Re: [videoblogging] Reducing HD files on mac/Imovie without loosing HD

2010-06-19 Thread Jay dedman
Hey Cheryl--

If you are recording in HD quality, then compressing that video will
decrease the quality. But because you are starting at high quality, the
compressed version has a better chance of looking good.

Remember that the quality of the video also depends on the kind of lens you
have, the lighting, and the original sound. If I shoot a bad video, it will
look bad no matter what I do to it.

Ultimately, I just experiment will videos look good...but are not so big
that people cannot download them quickly. It all depends on what you're
trying to accomplish. An artist or filmmaker will probably prefer people
wait to download a file because they want the best quality to be seen. An
activst is fine  with cell phone quality of it can spread quickly around the

If you are having issues with Youtube, I would use the Youtube forums.
Usually that service is pretty solid. Not sure why it wouldnt take your


On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:47 AM, wrote:

 1) reducing HD files without loosing HD, is this possible?
 2) I have uploaded HD to youtube but took 2 days with repeated fails,
 and also took many HOURS to upload, those that got through finally
 3) I watched Ryan's Freevlog vid's again on blip I think they are at for
 now, and reduced the size several times for a few and couldn't upload
 through Tubemogul, even the 300 mb, one stated prior one of my vid's was
 over 800 mb!
 4) Tubemogul has increased my uploading size to 500MB, which I am very
 grateful for, however, I still have some that are over that, and want to
 know if following Ryan's directions to smaller, won't that take the HD
 away - it states in imovie that only one export (I am saving to
 computer) is HD?
 5) The videos are not longer than 10 minutes
 6) I have uploaded proir HD from old pc laptop and never had the
 problems I have with imovie and uploading (my learning curve?)

 any help with this appeciated, I am holding off uploading through
 Tubemogul, until I am up to it psychically and I have this sorted out
 btw, I got out (extremely rare for me), and made a make shift steadcam
 for my power wheelchair with my mini 1033 kodak. will be grabbing a
 sanyo when able and if it's light enough
 Thank you
 PUBLIC APPEAL FOR CHERYL -not finished getting help I

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


917 371 6790

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Re: [videoblogging] Online video editing sites

2010-06-08 Thread Jay dedman
 Haven't popped in here for a while. We're running a story on video
 editing for nonprofits. I wanted to make passing mention of some
 online alternatives, except most have bitten the dust in the past 3

Editing online has yet to catch fire. Either the interface is too
clunky, the quality of the clips is poor...and there hasnt really been
a good use case.

As Rupert said, is really
the only big active one left that Ive seen. They're use case is
getting people to edit/post video for Wikipedia entries. Editing video
collaboratively like we currently edit text collaboratively.


Re: [videoblogging] What happened to vloggercon site?

2010-06-03 Thread Jay dedman
 It's working now (thanks Ryanne!) -

I was just checking out what we were all talking about in 2006:
Video Archive:

And even farther back in 2005 when very few people even knew what
videoblogging was:

Very cool to see how many of these people have evolved in their work.


Re: [videoblogging] What happened to vloggercon site?

2010-06-02 Thread Jay dedman
 All that archived information is now gone... What a great snapshot into a
 certain time in online video, with vids of some of the best creators and
 innovators at the time.
 How come it now goes to Ryan Is Hungry?

Good question. I know we were switching the Vloggercon info from
peter's server awhile ago. All that info should be archived till time
inmemorial. Let me see what happened.


Re: [videoblogging] What happened to vloggercon site?

2010-06-02 Thread Jay dedman
 just in case and if needed i'll offer server (where
 Michael Verdi is hosting his drupal project for videobloggers) to archive

Hosting etc isnt the problem. Peter just needed to clean off his
server and we just never completed the transfer. Should be done


Re: [videoblogging] What happened to vloggercon site?

2010-06-02 Thread Jay dedman
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Jay dedman wrote:
 just in case and if needed i'll offer server (where
 Michael Verdi is hosting his drupal project for videobloggers) to archive

 Hosting etc isnt the problem. Peter just needed to clean off his
 server and we just never completed the transfer. Should be done

Looks like the site wont be up tonight just because of time crunch. Soon.


Re: [videoblogging] Re: WebM Project

2010-05-29 Thread Jay dedman
 Re full page video: Odd how few cool tools have been made with HTML5
 video so far.  It'll be interesting to see what the HTML5 version of looks like, which they say is coming soon.  Recently
 launched as Flash only - nice full page video/web TV, social media 
 browsing interface - a bit like the interfaces Elbows has mused about
 a few times over the years here.

This is the missing link. We need more tools for creators to take
advantage of the promise of HTML5 video. We need dead easy ways to
play with presentation and interactivity.

Dont forget about proposing workshops at
I can imagine just a brainstorming session about what these tools
might look like.


Re: [videoblogging] Re: WebM Project

2010-05-21 Thread Jay dedman
 Here is an article about the developer who has looked at VP8 and found 
 various problems. Hopefully the reality is not as bad as the article 
 suggests, but in the rush to something free and open it would be all to easy 
 to overlook or dismiss these issues, and then maybe suffer pain later:
 Page 2 of that article is where the depressing stuff lurks.

Interesting to read, but I would make note of the source. anyone
invested in H264 will obviously do what they can to lay down fear.
Remember when Google bought Youtube and there was all the fear of
copyright lawsuits? Google has the lawyers to figure it out.

The more important issue to research is how well WebM works. Hows it
look, how smooth is it, how well does it compress and transcode? If
Google gives developers all the resources they need, let's give people
3 months before we see some cool expeirments.

In my mind, the whole idea is to break out of the idea of the video
in the player. What if you could use the whole page as a canvas for
your videos? Stan is right that creators need the tools to do this.

As Verdi said,, is a nice free tool
to transcode to WebM for tests.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: WebM Project

2010-05-19 Thread Jay dedman
 Here is the project website:
 I hope it does well and they can make the encoding and decoding efficient 
 quite quickly, and that lots of tools sprout up quickly.

It is indeed good news. Think of how this discussion has unfolded the
past year. Ogg/Theora went from a funky little FOSS project to a
serious codec backed by Google.

If anyone is doing any video experiments with html5 (and VP8)...please post!


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Zi8 with ECM-DS70P

2010-05-08 Thread Jay dedman
 what kind of performance are you expecting out of a $150 camera?
 I hope nothing professional. It's a low caliber camera. Pretty much you'll 
 get something between crap and amateur results.

David has a point. Inexpensive cameras offer amazing convenience but
limited quality. I use my iPhone to record video clips these days. The
sound/images are pretty horrible (compared to a pro camera), but it
allows me to record moments I would lose otherwise. I just love having
it in my pocket. Like old Super8, I think creaky DV video has its ow
special look that we'll all have good memories of when we're old. Like
when I see VHS now.

I use a nice camera and dedicated microphone to record events that
must be professional looking.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Markvoort

2010-04-28 Thread Jay dedman
 anyone seen eva markvoort's video blogs? very inspired by her courage.

I can understand David's point of living some moments without the need
to record them...but Eva's videos are exactly what we discussed way
back when. People recording their most personal moments in hopes
others may understand. Archived for future generations to find and
think about.

I can only imagine that there are other people (young people
especially) who are dying at this moment. This is one way to put a
face on it.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] adding click through url to movie

2010-04-27 Thread Jay dedman
 On occasion I need to export a mov or mp4 movie as a Flash (flv) file.
 I'd like to be able to embed a click through url in the movie like you can do 
 in Adobe Flash. I'd use Flash but I'm not shelling out $900 for something I 
 need once in a while.
 Does anyone have any other solutions such as third party tools that would do 
 I run on a Mac but I have PC's sitting around if need be.

An old member of this group made a cool service here:
It wont work on Flash videos but still cool.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: New Bloggertube Blogger template for video

2010-04-27 Thread Jay dedman
There's still time to submit a video about your hometown to their site! Upload 
it to YouTube and send the link to by Wednesday!
 I'm sure they'd also just appreciate some ratings and comments on the videos 
 if you're not inclined to submit one of your own :)

I think is cool idea. Ive
been meaning to make a short video of our town. I may get lucky and
see the guy who drives around with a machine gun o his jeep:


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Anyone see this yet? Video subtitling initiative by Mozilla...

