worked on C, C++ and Java for a long time but for now I love to play on GO,
I think it's a great language with very interesting features but also just
for fun I'm starting to play on Rust. I don't know too much about it but
what I've seen it has every feature that an old man like me wants in a
programming language.
I'm a Fedora's user from the last 15 years and I would love to do some
contributions on it. The last few months, I've been working on my job with
Silverblue distribution and toolbox app. It's great the job that you have
been doing. At this moment I have multiple containers with everything on
the corresponding container and a nice and clean host. I love it!

I don't know if it's the right place to ask, but Could you please give me
advice on how to contribute to Fedora? I would love to contribute to it but
I don't know how to start it.

I've been watching a couple of Fedora's project on Github from
Silverblue/Toolbox and this weekend I saw that someone reported and issue
on the Fedora media writer download links on SB website (
 so I was
playing fixing the dead links and I made the PR for it. Those links belong
Also some Fedora's guys report the issue on Pagure tracker that those new
links could be used on fedora workstation download website, so I decided to
fix it too on the pagure project (
https://pagure.io/fedora-web/websites/issue/130). Those links belongs to

Both PRs were merged yesterday,  so that was my first and very little
contribution on Fedora, I know it is not much but I think this is the first
step for a wonderful trip!

I'm sorry for my English, as you might know it is not my first language.

Thank you for your welcome and I hope we can get in touch soon.
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[Fedora-join] Introduction - Peter Lilley (couchfox)

2020-05-12 Thread Peter Lilley
Hello team,

I'm Peter Lilley; I live in Sydney, Australia. I've been using desktop Linux 
for a long time, and figured it was time to get off my duff and contribute ;)

My FAS username is "couchfox", which is a long-running joke between my wife and 

I have 15+ years working for B2B tech companies, and with a specific passion 
for the cybersecurity space. I love using Fedora as my personal OS-of-choice, 
so I thought I would start here on the journey to, as they say, give something 

I have quite a bit of experience in tech marketing and was hoping to contribute 
in areas such as how-tos and other short-form or long-form writing.

I look forward to collaborating with you!
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[Fedora-join]Introduction: Oğuz Ersen

2020-04-01 Thread Oğuz Ersen
Hi, my name is Oğuz, I am from Turkey. I am currently contributing to 
translations on Weblate. I like to use free and open source software as much as 
I can, and I want to have a job on working on it full time one day. Thanks.
Oğuz Ersen

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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2019-12-09 Thread Oscar Schultz
Good morning Fedora.
This is a reintroduction. I have been watching the list for a while. I am
interested in helping Fedora.
My free time is limited currently - My primary work is 60+ hours per week
but weekends have tapered back recently. I figure I have a few hours I can
use with fedora.

My background includes using linux since 1998, and full-time RedHat admin
since 2004.
My primary languages are bash (of course) and C. I read perhaps a dozen
other languages (php, html, java, javascript, fortran & others).
I use fedora (personally) as my primary workstation and cent 6,7,8 as
My primary desktop is KDE.
My interests are about making the defaults on systems as boring as possible
for the users and admins.
If someone sees a niche I might fit into please let me know.
Thanks all
Have a great day

Oscar Schultz
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[Fedora-join] Introduction

2017-08-29 Thread Armins Stepanjans

I have been using Fedora for about two years and have been wanting to
contribute for quite some time, but was always unsure how exactly could I
help. I would like to program in Python and/or write articles for
fedoramagazine.org. I am particularly interested in CommOps, since I'm
passionate about data analysis and it is one of the rare projects that
seems to use Python. Are there any other projects you recommend taking a
look at?

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