Re: [GNC] Mutual fund quotes in the U. S.

2021-04-24 Thread farleykj
I just did a gnc-fq-dump for one of my investments and the date reported
within the data was 2021-04-23, which makes sense, since it's a mutual fund
that had its price updated yesterday (Friday) evening. However, when I do a
price update in GnuCash it takes that quote and assigns it a date for today,
2021-04-24. It appears that GnuCash ignores the date provided with the quote
and uses todays date when storing the value in the database. How odd.

Running Version 3.8 on OSX (Version 10.12.6). Finance Quote Version 1.49.

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Re: [GNC] Mutual fund quotes in the U. S.

2021-04-24 Thread farleykj
I'd imagine one could do something like this with a Perl script that uses
another script, like the Yahoo JSON one, to get the price, then "adjusts"
the date based upon the time of day, etc.
You'd have to do a bit of searching to figure out how to add your own module
to the quoting functions of Perl, but that's not terribly difficult. Except
that I find Perl a bit opaque, but that's a religious argument...

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Re: [GNC] ETF's in GnuCash?

2021-04-21 Thread farleykj
An ETF is traded like a stock, so I choose to treat it as one. It behaves
exactly the same. I see no difference in how any of them are handled as far
as tracking my accounts, price retrieval, etc. The only thing I've ever had
to handle differently in decades is when I sold an ETF based on gold. In the
US, that sets you up for a rather substantial tax (For federal plus my
state's tax rate for "collectables" this resulted in 40% tax).
All the ETFs I've invested in are publicly traded, so getting prices for
them is not a problem using Yahoo as JSON. The only thing I've had troubles
with in the past is an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) within a 401(k).
For that I had to figure out a ratio of the ESOP price to the company stock
price and make my own Perl module to "build" me a quote for the ESOP. Kind
of clunky, but it worked well enough.

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Re: [GNC] How do I get back the cursor highlight for rows on the account page using CSS file on Windows 10?

2020-05-25 Thread farleykj
I listed my gtk.css file in a previous topic about formatting the register
header (something you can't do with CSS). Here's a link to that:

The Wiki is just what I found using a typical search with "Gnucash gtk" or
something like that:

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Re: [GNC] How do I get back the cursor highlight for rows on the account page using CSS file on Windows 10?

2020-05-25 Thread farleykj
You e-mailed me directly about more stuff, but I don't generally check that
stuff. You should always use Reply All so further messages come here.
Anyway, I somewhat recently posted my full gtk.css file that I use for
GnuCash, which has all my "discoveries" about different formatting that are
available. Some things you might want to address may not be modifiable with
a simple CSS entry.
Here's the code I use to set the cursor entry line:

cursor entry
  background-color: goldenrod ;
  color:black ;

This one, I believe, is supplied in the GnuCash Wiki that discusses GTK 3.0

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Re: [GNC] is there a transaction limit on converting xml to mysql

2020-05-25 Thread farleykj
This is just a guess, based upon other things I've seen in the past, but I
seem to recall that in some versions of GnuCash there was a problem with the
format of dates? Maybe the large file you're trying to process has some
dates that are in a format that conflicts with what MySQL is expecting.
You might search the archives of this forum for discussions pertaining to
MySQL. Perhaps someone else has had similar problems. If my date format
guess (it's a huge guess, actually) is right, you might try opening the file
in question and changing the date format to something else, like ISO. I
don't know if that causes any sort of "fixing", but it's a shot.
I'm surprised there isn't some sort of log file being generated, but
probably when you kill the process it never gets the chance to write any
such output. You might have to search a bit to find out what to do to turn
on debugging before you make another attempt. I believe that will provide
lots of data as to what is going on. Here's the Wiki bit about that:
My guesses are feeble, but maybe they'll help at least a bit?
Good luck.

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Re: [GNC] How do I get back the cursor highlight for rows on the account page using CSS file on Windows 10?