2010-04-26 Thread Jay dedman

Subtitles bridge linguistic and physical barriers to video. Help create an
 open lookup standard that lets any video client find matching subtitles in
 online databases, along with free and open source tools to enable users to
 easily create subtitles and translations, a Firefox extension that will look
 up and display matching subtitles, and an open community subtitle database.

It's supported by Mozilla but being led by the Miro folks. It'd be awesome
if there was a subtitling system that worked across platforms. The subtitles
should ravel with the video wherever it goes.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Anyone see this yet? Video subtitling initiative by Mozilla...

2010-04-26 Thread Jay dedman
 Um, it's by Participatory Culture Foundation, not Mozilla.

True. PCP (aka Miro folks) are leading the effort. I assume Mozilla is
probably helping fund some of the work.

 There is an existing effort

I know the Miro folks have always been frustrated with Dotsub because
its a closed system. I know this open source subtitling project has
been a big dream for a while. You shouldn't depend on one website for
all the subtitles.

 An interesting recent development is , where
 once a can pay $20/hr (I think) to Amazon Mechanical Turk to
 transcribe videos.

Huh, this is cool.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] New Bloggertube Blogger template for video

2010-04-25 Thread Jay dedman
 I'm pretty much a dedicated Blogger user although i can use Wordpress and um 
 and er about changing over every so often. I'm in one of those periods of 
 contemplation at the moment when I came upon this new template for Blogger
 which I'm going to give a whirl.It was produced late last year.

Yeah, just in the last couple months Blogger has made some very nice
upgrades to their templates. Its much easier now to customize the
pages color, sidebar, header, footer. Its probably the first major
upgrade in a couple years.

Dave, if you use this Bloggertube template, send us the link.


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] Open Source subtitling project

2010-04-25 Thread Jay dedman
We've needed tis for a while. Be interesting if Mozilla can help pull it

Subtitles bridge linguistic and physical barriers to video. Help create an
 open lookup standard that lets any video client find matching subtitles in
 online databases, along with free and open source tools to enable users to
 easily create subtitles and translations, a Firefox extension that will look
 up and display matching subtitles, and an open community subtitle database.


917 371 6790

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Hosting issue

2010-04-21 Thread Jay dedman
This question is a little off-topic. Our neighbor rents a river cabin
to weekenders. Most of her business has traditionally come through her
website. Last month, we helped her move her website to a cheaper
hosting solution. So she has the same website, just a different host.

She says that no one is coming to her site now or booking. When she
does Google searches, she doesnt even show up on the first three

Can switching hosts change your SEO status?


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Hosting issue

2010-04-21 Thread Jay dedman
 Same domain I assume?
 Just a quick thought...did you move her to WP? Check the Settings--Privacy 
 area just to make sure you're not blocking search engines by mistake.

Same domain, same everything. We just moved the same exact website to
another host. Now her same website doesnt show up in google searches.

Ill do some more rooting around. It could be a totally separate issue.
Just wondering if anyone has had this issue.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Hosting issue

2010-04-21 Thread Jay dedman
 ...If the hosting was changed, so too were DNS.
 I believe Google spiders might (possibly) sense the DNS changes, and may
 have interpreted the change (simultaneous when pages were unavailable) as a
 domain termination -- and consequently removed and archived the site from
 its prior ranking. This is speculative, as few REALLY know Google's (ever
 changing) algorithmic schemas when considering SEO. Other explanations may
 be just as likely.

This make sense since the DNS is the only thing that really changed.
Im just surprised this would be an issue since Im sure companies and
people change DNS all the time. I cant imagine they would lose their
ranking. Thanks for this possibility though.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Hosting issue

2010-04-21 Thread Jay dedman
 It could be a shared ip and the ip is blocked because of one of the other
 sites hosted.
 You could ask the host to transfer you to a different IP/server?

Good suggestion. Thanks.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] VLMC for Windows nopw available

2010-04-20 Thread Jay dedman
 VideoLAN Movie Creator is a non-linear editing software for video creation 
 based on libVLC and running on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X!
 It is a free software distributed under the terms of the GPL v2.

If someone actually downloads and edits with this new software, I'd
love to hear how your experience. What especially excites me is the
transcoding aspect of it. Someone told me you could drag clips into
the app, and it would just know how to edit them. Not sure if this is
the truth.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Fwd: Videofreex

2010-04-18 Thread Jay dedman
Joly, so awesome. I wish this stuff was available online.


 Curated by Dara Greenwald
 Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 7:30pm
 177 Livingston Street, Brooklyn

 Light Industry presents a survey of work by seminal guerrilla
 television outfit Videofreex, featuring a number of newly restored
 tapes. The screening will be introduced by Dara Greenwald, who
 assisted with the acquisition and preservation of this collection by
 Video Data Bank.


 Videofreex, one of the first video collectives, was founded in 1969 by
 David Cort, Curtis Ratcliff and Parry Teasdale, after David and Parry
 met each other, video cameras in hand, at the Woodstock Music
 Festival. Working out of a loft in lower Manhattan, the group's first
 major project was producing a live and tape TV presentation for the
 CBS network, The Now Show, for which they traveled the country,
 interviewing countercultural figures such as Abbie Hoffman and Black
 Panther leader Fred Hampton.

 The group soon grew to ten full-time members--including Chuck Kennedy,
 Nancy Cain, Skip Blumberg, Davidson Gigliotti, Carol Vontobel, Bart
 Friedman and Ann Woodward--and produced tapes, installations and
 multimedia events. The Videofreex trained hundreds of makers in this
 brand new medium though the group's Media Bus project.

 In 1971 the Freex moved to a 17-room, former boarding house called
 Maple Tree Farm in Lanesville, NY, operating one of the earliest media
 centers. Their innovative programming ranged from artists' tapes and
 performances to behind-the-scenes coverage of national politics and
 alternative culture. They also covered their Catskill Mountain hamlet,
 and in early 1972 they launched the first pirate TV station,
 Lanesville TV. An exuberant experiment with two-way, interactive
 broadcasting, it used live phone-ins and stretched cameras to the
 highway, transmitting whatever the active minds of the Freex coupled
 with their early video gear could share with their rural viewers.

 During the decade that the Freex were together, this pioneer video
 group amassed an archive of 1,500+ raw tapes and edits.

 - Video Data Bank

 Titles to be screened include, among others:

 Fred Hampton – Black Panthers, Chicago, 1969
 Fred Hampton - Chant and Demonstration, 1970
 Women’s Lib Demonstration NYC, 1970
 Davidson’s Jail Tape, 1971
 Interview in the Street II, 1971
 Trashing and Gassing in Miami, Republican Convention, 1972
 Lanesville Overview I, 1972
 Woodstock ’69, Tape #24, 1969
 Chicago Travelogue: The Weatherman, 1969
 Mayday Realtime, 1971

 Followed by a discussion with Greenwald and original members of Videofreex.

 Tickets - $7, available at door.

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Re: [videoblogging]

2010-04-16 Thread Jay dedman
Sorry for spam. Member is suspended.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 6:40 AM, Rupert Howe wrote:

 On 16 Apr 2010, at 11:12, Ed Smith wrote:

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 Yahoo! Groups Links

917 371 6790

[videoblogging] Freedom isn't free -- (not just a Tea Party slogan)

2010-04-16 Thread Jay dedman
Ning has decided to cancel their free accounts:

Ning has just announced that it is killing off its free product, forcing
existing free networks to either make the change to premium accounts or
migrate their networks elsewhere.
While the email talks about Free versus Premium paid networks, Ning actually
has a variety of different premium upgrades. Currently, Ning’s premium
options include support (which has a $10/month and $100/month options for
different service levels); Custom domains ($5 a month); Extra storage and
bandwidth ($10 a month); Ad removal ($25 a month) and the ability to hide
any trace that you’re running on Ning ($25 a month).

We had some long discussions several years ago when videobloggers started
using Ning to make communities to complement their videoblog. (example which is a nicely designed Ning site). We were asking
if it was smart to invest so much time archiving and building a community on
a site you dont own.

When we did the project in 2008...I know we debated
between using Ning or hack Wordpress for this group project. Glad we decided
to hack.

I think useful services are smart to charge. I know I pay a yearly fee to because I love their service. would be another service
that seems worth a fee. But I feel it's really shady when services start
free...suck you in...then either force you to pay or dump you.