2020-05-03 Thread farleykj
The thing you're looking to set, I think, is

  background_color: teal ;
  color:white ;
  font-weight:   bold ;

I like to have the bar inverted, you can fiddle with the colors to your

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Re: [GNC] Gnucash logs

2020-04-26 Thread farleykj
I see by the response(s) that it's not as simple as a setting.
However, there's no reason you couldn't do a move of the file(s) with some
sort of script. Depends on the operating system you're working under. For
example, if you're running on Windows, you could add a command or two to the
shortcut you use to start the program. In other words, the command called
for by the shortcut could be something like:

 ; MOVE \*.log 

You might need to use quotes and/or escape characters in the command
specification, depends on your particular situation.

In essence you're working as usual, then when you leave the program it does
a bit of "cleanup" for you.

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Re: [GNC] GnuCash 3.8 font size too small

2020-04-04 Thread farleykj
I'm running 3.8 on my Mac.
If the directory structure is the same for you as it is for me (highly
likely), perhaps my setup would work.

I set the styling stuff, which includes the font, with a file called
"gtk.css". It's in the directory:

/Users//Library/Application Support/Gnucash/config/gtk-3.0

Where  is your user name.

In previous posts about styling (Look for GTK in the title of the post) I've
posted my file, but here's the bit that sets the default font.

--- < Begin CSS code > ---
 * --- [ Overall Appearance ] --
 * Settings that will affect all components, unless they are
 * overriden later.

  font-family:  "Lucida Grande", sans-serif ;
  font-size:11pt ;
--- < End CSS code > ---

Hopefully that's all you'll need.

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Re: [GNC] Need CSS help for 1 line

2020-02-28 Thread farleykj
I've done a bit of investigation of this and found what you're looking for.
Here's the lines from my gtk.css file that change the very line you're
asking about:

  background-color: @hueBGMain ;

.GncRegisterPage label
  font-family:  "CopperPlate", sans-serif ;
  font-size:12pt ;
  background-color: @hueClear ;
  color:@hueTextNormal ;
  margin:   2px ;

I like the CopperPlate font for this one - it looks kind of cool for that
single line. You can change the "@" prefixed terms to actual color names.
Those are variables I set at the beginning of the .css file so I can use
them in multiple places but change the color with a single modification. If
you're interested in doing this kind of thing, here's the syntax for my

@define-color hueClear  rgba(   0,   0,   0, 0.00 ) ;
@define-color hueTextNormal black ;
@define-color hueBGMain rgba( 220, 220, 220, 1.00 ) ;

A while back I posted my results for a gtk.css file that I like. You could
probably search for it if you want to have a look at some of the other odd
settings I might have found. I found that the best way for me to determine
what was available out there for the settings was to look at a fully defined
theme for GTK+. I found lots of things to experiment with and many of them
actually worked and kept me from banging my head on the desk.

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Re: [GNC] Stock account. Entering transacction.

2020-02-14 Thread farleykj
When I do stock transactions that involve shares being bought or sold, I
always do them in the investment account for that "holds" the shares for
that specific stock. For example, the account structure might be something

Investments:My Brokerage Account:XYZ Stock

So I open the account "XYZ Stock" and I can now buy shares. There are two
types of buy transactions I can do; add shares from old account that I
already own, using equity open balance transaction, or buy with cash in my
investment account.

--- Use Equity Open Balance ---
Start a new transaction. Gnucash will automatically put a split in the
transaction that will have the "XYZ Stock" account referenced. This is the
line where you tab over and put the number of shares in the "Tot Shares"
column and the total cost of the shares in the "Tot Buy" column. Gnucash
will automatically calculate the price per share.
Next tab to the next line. Gnucash will automatically enter the same amount
as the "Tot Buy" column in the first line but in the "tot Sell" column. Pick
the equity account you are using to track the amount of initial equity (for
example, "Opening Balances" or something like that).
Once both these transaction lines are entered, you are done. Hit Enter to
finish the transaction. You should see the "Balance" column listing the
number of shares you added.