917 371 6790

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: 7D workflow for PC

2010-04-15 Thread Jay dedman
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Adam Quirk
 I'm so used to Premiere at this point that I probably won't switch unless
 some open-source competitor comes along with all the features I need.

cue the FOSS announcement
*Oscar and Emmy award-winning editing software 'Lightworks is going


917 371 6790

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Re: [videoblogging] Visiting Aussie with one day Video job in New York

2010-04-15 Thread Jay dedman
 Hi Guys, i have a one day video shoot to do in NY City mostly shooting from a 
 boat on the Hudson River. As a visitor to US from Australia will i need to 
 have a permit to do this or even a special visa for the one days work?

No one will stop to ask you if you dont make a big deal out of it.
Land of the Free.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Youtube forum

2010-04-14 Thread Jay dedman
 Does anyone know of any good YouTube User/Partner forums?
 Given the millions of Youtube users I figured there would be no
 shortage of forums, but my Google search mojo must be totally off
 today because I can't find any.
 And I heard on one video there is a forum for youtube partners only,
 but I'm a partner and don't have a clue!
 This one is obvious:
 But with 41 members and 97 posts in the last year it's hardly a standout.

Ive never found any good place where Youtube users hang out and talk.
If you ever find a place, let us know.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Vloggercue 2010

2010-04-14 Thread Jay dedman
 I was just asked to jot down the history of Vloggercue for someone, thought
 I'd post it here too:

Make a page on with this info. Link to
some of the old photos. Who knew the burning of meat would have a


 Vloggercue started in 2005 when a handful of videobloggers from around the
 world got together to talk about technical issues and content of web video,
 and what they were doing to shape it. Most everyone knew each other from
 their videos, but many had never met in person. The founders were
 there, after listening to videobloggers for months beforehand, and launched
 their service that night. There was beer and Asian barbecue, among other

 Vloggercue 2007 was another rooftop affair, this time with many facets of
 the web video industry represented, as at that point there was actually a
 web video industry. It was less about personal vloggers, and more about show
 creators and distribution. There were beer and ribs, among other things.

 Vloggercue 2010 will try to conjure the energy of Vloggercue 1, inviting
 anyone and everyone involved with web video. If you post videos of your cat
 to Youtube, you're welcome. If you founded Youtube, you're welcome. Everyone
 eats and drinks under the same Brooklyn roof, for free.

 On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:24 PM, Michael Sullivan 

  On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 9:55 PM, RANDY MANN wrote:
   how did i never seen that video even tho i co stared in it
   On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 9:49 PM, schlomo rabinowitz
Can you get Cheryl Shuman to come? That would be awesome.
On another note, for those that dont remember how to get to Adam's
back then, here is a video:

(man, what is that music bed I put over the video? Bad, bad decisions:)
Figured I would give the link for true early roots cred.
Schlomo Rabinowitz
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Adam Quirk

 This just keeps getting better.

 Anyone else want to chime in to RSVP?

 Does Clark of Saturn still read this list? Miss B? Bre?

 Who do you want to see that you haven't seen since Vloggercue 2005?

 On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 7:58 PM, schlomo rabinowitz

  I think I can make this.
  Schlomo Rabinowitz
  On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Adam Quirk
   Saturday, June 19th
   Brooklyn, NY
   Be there or be somewhere else.
   On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Steve Eisenberg

Hi smell some BBQ coming from Garden Fork TV in Brooklyn.
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Adam Quirk quirk%

 secured, working on dates. Shooting for Saturday June 19th.
 when I know for sure.

 On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Adam Quirk quirk%

  It's official then, if Randy is coming this will be a real
  On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 4:23 PM, RANDY MANN themaddmann%
  mu bbq im in
  On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Jay dedman jay.dedman%

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Google to open source VP8

2010-04-14 Thread Jay dedman
 I do not recognise the sides in the battle quite like you have stated them. 
 Whilst its true that Apple were the first to really start pushing h.264, and 
 are the most likely not to allow other formats on their mobile devices, many 
 other important players in this game support h.264. Microsoft already showed 
 their hand - they are supporting H.264 in IE9. They already support it in 
 Silverlight and the XBox360, and I believe Windows Phone 7 devices will be 
 able to play it.
 It really will be interesting to see what happens with browsers, Google will 
 certainly make Chrome attractive by presumably supporting all 3 of the 
 formats we are talking about, some others may follow suite as a result, or if 
 h.264 dominates html5 video on the web then Firefox may end up having to do a 
 workaround to provide support too, such as relying on the OS or a plugin to 
 do the job.
 Flash is a big winner so long as there is html5 video codec mess in the 
 browser arena. This is another reason I dont want the battle to be too 
 complex  prolonged.

If Google's VP8 codec forces H264 to remain free...then that's a huge
win right there. The minute that H264 decides to start charging any
site that uses their codec...people could just switch over to VP8.  I
think Flash is being forced to open up as welland continue to

It's also important for video tools as well. Be great to build a video
editor (legally) without having to pay fees to use the core


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] question: live streaming from events

2010-04-13 Thread Jay dedman
 What service do you prefer to livestream from events?
 Ustream, CoverItLive, something else?
 Why do you prefer it?

We've used for some events very successfully. For the tech
geeks--They allow you to use Quicktime Broadcaster and hook into their
servers which allows for better quality. They even will take off ads
if you say you're from a non-profit. Ill be glad to share my contact's

Eddie Codel now work at as their Production Coordinator. As
a long time videoblogger, I would trust his opinion on the state of
their current service.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] LIVES - open source video editing / effects app

2010-04-13 Thread Jay dedman
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Brook Hinton wrote:
 Another open source video editing package (that adds some live video
 features to boot) that looks interesting:

Gabriel, the LiVES developer, has reached out to some on this group.
So far it's only on Linux though he has tried porting it to mac. He
created it for VJ's who mix video at live music events. I've never
personally used it but hear that it's a little weird to edit video


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Google to open source VP8

2010-04-13 Thread Jay dedman
 This is pretty awesome:
 That could seriously change the codec equation for the better.

Yep, its here. An open source codec that supposedly can compete with
H264. I look forward to actually seeing what the codec looks
like...and how it works in the browser.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Google to open source VP8

2010-04-13 Thread Jay dedman
 I'm so bored by the idea of even more epic codec battles.  Apple/
 Safari/iPhone/iPad in h264 versus Google/Chrome/Phones/Set Top Box/etc
 in ogg/vp8.  Versus Microsoft and whatever they choose to do.  No
 compatibility between browsers for HTML5.
 Seems like Apple are hardening their position on various things, and
 so are Google, Adobe, etc.  Pretty boring for all of us, having to
 cater for all or pick sides.

Agreed. But I think that ultimately open is always better and worth
the hassle to make standard. Remember that we are still in the very
early days of web video. What happens now determines how things will
be in the future. I love Apple and use all they have...but I dont like
the idea that I depend on their benevolence. Jobs will die...and
instead of a hippie entrepreneur, we'll get the ex-President of Pepsi
leading the company again.

So the mantra is keep it open...but focus on creating. In the end,
that's what really counts.


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] TV episode will be shot on DSLR

2010-04-13 Thread Jay dedman
Online video is not TV. Online video is not TV. Online video is not...

But this is interesting:

The TV show, House, will shoot an episode entirely on the Canon 5D.
I found it interesting since several folks here have this camera and
do their work on it.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Check week at

2010-04-10 Thread Jay dedman
 Let me know if you guys have any questions about our services, ad sales, 
 payments, whatever. Happy to answer any and all questions you've got -- 
 skeptical or not. We're an open book. The only thing I can't talk about is 
 how much specific shows made. That's their confidential information and up 
 to them to decide whether or not to share.

Youtube has a partner program that you apply to. They send the
person an email whether or not they want them. The dont offer any
guidelines as to why they turn people down or accept them. Seems to be
based on number of views but they provide no specific benchmarks.

How does blip work? Looks like anyone can turn on ads. Any other
benchmarks? Do all creators get the same deal?


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Check week at

2010-04-09 Thread Jay dedman
 I don't know about Blip, but as I've mentioned before, I'm a Youtube partner 
 and I certainly make money from it, as I do from Google ads on my blog site.
 I'm not allowed to say how much, but it's not insignificant. Not
 enough to live off to be sure, but I've only got several thousand
 regular viewers.
 If you extrapolate, and my audience increased say 10 fold, I could probably 
 do it full time and make a meager living.
 I know another video blogger who has roughly those audience figures, and he 
 has mentioned that within the next year he might take it full-time if growth 
 I just hit my first anniversary video blogging too.