--- Use Cash from Account ---
This transaction is exactly like the Equity one, but instead of an Equity
account, you will be using cash from another account. For me, this is always
a "Cash" account that is a part of my investment account. For ecample:

Investments:My Brokerage Account:Cash

Once the buy transaction is done, the cash account inside my investment
account will be decreased by the cost for the new shares.

I think the trouble you might have been having is trying to enter the
transactions from within a cash account. I don't know how you can specify
shares when entering the transaction that way. That's why I always do buy
and sell transactions for investment securities in the accounts that hold
those securities.

Hope this helps. Getting used to the double entry accounting can be a bit
confusing at first, but after a while it makes sense.

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Re: [GNC] Formatting the Register header?

2020-01-26 Thread farleykj
I don't run Gnucash in full size window either, but the Inspector apparently
thought I should...or something I hit in my debugging play triggered the
full-screen in the horizontal direction.

The things I'd most like to change on the register header:
* Make the text-align on the columns "center".
* Change the font-style and font-size for the header text (Bold? Smaller?
More compact font?).
* Change the "Tot Deposit" and "Tot Withdrawal" to something shorter, like
"Deposit" and "Withdraw" The current strings are always chopped off because
the columns in the register aren't sized as if I'm making millions of dollar

I'd also like to use some icons I makde for the GTK2 era for the buttons in
the toolbars. This would be an easy thing to do if I re-compiled the
application, since they're done with .png files in the source.

I've done a lot of digging down into the directory. I'm from the
old-school Unix world and find it easier to maneuver down the directory
structures in a terminal rather than through Finder. Especially since Apple
feels the need to protect me from myself by hiding all those hidden files
(like .emacs, .login, etc.) from me. Argh.

I didn't know that the actual "executable" for the .app files is buried
inside them. Very useful bit of info, that.


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Re: [GNC] Formatting the Register header?

2020-01-26 Thread farleykj
Yeah, I thought about building the app myself, but it would be a huge
undertaking to figure out where to set things up, i.e. where are the gui
elements built and assembled? Plus, next time there's an update to a new
version, I'd have to do all the hacking I did all over again in order to
upgrade. Not something I'd look forward to.
I got the GTK Inspector to work, in a sense, but it told me the things I
pretty much already new, that the "name" of the items I wanted to style is
"" (blank). As far as I know, you can't target a specific widget with CSS
styling unless you know its name. Plus the inspector oddly affected the
overall size of the application. When I exited and then restarted the app
without the inspector, it had the full width of my monitor. Weird, probably
my fault, but I don't know how.

A big tip for running the inspector on Mac OS: You've got to use "open"
before the path to Gnucash. In other words, it's

*GTK_DEBUG=interactive open /Applications/*


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Re: [GNC] Formatting the Register header?

2020-01-25 Thread farleykj
I tested the theme I wanted to use by copying all the GTK3 related files from
the theme into the Gnucash config directory (~\Appplication
Support\Gnucash\config\gtk-3.0 on MacOS). It worked fine, but as expressed
elsewhere, the Register Header formatting was immune to all but the
background color and font specifications.

I also realized that if you want to know what the proper syntax is to change
elements of the interface, the best thing for me was to look in a place
where someone has collected all the possible settings: a complete theme. If
you look in those files, you find a lot widget specifications, with settings
for horizontally aligned and vertically aligned elements (Like notebook
tabs) that might not be apparent to someone who hasn't done any GTK3
programming. Someone like me.

So, knowing how disappointing it can be to look for answers and find a
discussion that doesn't have any final results, here's my current gtk3.css
file. It's pretty much what I want, but as with all such things, once you
start tweeking things around, you are always looking to make a few more
changes. For example, I have a bunch of icons I built for the GTK2 based
Gnucash interface that I'd like to use again. I just don't know how to swap
them in, or if that's even possible.

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Re: [GNC] Custom Gtk theme (was: Formatting the Register header?)

2020-01-14 Thread farleykj
Yes, I've been through the Wiki a few times. Put the files every place it
recommends, and to no avail. That's why I asked what someone's actual
working configuration was. I guess there must be something botched up on my
system. Oh well.

As for the other stuff, I thought I "replied all" on any responses I made
before, but since I was at work I might have screwed up. Now I'm a mailing
list criminal. Argh.

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[GNC] Formatting the Register header?

2020-01-13 Thread farleykj
I've been whacking away at a bit of GTK3 css formatting to make things a bit
more stylish for me.
Gnucash 3.8, MacOS 10.12.6
The question I have is: Can I do any formatting or other modifications to
the header bar entries in the register? I'd like to be able to do the
following items:
(1) Make some of the smaller things like the Date be centered as opposed to
right justified.
(2) Make the header text bold.
(3) Get rid of the "Tot " prefix on Deposit and Withdrawal, mostly because
what I actually get is "ot Withdrawal"

Are any of these wishes possible? I've been trying to dig through the source
code for some insights, but it's not working so well.

P.S. I cannot, no matter where I put the settings.ini or theme files, get
any downloaded themes to do anything whatsoever to the GUI appearance. Has
anyone running on a Mac had any luck with this, and if so, where do you put
your settings and stuff?

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[GNC] Using GTK3 Themes with Gnucash 3.X on MacOS

2020-01-01 Thread farleykj
I've seen discussions that imply I should be able to apply a GTK3 theme to
Gnucash, but despite my best efforts, am unable to do so. Is this possible?

My Setup
MacOS 10.12 (Sierra), Gnucash 3.8

I've gone through the Wiki about this stuff, but nothing I try works. If
anyone has got this to work, I'd be interested in specifics as to where,
exactly, I should put the pertinent files. Seems like for MacOS there are a
whole lot of dual specifications of directories. Apparently one is if you
want to set the "look" for all GTK3 applications, and one is for Gnucash
only, but putting everything in both still does nothing for me.

So, to be more specific, where do I put the following:
themes directory (with subdirectories of the themes)

If it's not possible to use themes as such, does anyone have a "gtk.css"
file that they use to do more extensive customization to the interface than
what is in the simple examples given in the wiki?

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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-31 Thread farleykj via gnucash-user
Well, that was the clue that fixed things for me. I was able to do a wee bit
of cpan updating and it apparently fixed the conflict that was causing me
all the failures. Everything works nicely. Also, if i might add, the latest
3.8 version seems to start up a bit quicker than its elder predecessor.
Now, time to delve into how to apply GTK3 themes - if that's possible on

Thanks, John.

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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-31 Thread farleykj
Hi John,
Seems like I'm always dealing with Perl troubles on here.
I found the utility script you described, and the results I get with it are
as expected:

< --- Begin Test --- >
$VAR1 = {
  'AMZNerrormsg' => 'Error retrieving quote for AMZN. Attempt to
fetch the URL
resulted in HTTP response 500 (Internal Server Error)',
  'AMZNsymbol' => 'AMZN',
  'AMZNsuccess' => 0
< --- End Test --- >

Perl: V5.18.2
Finance::Quote V1.49
MacOS Sierra V10.12.6

I'm kind of at a loss as to how to debug this given the above info. Could it
be that the URL in the I have is no longer valid? 

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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-30 Thread farleykj via gnucash-user
Thanks, David.
I just used the quote downloading in the 2.6 version I was running
previously, on 2019-12-27 (Friday). After the update to 3.8 today, it no
longer works.
Running gnc-fq-dump yahoo_json amzn gets me nothing. Not even the date. I
ran the gnc-fq-update module to try and get things working, but to no avail.
That makes me think it's my Perl installation or something of the sort,
since I don't hear any others screaming about it.
I looked back through the old posts about this, but it always seemed to be 
an alphavantage difficulty, or some such. I have been using "Yahoo as JSON"
for as long as that has been around, with no problems.
Maybe I'll need to install the latest Perl or something like that. How

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Re: [GNC] v3.8

2019-12-30 Thread farleykj via gnucash-user
I just updated from my previous 2.6 variant (can't recall the actual version,
but it was near the end of the series).
I cannot get any Finance::Quote data. Was using yahoo_json, but it doesn't
work any more, not able to even get a quote for AMZN from gnc-fq-dump.
Doesn't even return the date.
Working on OS X (10.12.6, Sierra), by the way.