It's been good to hear your past experience. I believe blip focuses on
ads INSIDE the video (either pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll)...not
sure if Youtube does this. Ive wondered if people are out off by ads
in videos they watch. Text ads on the page seem easy enough to ignore.
Is anyone here a blip partner?

Does Youtube or blip make you sign a exclusive contract with them...or
can you put the same content in both places to collect two checks?
Just wondering how all this plays out.

Dave, huge congrats on the first year anniversary.


Re: [videoblogging] Check week at

2010-04-09 Thread Jay dedman
 That old video of yours about your mum - interrupted with your Coke ad
 - springs to mind, Jay - is that still online somewhere?
Obviously, places like are pushing ads on shows that are the
new kind of TV. Personal videos probably arent going to mesh with
ads. Funny now to look at this video from 2005, when no one took
online video seriously. I remember newspaper articles considered
videoblogging a quaint hobby/joke.

uh, haha.
All the power we thought online video would have is here. Changing the


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] Who cares about Ogg/Theora? Google does.

2010-04-09 Thread Jay dedman
We've discussed the arcane notion that Flash might be a problem...and that
an open source video codec might allow more innovation for editing tools,
web presentation/interaction, and mobile devices.

Looks like Google is officially diving into this idea:

Remember that Google bought ON2 last year...the company who open sourced the
Theora codec. If Google open sources ON2's latest version, it could really
rival H264. The fact that Google is putting money behind Theora is huge.
Video can be as free as the word.

After praising Theora's quality and compression levels, Google states in no
uncertain terms that Thoera is patent free. The overwhelming feature that
makes it stand out from its rivals is the fact it's free, the company
writes, Really free. Not just 'free to use in decoders', or 'free to use if
you agree to this complicated license agreement', but really, honestly,
genuinely, 100% free. The specification for the stream and encoder/decoder
source is available for public download and can be freely used/modified by
anyone. Theora was designed and is maintained with the overriding goal of
avoiding patents. No other codec can come even close to claiming to be as
patent or royalty free as Theora can, whilst still holding a candle to the


917 371 6790

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Re: [videoblogging] Vloggercue 2010

2010-04-08 Thread Jay dedman
 I'm heading to a Brooklyn events space tonight at 6:30 to start planning
 Vloggercue 2010.
 The only details I have right now are that it will be in June, in Brooklyn,
 and free. As in free beer, free food, free video screening, free music, free
 After tonight I'll have more details to share.

Ryanne and I will make it up this year. Easy reason to visit NYC
again. We havent had a good videoblogging hang out in a long time.


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] Check week at

2010-04-08 Thread Jay dedman
This blog post says sent a bunch of checks to show creators. I
know some folks here are also Youtube partners. It would be really
great if independent producers are really getting paid.

I wonder if you can post shows on Youtube and blip...getting paid for
both. Are they exclusive?
I also cant believe that ads actually work.

If anyone here has experience as partners on blip/youtube, love to
hear more info.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] how to videoblog worksheets

2010-04-07 Thread Jay dedman
 A friend is going to be leading a small workshop and I remember there used
 to be some one-sheets to help new teachers teach videoblogging.
 I looked around the wiki, but couldn't find them. Anyone know where they

Here's the best that was ever collected:

It's been untouched for a couple years, so some of the materials will
obviously be out-of-date. Might at least help get him started.


Re: [videoblogging] how to videoblog worksheets

2010-04-07 Thread Jay dedman
 Here's the best that was ever collected:
 It's been untouched for a couple years, so some of the materials will
 obviously be out-of-date. Might at least help get him started.

By the way, you may want to contact Jen Proctor who teaches a
video/film university class. She may have updated info to share.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: YouTube link to blog to be retired

2010-04-05 Thread Jay dedman
 You just add an overlay title using your video edit software. Most
 people put it in the intro or ending credits etc.
 If you want to do it the low-tech way, stick a sign in the background
 when you shoot your video!

Exactly. Youtube also lets you create hot links that click through
to other Youtube URL's which is cool. Unfortunately, you cant add
links outside Youtube (assume its to avoid spam). There's ways to add
this hotlinks with other software but it hasnt ever caught on.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Crash Test Kitchen checking in

2010-04-03 Thread Jay dedman
 A friend of mine has just made a short film using the Red format. The 
 progressive way that the compression works sounds like it might be ideal for 
 web video. Imagine you've got a 1GB file - if you only download the first 
 100MB, say, you still get the whole length of the video, but in a lower 
 resolution. That's as I understand it, anyway. So imagine a person with a 
 slower connection being able to view your video more or less immediately at 
 a lower resolution, or wait for the resolution to build up.

I would love to get confirmation of this fact. As Quirk said,
Silverlight enables this kind of downloading..but I wonder if it can
get its orgins from the actual camera you use.

 There has probably been a lot of discussion here about Red that I've missed! 
 For now I'm pretty chuffed with my new HF200 and not having to juggle tapes 
 any more. When I convert the video my old single core Dell notebook - the one 
 we started Crash Test Kitchen with in 2004 - can still handle the editing!

We havent spoken about the RED camera much here because no one has one
yet (or admitted to it). We have pointed to the small RED camera that
they're working on that will be pro-sumer. Currently, we've all been
trading examples of what the DLSR's (Mark V/VII + Lumix) can do. A
number of people here arenow using them for their video work. The SLR
lenses seems to really make the difference.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] vlog research - low income/urban

2010-04-03 Thread Jay dedman
 Hi, I'm researching a topic that has to do with encouraging kids from
 low income and/or urban landscapes to express themselves with video.
 This could be both singly or as part of an educational program. I
 vaguely remember a few years ago a number of interesting projects that
 focused on videoblogging from both within the US and also less
 developed nations. Can anyone point to such projects/sites -- or does
 anyone know how successful such efforts have been? I'm imaging that a
 significant challenge would be funding such an effort and also giving
 access to cameras and editing software to the kids.

There are a number of people from this list who have had experienced
teaching videoblogging to these kinds of communities. I know Rupert
taught Roma kids in England. I think Kerry is currently running a
program for Somali(?) students in Ohio. Ryanne and I have taught
different workshops as well. Like this:

I cant think of any one place where there is a collection of material.
Be great if there was. Maybe ask some more specific questions. Or
others can chime in.

We've had discussions here before about the problems of teaching
videoblogging, especially in low income/education areas. First its
difficult to get access to technology (hardware+broadband) on a
regular basis. Maybe this is changing with the popularity of smart
phones. Then it's a matter of the time it takes to learn how to tell
stories. Editing isnt easy. People are shy. Culture clashes can be
difficult. But all this is changing each year as videoblogging becomes
more normal.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] SLINGERS... from the list's Mike Sizemore

2010-04-02 Thread Jay dedman
 So I am nerding out with a buddy who works in the comic book industry the
 other night and we are talking about videoblogging and indie video in
 general and I remembered a VERY cool sizzle reel I found late last year
 called SLINGERS:
 and when I found the link on Vimeo I noticed some VloMo09 posts in the more
 from this user channel on the right...
 and it's from Mike Sizemore, who used to post on the list.

Mike's a good guy. He's a writer out of London. You can follow him on
twitter here:

That trailer for their proposed TV show looks amazing.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] SLINGERS... from the list's Mike Sizemore

2010-04-02 Thread Jay dedman
CORRECTION: The Mike Sizemore that we know is at


On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 8:15 AM, Jay dedman wrote:
 So I am nerding out with a buddy who works in the comic book industry the
 other night and we are talking about videoblogging and indie video in
 general and I remembered a VERY cool sizzle reel I found late last year
 called SLINGERS:
 and when I found the link on Vimeo I noticed some VloMo09 posts in the more
 from this user channel on the right...
 and it's from Mike Sizemore, who used to post on the list.

 Mike's a good guy. He's a writer out of London. You can follow him on
 twitter here:

 That trailer for their proposed TV show looks amazing.


 917 371 6790

917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] YouTube link to blog to be retired

2010-04-02 Thread Jay dedman
 I never used this feature in YouTube, but I use the automatic cross
 to my blogs from Blip.TV all the time. I guess this is one more reason
 keep Blip.TV as my primary means of video distribution.