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Re: [GNC] Setting up existing investments in new GnuCash file

2019-11-09 Thread farleykj
As far as moving accounts into a nested position later, I think you can use
the "Edit Account" functionality to change the Parent Account setting. Found
this out after carelessly creating an account in the wrong place. You don't
need to delete anything. The program automatically updates all the
transactions that reference the moved account. 
Also extremely convenient when I had to enter dozens of transactions is the
autofill. I'd get the wording of the transaction, like "Reinvest Dividends :
SBUX" or "Reinvest Cap Gains : SBUX" the way I like them. Any further
transactions I only need to type enough text of the transaction description
to uniquely identify it, and all the splits are automatically brought in; I
just need to change the numerical values for shares, cost, etc. It's a very
nice feature. My favorite invocation of this is when I'm entering a
paycheck. It's got 13 splits, which would be brutally tedious to have to
enter every time. Plus, the amounts for the splits are based upon the last
transaction, *not* what a certain program with a Q used to do (based it upon
useless percentages).

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Re: Price Editor/Database lag

2018-03-31 Thread farleykj
You don't necessarily have to update manually. The original Yahoo source has
been ruined, but you can (and I do) use "yahoo_json" as a source. It's
worked fine for me.
As for your actual question, I'm sorry but I've no idea. I'm running on Mac
OSX. People might have some inquiries about the particulars of your setup,
like are you using the XML interface, or SQL? If the latter, maybe there's
something odd going on with the database server? Is your database
particularly large?

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Re: Upgrading to 2.7 series

2018-03-13 Thread farleykj
As I understand it, the 2.7 series is an unstable developmental version of
the program, not intended for production use. By its very nature it will
have bugs, 'cause that's part of the process of testing it and making
In short, if you're just using the program, I'd not fiddle with the 2.7

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Re: Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

2018-02-19 Thread farleykj
I'm not sure which item you're referring to, so I'll say a bit about each:
(1) As far as I can figure, if I want to add a quote source, like US EE/E/I
savings bonds, I have to write my own Perl code to get it done. The existing
Finance::Quote modules just don't work, or at least not when I tried to use
them. To add a quote source, I needed to modify the code to add the
name of my new routine. I don't really see any way around doing a bit of
Perl stuff. I didn't want to have to do this, and had to learn the rudiments
of the language to do so.
(2) Setting the symbols for the bonds was just a matter of my personal
preferences. Hopefully they're logical and easy to remember, but probably
not what someone else would come up with off the cuff.
(3) My troubles with connecting with the site are a bit
of a mystery to me, and the so-called "solutions" were somewhat
experimental, involving a lot of "error message text" searches. Each time it
seemed that some module or program (openssl, the last time) had suddenly
become outdated and insufficient.
I understand that we'd not want the average user fiddling about with Perl
code, but could something like the quote setup code be used to "install"
bond quote accessing code "automatically"? Might be a bit messy...

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Re: Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

2018-02-19 Thread farleykj
Yeah, I've found that one of the philosophical differences in how to track
these things seems to be that some accounting systems want you to put the
bonds in as a share-per-USD relationship. And, since there is no actual
universal "symbol" for EE or other bonds of the type, there are lots of
user-defined encodings of the bond. I've even changed mine (I used to have a
"$" sign in the symbol definitions that made handling the strings involved
annoying and was, admittedly, lacking in foresight).
The only true troubles I've had with this particular task have to do with
Perl itself. Twice I've had to do a bit of updating of modules to get
communications with the treasurydirect site to work properly. Both times I
hadn't, to the best of my knowledge, done anything to alter my setup, but
"suddenly" things stopped working. It's one of those things that is
immensely frustrating when it stops working, but brings a great deal of
satisfaction when you "fix" it, eventually.
Either way, glad the code was of use to you. Now if only I could work out
all the intricacies of using Perl to get me quotes from my 401(k) for ESOP

Ken Farley
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Re: Online quotes fetching the wrong price

2018-02-08 Thread farleykj
You could also, without any alphavantage stuff, obtain quotes from the
"yahoo_json" source, again using NAB.AX as the symbol. Hopefully yahoo won't
kill off this source, too.