This is weird:

We will soon be retiring the ability to add and link to a blog from your
 YouTube Account. Even though Link to a blog will soon be retired, you
 still have other options to share your YouTube Activity with external sites.
 You can:

* Embed a video / playlist in a blog or webpage. (Learn more here)
* You can AutoShare your YouTube activity to Facebook, Twitter, and
 Google Reader. (Learn more here)

It always pays to add a link to your blog INSIDE the video itself.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] VideoLan Movie Creator - Open Source Video Editor

2010-04-02 Thread Jay dedman
 This is the link to the software page:
 Videomaker has a posted about the new open source video editing software:

Cool! The VLC guys were showing off some screenshots of the editor
they were working on this past summer at the Open Video Conference. If
you've ever used the VLC player, you know it plays anything you throw
out it. They said their editor would similarly be able to handle any
codec you put into it. This would be amazing to avoid all the
transcoding we do now. Incompatible formats is what scares away
beginners from editing video.

I cant wait till a mac version comes out.


Re: [videoblogging] Crash Test Kitchen checking in

2010-04-02 Thread Jay dedman
 Lenny and myself are still doing Crash Test Kitchen whenever we can, and I've 
 got Garage Night TV on my plate as well. Still taking the lo-fi how-to 
 approach, with some concessions to modernity - have just bought a Canon HF200 
 AVCHD camera and gone widescreen. Oh the joys of editing AVCHD! Actually I'm 
 having reasonable success with Adobe Premiere Elements and Free HD Converter.

Welcome back Waz. I thin many of us have found our groove and add
little new technologies as needed. i know some here are jumping into
the DSLR world for video. We're about to buy one ourselves. Quality
just gets better and better.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Live webvideocasting - Veetle?

2010-04-02 Thread Jay dedman
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Brook Hinton wrote:
 Revisiting the whole live video thing due to stumbling across It
 seems a little too good to be true, free high quality live streaming at SD
 or HD with no ads and no bandwidth limits. Anyone used it? Experiences?

Says its created by some students at Standford. Probably just trying
to attract as many users as possible so eating all the costs now. Has
anyone used this service yet?


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] AVCHD HDC-1080 PocketCam

2010-03-30 Thread Jay dedman
 Anyone have any data on this device purchased on eBay? Digitronics HD AVCHD 
 HDC-1080 PocketCam Full HD 1080 8.0 Mega Pixels
 Arrived in mail with nothing but the pocketcam, and doesn't seem to show up 
 on google. Plugged it into my USB but WindowsXP doesn't like it. Won't even 
 recharge the battery.
 Any assistance appreciated.

Ivre never heard of this camera either. I'd send it back if you can.
Sorry if this is obviousbut it's best t do the research on the
camera you want before you purchase.

There are many good pockets cameras between $100-200 that have great
support forums.


Re: [videoblogging] Re: German vloggers before 2005 -- Adam Kontras

2010-03-26 Thread Jay dedman
 So, do you agree when I say that there were no many long-lasting videoblogs 
 just short-dated experimental ones between 2000 and 2004?

This post doesnt discuss individual people, but it does go over
technical/commercial landscape of online video:


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: German vloggers before 2005 -- Adam Kontras

2010-03-25 Thread Jay dedman
 thanks for your answer. Actually, there were and still is the videoblog of 
 Adam Kontras He already had started in 2000! But he seems 
 to be the only one with a classic videoblog in those early days (...not to 
 mention especially German videoblogs, I see).
 I spoke with Greenhorn (Ingvar: but 
 he doesn't have got a videoblog but he has some experimental videos on his 
 So, do you agree when I say that there were no many long-lasting videoblogs 
 just short-dated experimental ones between 2000 and 2004? Then, Ryanne and 
 Steve came in.

I would say that this is a true statement. When I started this
Videoblogging group in 2004, I scanned the web for anyone who posted
video regularly to a blog. Adrian Miles, Steve Garfield, and Chris
Weagel are some of the ones I remember. Just look in the archives of
this group. There were people I invited to the group who never
responded. Most folks seemed to have done one experiment with video
and were done.

I dont think I remember Adam: Maybe I
thought he was too popular to invite?

Many of the others who joined soon after were video folks who
immediately understood the idea behind videoblogging and started doing
it. Remember that there were no online video services back then. Part
of the fun/frustration was making it up as we went along. Compression,
uploading to a server, embedding, RSS feeds.

It wasn't long before Youtube and other services popped up. Video
communities spread. It just had to be easy enough to get video online.


Re: [videoblogging] German vloggers before 2005

2010-03-23 Thread Jay dedman
 I have been searching for a while but with little success. Is within our 
 group any German vlogger who had started his vlog before 2005? The only one I 
 could find is greenhorn and now I try to contact him via email and maybe 
 now it works via our group...
 But has anyone a hint for me? Or hadn't there existed any German videoblogs 
 before that time?

Hey Jenna--

To be honest, there weren't any vloggers really anywhere before 2004.
People experimented with posting video online, but Adrian Miles was
the only person I found who had used a blog to post videos on any kind
of regular basis.

Ive never heard of greenhorn.


Re: [videoblogging] laurence testud

2010-03-20 Thread Jay dedman
Sorry for the spam. Banned.


On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 4:44 AM, Tony Pelliccio wrote:


917 371 6790

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Re: [videoblogging] Editing on Mac w/o Firewire...

2010-03-09 Thread Jay dedman
 Looks like I might be bartering for a new-ish mac 13
 There is no firewire input and i was wondering how some of you dealt
 with that problem.
 I think my cams are only capable of exporting via firewire...
 Any help would be appreciated?

I use an external hard drrive with USB and Firewire to make it work.
--The computer connects through USB to Hard drive.
--The camera connects through Firewire to Hard drive.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Generate your own music

2010-03-02 Thread Jay dedman
 I've been looking for some new intro music for my blog, and one of my
 viewers pointed me to this site:
 It generates music based on the site contents, and it turns out my
 site main page generates quite good music!

My site sounds like an 80's black comedy. Cool.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Creating (or outsourcing) title sequences for videobloggers

2010-02-28 Thread Jay dedman
 Today I'm swamped with a pletora of digital animation tools, and here I am
 staring at Final Cut Pro wondering how the heck I'm suppose to do the same
 Are there any tools you've found to bring back the fun of making title
 animations (aside from fixed ones like in iMovie), or even sites where there
 are templates folks like me could remix from?

Things havent changed. People use Aftereffects and Phtoshop to make
titles...then bring those sequences into FCP.
Apple does have Motion, which is FCP's copy-cat AfterEffects program.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: seminar filming?

2010-02-24 Thread Jay dedman
 My method has been to run a recorder off the board, but also mainly to
 have a Zoom H2 set on 2 chan surround somewhere fairly central.
 Then one can run it through the levelator to balance out loud and
 quiet. The it's just a question of mixing, or cutting between one and
 the other in post.

We dont talk about it often, but this free software is really awesome
for normalizing audio:


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] CNN iReports?

2010-02-22 Thread Jay dedman
 right!...I remember when I survived the China May 2008 quake and most of the 
 hot news agencies of the world were around my interview... CNN called me for 
 an interview about the disaster ... and I just replied -straight  2,000 USD 
 per minute-cause I knew they make cash with free news from cyber citizens 
 reports... and they just wanted it for free...I said NO WAY  ...
 well, same deal with other famous media agencies in the world ... the one 
 that really gave me a great deal was AP (associated press)

How much did they pay you for what amount of video?


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Youtube thumbnail frame

2010-02-21 Thread Jay dedman
 To become a YouTube Partner, you must meet these minimum requirements:
    * You create original videos suitable for online streaming.
    * You own or have express permission to use and monetize all audio
 and video content that you upload—no exceptions.
    * You regularly upload videos that are viewed by thousands of
 YouTube users, or you publish popular or commercially successful
 videos in other ways (such as DVDs sold online).

And they are VERY strict with copyright. Tell them you make ALl your
own media even the music. We mentioned we used CC-licensed music...and
they sent us forms they wanted us to get signed by all parties and
faxed to their office.

We ended up not being Youtube Partners but seems they just want people
who post regularly and are regularly popular. They sent us an invite
after some of our videos started hitting 50k.


917 371 6790

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Re: [videoblogging] CNN iReports?

2010-02-21 Thread Jay dedman
 I submitted my first two CNN iReports in the last two days, just for fun.
 Both times a CNN staffer called me the next day to vet them and get a
 quote from me that is below the video. Anyone have any feelings on iReports?
 Seems a nice way to embed a video on my blog, with the cool red CNN
 iReport on the video, but I bet they own that video now!!! So perhaps not
 a good hosting alternative, albeit a great ego boost. They even said if I
 updated an uploaded video to email them and they can swap it out with the
 new version. Interestingly accessible for such a big organization.

It is cool they do it. I m pretty sure built their backend so
the accessibility isnt too surprising.

Now to put on my cynical hat. If you post little daily life stories,
itll never go on the air. What they want is to get the person who
records the tornado or the school shooting. iReport is built to get
the free money shot for their TV network.


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] Lumiere---now on Vimeo

2010-02-21 Thread Jay dedman
I just saew that Vimeo has a

With the chaos of everyday life consuming our senses, it is nice to sit back
 and enjoy moments and experiences that are often overlooked. This project
 aims to study the forgotten moments and times in life that we often pass by
 without acknowledging.

 The rules:
 -Video must be exactly one minute long
 -No camera movement (no panning, tilting, etc)
 -No editing whatsoever
 -Use original sound
 -Tag with '1 minute'

This is what Andreas and Britanny started with years ago.


917 371 6790

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Show makers talk about the business of making shows

2010-02-21 Thread Jay dedman
We were talking earlier last week about the trials of creating and
funding a webshow:

Zadi, Steve...Kent Nichols of Askaninjahave posted a LONG (2-hr)
audio podcast where they talk about how they deal with show making in
LA. History, process, money, deals, love, life, failure, success.

Its worth a listen.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Blatant copying of my Blog!

2010-02-21 Thread Jay dedman
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 11:47 AM, M. Sean Kaminsky wrote:
 just came across this wordpress plug-in - not sure how effective it is - but
 thought it was interesting:

Here's the direct link to this plugin:
Kid of cool if you're worried about copying. Itd be weird if a popup
happened anytime someone copied a link.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] short-film ideas using a 360 degree lens

2010-02-15 Thread Jay dedman
 I seen 1000's of these panorama videos [1][2
 I am trying to think of a story/drama that would make a 360 degree lens worth 

Do you have a link to a 360 camera that you would get?


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Remember when it was all 320x240?

2010-02-15 Thread Jay dedman
 It's a full time living for quite a few people:
 I'm not quite there yet, but there's always hope!

Yep, this is the article that everyone points to:

YouTube declined to comment on how much money partners earned on average,
 partly because advertiser demand varies for different kinds of videos. But a
 spokesman, Aaron Zamost, said “hundreds of YouTube partners are making
 thousands of dollars a month.” At least a few are making a full-time living:
 Mr. Buckley said he was earning over $100,000 from YouTube advertisements.


917 371 6790

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Veoh is dead

2010-02-12 Thread Jay dedman
 I have to say that Dmitri has always been really friendly and nice, across
many interactions over many years, and today of all days I want to wish him
and everyone who worked at Veoh well.
 I actually think about everyone in our Web video world all those years ago
as being somewhat of a pioneer.

I never met Dmitri or had any interaction with him. Veoh did give a couple
small sponsorships at Vloggercon and Pixelodeon. I certainly dont wish ill
will towards anyone. Ive made too many mistakes in my short life to enjoy
other people's failure.

But it interesting to see how things are playing out. Techcrunch had a
relevant article today:

We’re still in the early days of online video content and history is
 repeating itself.  The film industry initially recreated theater and added a
 camera to record plays; early TV recreated radio and added a camera as
 well.  Online video content has much room for improvement, but what is
 missing is the kind of investment required to create compelling content.
  VCs keep throwing out cliché after cliché and just show their lack of
 understanding of that fact. Sure, some of the aggregators such as Veoh did
 scale quickly but it wasn’t all that defensive.  Despite all of this, VCs
 seem to be making all of the same mistakes over and over again: investing in
 the technology and not in the content.

This is something we've all spoken about at length. There's plenty of money
for technology and ZERO money for creators. Advertising is something to
watch but there's a HUGE gap between making a video series and bootstrapping
its popularity long enough where you might make some money to survive.

I also like the mantra: the web is not TV. Ill be sad if all this work
just leads to HULU, or another place where you can watch LOST episodes.


917 371 6790

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Veoh is dead

2010-02-12 Thread Jay dedman
 As a viewer I remain pissed off that when I go looking for regular compelling 
 content I usually find magazine-format programs that dont float my boat for 
 reasons of my age, the pace of the show, or cultural incompatibilities (eg I 
 like Americans but where the hell are the British shows not made by existing 
 media personalities?)
 Please can someone cheer me up by posting a few links to some content that 
 there is a chance I might like (it doesnt need to be British, anything but 
 the magazine format stuff will do).

All excuses aside, I agree with Eric Mortensen of who just
tweeted ( about creators having no
excuses to not do their thing. Ultimately, creators have always been
behind the ball and must sacrifice to prove their worth. This reality
wont go away just because we have shiny computers.

I just find it funny that VC's have wasted hundreds of millions on
technology solutions to video. It's become extremely clear that it's
not the problem we need solved.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Veoh is dead

2010-02-12 Thread Jay dedman
 I suppose one of the reasons Ive always liked non-commercial personal vlogs 
 is that many people can be entertaining in ways that are not 
 'larger-than-life' that showbiz requires, that are just the same as the ways 
 normal people have entertained eachother on a close personal level since time 
 immemorial. But we have been somewhat spoilt by everything from talented 
 geniuses at their prime creating brilliance, to huge personalities, epic 
 tales and great actors and it remains very unclear to me if there is much 
 more of that to go around. Are we just not fostering it and giving it room to 
 grow in people, or is such potential actually rare?
 I admit I was hoping more would come from the partial removal of 'cocaine 
 decisions' from the creative world but hopefully Ive just been barking up the 
 wrong tree and some great things will happen one day or great things that are 
 already happening will be recognised as such by me and others.

I love that: cocaine decisions. Frank Zappa lives.

I think we got to remember how young all this stuff is. Five years is
not an eternity even in internet time. I feel lots of great things
have happened. Lots of experimentation, business plans, failed
business plans, amazing technology, shitty technology. At least 75% of
the video I watch is now made by random people around the world. Most
of that is NOT a show format. I also am more drawn to the
personal/eyewitness video that get passed around in links.

For instance, here's a link I just watched:
A man smashes 29 TV's in a Walmart.
Much more fun than a 3-minute show on what's happening at MacWorld
(for me that is).

The web is not TV. That's the mantra. It probably makes sense to copy
TV formats now in this transitional periodbut in 10 years, I think
popular online content won't be what we think of shows now.

I'm still super psyched that it's all cracked open. We still got to
create on pure energy as all artists before us. As David Cross says:
Shut up you fucking baby!


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Veoh is dead

2010-02-12 Thread Jay dedman
 Do you think its safe to try discussing the creation aspect, now that there 
 are presumably less people participating here, and there is no longer a 
 danger of urinating on the newborn flames of vlog hope where everything 
 seemed possible because that time has long passed?

My friend, David, coincidentally wrote a relevant post today about
creators developing fans and finding alternative means of funding:
It's not specific about video and riffs on the 1000 True Fans
theory, but still interesting to see how things are evolving.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Remember when it was all 320x240?

2010-02-11 Thread Jay dedman
 Originally (2006) I produced videos 320x240 @15fps. I was more conscious 4 
 years ago about file size. I imagined Blip blowing up with files being 
 anything larger. :)
 Since then I've settled in on 480x272 as my standard output rez (16:9).
 If I have 4:3 video I'll normally output to 480x360.
 I use vpip on my wordpress site to add the videos.
 Over the years, I've since gone back, left the original video @ 320x240, but 
 I have it displayed on the site at 480x360. It looks no worse than some of 
 the stuff I see on YT.
 While I have my pants down telling all my dirty secrets, I've shoot 
 everything over the past couple years in HD. I don't output in HD, just the 
 original content is in HD. That way, I have more options down the road.

I've always advocated this direction. I loved vPIP (
because it let you post multiple formats so people could choose.
Someone may want the full HD version, while another person can choose
the smaller Flash version, or another person may want to watch the
.ogv file, or someone else can watch the H264 version because they
really appreciate the compression quality.

vPIP also creates different RSS feeds for your different formats. This
is important since different devices require different formats since
we're still in days of the codec war.

I've always been surprised vPIP hasnt been more popular, or someone
hasn't copied it's features.I guess because it takes more work to post
multiple formats, but I think its a nice option until there's some

I also still post smaller sized videos online...but keep higher
quality archives for the future. I'd rather people watch a slightly
slower quality video than click away because they dont want to watch
for the 720HD version to download.