Ken Farley
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Re: Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

2018-02-03 Thread farleykj
Were you able to get quotes for your bonds?

Ken Farley
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Re: Finance::Quote for EE Savings Bonds

2018-01-31 Thread farleykj   
Here's the Perl code. It was my first Perl program, so it's likely not going
to win any awards and such, but it works for me for my old EE bonds.

Ken Farley
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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2018-01-28 Thread farleykj
So, after trying different methods of communicating with the treasurydirect
site, I finally bit the bullet and updated my Perl modules (via a cpan
"upgrade" command) and the problem has been fixed. Don't know which module
was mucked up or how it got that way, but things are working fine, now. I
noticed when I checked on the versions of things (using the cpan "r"
command) that a lot of modules were pretty old. Perhaps they just "aged out"
of usefulness? I don't know.
A beneficial side effect of this is that after digging deep into my Perl
code to get quotes for E/EE/I bonds, it's a lot cleaner and perhaps a bit
easier to read. Well, as easy as Perl gets, I suppose.

Ken Farley
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Re: gnc-fq-update download

2018-01-14 Thread farleykj
I don't know where the gnc-fq-* files are put on a Linux installation, but
they are just short Perl scripts that do the stuff for you. I'm on OS X, and
on there the files are in /Applications/
Either way, here the text from "gnc-fq-update". You can copy this into a
file, make it executable with a "chmod 755" and you should be in business.

--- [ BEGIN SCRIPT ] ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w  
### gnc-fq-update - presents a scheme interface to Finance::Quote   
### Copyright 2001 Gnumatic, Inc.   
### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or   
### modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as  
### published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of  
### the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
### GNU General Public License for more details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License   
### along with this program# if not, contact:   
### Free Software Foundation   Voice:  +1-617-542-5942  
### 51 Franklin Street, Fifth FloorFax:+1-617-542-2652  
### Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA 

use strict; 
use CPAN;   

if ($( != 0) {  
  print "\n";   
  print "You probably need to be root before running gnc-fq-update.";   
  print "\n\n"; 
  print "Are you sure, you want to update parts of your Perl library? (y/n)

  my $input = ;  
  chomp ($input);   

  exit 0 if ($input ne "y");

CPAN::Shell->install('Date::Manip'); #Required by gnc-fq-helper 

## Local Variables: 
## mode: perl   
## End:
--- [ END SCRIPT ] ---

Ken Farley
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Re: Running balance stops working

2018-01-07 Thread farleykj
You've not mentioned the operating system you are running on, which can be
helpful if other people want to try and duplicate your problem.
Either way, first off, I've got lots of added namespace entries for the
securities, like ETF, ESOP, etc. They are just placeholders for
categorizing, they don't affect the way the individual securities are
presented, to the best of my knowledge.
The only time I saw weird behavior in the Balance column of an account was
when I botched up the "Smallest fraction" setting for the account, within
the Edit Account feature. I don't know how you would set this to result in
blanks, but maybe it's possible?
Also, Version 2.6.3 is rather old (circa 2014?) given the current version is
2.6.19. There have been many bug fixes in the intervening years. Maybe if
what you're seeing is the result of some bug it might have been addressed
already. Wishful thinking, perhaps.

Ken Farley
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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-28 Thread farleykj
I get the results you get from "curl". A whole lot of code. So this narrows
my troubles down to the use of Perl for requests? I'm currently using
version 5.18.

Ken Farley
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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-28 Thread farleykj
I'm not using a proxy. I tried using identification strings for a few other
browers, like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. and to no avail.

Ken Farley
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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-28 Thread farleykj
Well, that really does me in, I guess. Odd that I can use their on-site tools
to get values of things, but can't via Perl.