That being said, David's work at is extremely
appealing to a very specific group of people. Someone who likes to
take apart electronics will wait to download the HD version if that's
their only choice.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Veoh is dead

2010-02-11 Thread Jay dedman
 I never really used them, but thought y'all would find this
 interesting nonetheless...

I dont know anyone who used them to host videos. Not exactly sure who
their users were. Kind of reminded me of Revver, another online video
hosting company to go bankrupt.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Veoh is dead

2010-02-11 Thread Jay dedman
 Did some brief trawling through the archives of this group circa 2005-2006 
 and saw one reason why I remember Veoh - Their founder was active here when 
 they started, and the Halycon bloke with pink hair rather overpromoted them 
 on this group from time to time.

Those were the days when you could literally watch almost every video
posted each day. It was in the hundreds. Veoh decided to import,
transcode, and reupload everyone's videos to Veoh one night. I bet it
was before a funding meeting so they wanted to show how popular they
were. Dmitry came on the list and made peace by deleting all the
videos they imported.

It was this incident that had a group of us create this best
practices for hosting sites:

I dont see sites do this anymore (reuploading people's videos). Maybe
Im not just aware of it.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Remember when it was all 320x240?

2010-02-11 Thread Jay dedman
 HD is not their only choice.
 I use an embedded YouTube player which defaults to 360p, the user must  then 
 manually chose 480p or 720p if they way higher res. If they subscribe to my 
 podcast with iTunes or whatever they get a
 separate 480x272 version.
 About half my audience subscribe and watch directly via my YouTube channel, 
 which again defaults to 360p.

 So my available HD content uses no more bandwidth than anyone else's blog or 
 video, unless the user decides that's what they want.

I didnt know Youtube did all this these days. This is great.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Remember when it was all 320x240?

2010-02-11 Thread Jay dedman
 I would guess that its partly the extra work the publisher has to go through 
 like you say, but also some other technical issues to do with how the plugin 
 works in practice, along with whatever the story is regarding what happened 
 to ShowInABox and other video module plugins that it tried to promote, most 
 of which Ive long since forgotten. What remains active of these prior 
 efforts? There was some very nice functionality in these things but they 
 needed polishing to gain wider use.

People got understandably burnt out developing themes and plugins.
Also it was a time when Wordpress was updating itself every couple
weeks. Too difficult to keep up. Eric (aka UnholyKnight) was cool
enough to update recently the plugins for the latest Wordpress:

But as youve mentioned, commercial services have come  along way to
providing the services people want. David Jones just clued me into how
easy Youtube has made viewing. Upload one version and they trasncode
into multiple formats, plus seem to provide different RSS feeds for
different devices. That's all we were ever trying to do with

 I wanted stuff to evolve whereby people could mix a variety of different 
 services from different companies together in a standard and modulaar way, 
 where it would be trivial to switch service providers for any part of the 
 system without having a nightmare, where the user had full control over their 
 data, and where there was still room for indie developers to add 
 functionality to the basic service offerings. Well in reality we sometimes 
 get sort of some of the above, but not in a way that makes me feel there is a 
 cohesive platform I can build on without placing undue trust on a single 
 corporate platform such as writing a facebook app or whatever.

I always wanted to build a frontend for Amazon S3. It'd be an app that
connected to your S3 account. You'd just drag a video into the
app...and it'd transcode and upload the video into multiple versions.
It'd provide a nice interface to your library of videos, including
DV/HD copies of all your work. Hosting is cheap enough to do this.

So instead of relying on free commercial hosting sites, you'd have
control. Not sure if many people want this control though. Youtube
makes it so easy. Plus some people seem to actually be making money
from Adsense through Youtube.

 Never mind, personally Im hungry to work on something so shall likely return 
 to Drupal and see what can be done with that in conjunction with video 
 hosting services  html5.

I like the possibilities in HTML5. What will be interesting is if we
can find different ways to tell stories beyond just a short video
posted in a Flash player. All this could be more than just TV on the


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] XDCAM + FCP

2010-02-10 Thread Jay dedman
If anyone here has experience working with Sony's XDCAM video files
and FCP, please email me offlist. I have a colleague who's stuck and
has a couple questions that she can't find anywhere online. She seems
to have stumped everyone with her issue. Thanks in advanced.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] YouTube Live Streaming Video

2010-02-10 Thread Jay dedman
 I watched the Google Buzz launch video today, and noticed it was live 
 streamed over YouTube. I had not heard of them offering a live streaming 
 service. Is this something new or am I just late to the party as usual?

I havent seen a Youtube streaming service. They probably just use it
internally since they have the servers and engineers. Could obviously
be testing for a public release as well.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Zoom H4N Audio Recorder

2010-02-10 Thread Jay dedman
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 9:36 PM, Brook Hinton wrote:
 Excellent resources and info, Rob, thanks! Should go in the wiki if its
 still around... Jay? (I can't find the link for some reason).

Here it is:
We started this wiki several years ago to remember useful links or
explanations. Please add/edit as necessary. Sometimes it's useful when
someone asks a question that was answered in detail in previous


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] Remember when it was all 320x240?

2010-02-05 Thread Jay dedman
well, Vimeo just announced that it's added 1080p with ACCHD support
(for Vimeo Plus members).

Youtube did this in the fall but it's not becoming common. I have a
pretty decent mac and it can barely handle playback. But it was just 4
years ago when people complained of their computes choking on 320x240
videos. Bandwidth was slow and processing power limited. Just a matter
of time before the groupBorgmind upgrades itself.

Really really beautiful images at 1080p.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Remember when it was all 320x240?

2010-02-05 Thread Jay dedman
 They don't make you an HD flash version but blip has always supported
 any size file you want to put up there. You can just add a 1080p file
 (along with lots of other formats) when you upload.

Thats why blip is good. They are almost completely format agnostic.
For instance, I use always blip when I need to post an mp3.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: H264 still free till 2016

2010-02-04 Thread Jay dedman
 They still gain in other ways by having h.264 as the standard, ie they get 
 larger payments from companies that distribute a lot of video, sell video, 
 make hardware  software that encodes  decodes, etc etc. The end user or 
 small creator still ends up paying in the form of a small chunk of the cost 
 of things they buy, or a small percentage of the cut that the video 
 host/distributor takes, but if done right its such a small amount that 
 hardly anyone notices, and those who dont have the means of paying are not 
 chased by the brain police or completely locked out of the online video 

Yes, someone just watching video online or editing with commercial
software will see no change.
But if we wanted to create our own video editing software or
transcoder, we would have to pay licensing fees to use H264. If H264
is the default standard, then any grassroots solution will necessarily
be illegal.

This is why Firefox is pushing for Ogg/Theora to be widely adopted
since they cannot afford to pay a licensing fee for each Firefox
install. This is also why awesome video projects like are created by somewhat shadow groups who
put plenty of blood, sweat and tears into their projects...but cannot
really by public about it. If H264 is the standard then it cuts out
any player who cant pay.

At the same time, the creators of H264 have every right to insist on
payment for their team of engineers who create a beautiful codec. Just
like a pharmaceutical company has every moral right to charge for
medicine they research and produce.

It's also like Microsoft's Internet Explorer. For a while it was the
default browser because they pushed it onto all computers that were
bought with Windows. The browser was free to the user, right? Who
cares? Defacto standard. Of course we learned that a closed browser
stifled innovation and added cost onto the cost of each computer
bought. It took quite a battle legally and technically to get people
to undestand that O! if the browser is open, then thousands of
developers will extend its usability, and make it all much cooler.
And in order for this to happen, there cannot be a fee to play.

 Will be interesting to see what Mozilla do with firefox, and the youtube 
 html5 test and ipad have stirred up a heck of a lot of online discussion 
 about these issues recently, time will tell if this leads to anything useful 
 or remains mostly hot air.

Yeah, its good for H264 to extend their freeness till 2016 since they
can continue to get inside of all devices. But it also gives Mozilla,
google, and others time to develop an alternative codec if they so


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Blatant copying of my Blog!

2010-02-04 Thread Jay dedman
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Chad Boeninger wrote:
 I recently discovered that it's been happening to me as well.  Take a look
 at my post here
 and see the striking similarities here
 .  Granted, the site does link back to the original post, but I still feel a
 bit violated.