Ken Farley
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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-28 Thread farleykj
I did try this. The only effect from changing it is to get a different number
at the end of the failure message, i.e. it goes from

"Can't connect to (Connection refused)"


"Can't connect to (Connection refused)"

This is rather mysterious problem

Ken Farley
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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-23 Thread farleykj
The API is documented, but again, attempts to communicate with it yield the
same message:

Can't connect to (Connection refused)

It just seems that the site doesn't want to accept any communications. I'd
be interested if someone else was able to get anything out of the site using
any of these URLs.

Ken Farley
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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-23 Thread farleykj
Hi Frank.

I substituted the definition of the URL with the following

my $urlSite  = "; ;

But I still get the same message about the connection being refused. Going
by the normal browser activity, I can get to the ..BC/SBCPrice page and get
prices, etc. It just seems that Perl inquiries via LWP::UserAgent and
LWP::Simple are blocked or otherwise ignored.

It's not like I need to update prices every day, given that pricing on EE
bonds changes at most monthly. It's just that it was nice to not have to
deal with any manual entries.

Ken Farley
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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-17 Thread farleykj
I'm using the bond quote grabbing code I wrote in 2012 which has been serving
me faithfully since 2016-04-04. I am using https in the url, here's the full
contents I get from the post request:

Can't connect to (Connection refused)

LWP::Protocol::https::Socket: connect: Connection refused at
/Library/Perl/5.18/LWP/Protocol/ line 49.

I don't know if the requirements of the site have changed and I'm sending it
a poorly formatted "form" in the post. I am still able to manually pop onto
the site, and enter the necessary data to get prices in their tabulated
format. I even took a look at the resultant page via the "Inspect Element"
capabilities of my browser. The data field names are the same as they always
were, I just can't see any reason for it failing.

P.S. I don't get any useful data from the "official" Perl module,, either.

Ken Farley
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Re: Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-17 Thread farleykj
Well, it appears that the only data being returned by quote requests is:

"Can't connect to (Connection refused)"

Don't have any idea why - my Perl experience is rather limited. Definitely
throws a wrench into the works for me, though.

Ken Farley
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Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

2017-12-14 Thread farleykj
I've been able to obtain quotes from the Treasury Direct (
for a while, until 2017-12-12. Does anyone know if the interface of this
site has changed lately?
I know I'll have to investigate to update my Perl code to get these, but
just thought I'd check if anyone has clues that will let me streamline the

Ken Farley
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Re: how to get aex quotes

2017-11-16 Thread farleykj
I just tried to obtain a quote for this symbol with yahoo_json, and it seems
to be giving prices. The results I get for

gnc-fq-dump yahoo_json


Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
symbol:  <=== required
  date: 11/16/2017   <=== recommended
  currency: EUR  <=== required
  last: 26.18<=\   
   nav:  <=== one of these
 price:  <=/
  timezone:  <=== optional

Perhaps this will work for you? I guess it will depend on whether you have
the latest Finance::Quote.

Ken Farley
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Re: No stock quote for LU1233758587

2017-07-22 Thread farleykj
I made a quick shell script to try to get quotes for this symbol
(LU1233758587) on all the sources available. Running gnc-fq-check gives all
the sources, and sending an inquiry to gnc-fq-dump  LU1233758587 for
each source checks them. None of the sources yielded anything.
Some possibilities I can think of:
(1) The fund (Robeco QI Emerging Conservative Equities?) has changed its
(2) The service(s) providing a quote for this have changed their interface
enough so that finance:quote can't obtain the necessary information from
it/them anymore.
(3) The service(s) providing a quote for this have changed the symbol they
use for this fund. For example, a somewhat popular stock in the US is
Berkshire Hathaway, B shares. Some services use BKR-B for it, while others
use BRKB, some use BRK:B. They might decide to use different symbols, which
finance:quote wouldn't know about.
You might have to do a little searching to find out if you need to change
the source and/or symbol for this fund.

Ken Farley
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