Dave's example is really extreme form of a splog. Its actually nicely
designed as well. Looks real and not just a scrape trying to pull

When this group first started when online video was very new, there
were a lot of sites popping up scraping and aggregating video. Often
they'd just grab RSS feeds and suddenly have instant content.

We came up with a list of best practices that helped set the tone for
what was acceptable:

Dave, keep us up to date with what happens. As others have suggested,
take a deep breath and take it step by step. If this guy gets some
formal letters from an may be surprised how quickly it
goes away. Im surprised he has the domain in his own name.


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] H264 still free till 2016

2010-02-03 Thread Jay dedman
Steve of Elbows has mentioned this day several times. H264 will now
officially be royalty free to users for a little while longer. My cynical
read: they're trying to make sure H264 is the video standard online...then
they can charge out the wazoo.

The MPEG LA has extended their royalty-free license (PDF) for 'Internet
 Video that is free to end users' until the end of 2016. This means
 webmasters who are registered MPEG LA licensees will not have to pay a
 royalty to stream H.264 video for the next six years. However the last
 patent in the H.264 portfolio expires in 2028, and the MPEG LA has not
 released what fees, if any, it will charge webmasters after this 'free
 trial' period is over.


917 371 6790

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] VlogEurope 2010 - Lisbon.

2010-02-03 Thread Jay dedman
 VlogEurope 2010 - Lisbon.
 I've had this on my mind for some time, and now is as good a time as any to 
 start spreading the word and getting people to find time in their schedule to 
 make it to Portugal in November. So why VlogEurope 2010 - Lisbon?
 Portugal is easily reachable from both sides of the Atlantic, and if I had my 
 way the event would mix up as much of the world as possible. It's not 
 expensive to fly here, and accommodations are reasonable by European 
 What will happen? For me VlogEurope should be about what the people attending 
 want to do, but judging from previous editions the main thing will be about 
 having people together in a big session of vlog fun, and discovering the 
 city. Lisbon has seen a boom of really nice hostels, and since that turned 
 out good in Budapest, shouldn't we try something like that here? There will 
 be lots to see after, and also to eat and drink. Trust me ;).
 Just trying to start the conversation and get some feedback. But we're on!

Hey Miguel...I notice no one has answered this message yet. Might be
better to post on Not sure how many US
citizens can afford to travel overseas right now. Tough financial
times and an uncertain future. Not sure what the atmosphere is like in

But I love the idea of an event in Portugal.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] youtube sound

2010-02-01 Thread Jay dedman that I edited the video and uploaded to the Youtube I'm experiencing 
 some sort of video behind the sound issue. The raw compressed file is looking 
 good, but when I upload it to Youtube, the visual goes faster than the sound. 
 Is it just me or Youtube doing smth wrong today? Have you had any issues like 
 that? I did fix the raw sound to reduce the hum. Could that be doing 
 something to the video on Youtube?

It'd be helpful if you send a link to the Youtube video so we can see
it. Also be good to know how you compressed the video and fixed the


917 371 6790

Correct subject lines (was Re: [videoblogging] Turnhere free videos)

2010-01-31 Thread Jay dedman
Just a quick note as the moderator of this list. I notice that we have
a thread here under Turnhere free videos, yet none of the
discussions are about Turnhere.

Please appease my obsessive compulsive behavior and start a new email
thread with a new subject heading when changing topics. This helps
make the conversations understandable in our email inboxes.


On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Tom Dolan wrote:

 Hi All,

 Been looking @ some video blog sites and comparing to the one I'm
 building. I've imported two short videos I made, from YouTube just to
 chk compatibility, etc. They appear in a list format on the Home page/
 Blog and I can add commentary if I choose so far so good. But now,

 I've been looking at other vid-blogs and some have a Player with
 selections in a list connected to the player either under the Player
 or to the side of the Player. Do you think that's a better format than
 the more traditional 'blog' style where each is listed in its own
 space? I know, content is important, nevertheless, I'd like to give
 the visitor a format that is user friendly but surprise them with the
 content. Opinions pleze.

 BTW, Richard Harrington likes lijit. So I checked it out. Thought OK,
 so I installed  configured it as small, non-intrusive, no ads. Kinda
 neat, but the search on my site either had ads, or worse, if the
 subject was not found on my site it offered off-site
 locations...excse me! I deactivated the plugin, wrote lijit
 support with ??'s and awaiting response.

 I don't want ads at least for awhile. So back to WordPress Search for
 now and I'm ok with it. Any experience w/lijit or opinions?
 Inspirational Vid-blogs I should check-out?


 Tom Dolan


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Re: [videoblogging] Political Video Project

2010-01-30 Thread Jay dedman
 Is the Political Video Project still going? I see only 
 goes as far as 2007 or so.
 Problem is I need video from the past year because I plan on capitalizing on 
 President Obama's hopeful plans to change Washington (And call him  his 
 staff on the carpet on a few things at the same time) by making a remix viral 
 video  posting it to my political blog.
 So I suppose the bigger question now (Given all the issues at stake) is what 
 (If anything) is being done to somehow continue (Or preserve) videos from the 
 Obama Administration?
 In my opinion, we shouldn't stop preserving videos simply because we've 
 changed Presidents in the past year. That's lame.

All political speech should be available no matter what party is in power. started because you couldn't easily get
access to President Bush's speeches. All his videos were locked in
REAL or streaming Windows format.  Several of us spent a week scraping
Bush's presidential site, transcoding the video archive, and reposting
online in a searchable format.

Obama's administration has greatly diminished the need for hacking to
get access. Here are high-quality photos you can download posted

His speeches are posted online, including a downloadable mp4 and mp3:

I would like to see even more transparency beyond just access to
videos in the political process. is a
good advocacy group to check out.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Non-XLR hand held Microphone

2010-01-29 Thread Jay dedman
 Someone linked to the AudioTechnica website but I'm not sure what they were 
 exactly trying to link to.

They have good quality, affordable mics that use the 1/4 jack. Do
some searching.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: avoiding/cleaning hum noise

2010-01-28 Thread Jay dedman
 I have a question about lavaliere. For interviews, is it better to use this 
 type of mic.? Does it pick up less ambient sound. What about if I film 
 outside with it..what noises does it pick up? If I filmed outside with a 
 lavaliere and if it didn't pick up enough outside noise, maybe it wouldn't 
 give the real sense of the environment? I don't know. Or is it enough to use 
 the shot mic that I have and just mount it on a boom pole (any 
 recommendations on which are good?) as close to the object as possible?

I wouldnt overthink it. We use a wireless lavalier when we have time
to hook it up to the person. It sounds awesome even in the noisiest of
places. Plus it lets the person take us on walks without losing any

If we cant use a lavalier, we use a shotgun mic mounted to the camera.
Whatever the camera points at, the sound is excellent.

As always, just jump in. Experience will give you the answers.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: 2010 the year of the tablet?

2010-01-28 Thread Jay dedman
 I've been shooting video and editing it or broadcasting it live from my HP 
 Compaq TC1100 tablet for nearly 4 years. A lot of my shooting is on building 
 construction and restoration sites, so the highly portable tablet form factor 
 is extraordinarily useful. Shoot in the morning, edit over lunch and post it. 
 Or, when operating live over wireless with no cables at all, bluetooth from 
 cam to tablet, wifi from tablet to the internet direct.
 Video Reports from the Field:

Youve been documenting your woodworking since I can remember. Never
knew it was on a tablet. Your videos are the perfect example of how
niche content works the best for online video. I doubt a million
people would find a 17-minute video on scraping paint popular, but the
people who are into restoring old homes must LOVE your videos.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Non-XLR hand held Microphone

2010-01-28 Thread Jay dedman
 I am looking for a traditional hand held microphone to use for 
 man-on-the-street news interviews. Everything I can find is either an XLR mic 
 or a toy.
 I have a Panasonic TM300 which is a nice small camera but has a traditional 
 1/4 microphone jack. I know there are XLR converters which would be fine but 
 all the ones I have seen are super huge and bulky, which kind of defeats the 
 purpose of the small camera.
 So can anyone suggest a decent microphone with the right connector or a small 
 XLR converter? Thanks.

As Richard suggested, we used to use a 1/4-XLR adapter since any
serious mic seems to be XLR.
But I have used that had a 1/4 plug. Worked well.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: avoiding/cleaning hum noise

2010-01-28 Thread Jay dedman
  I've been practicing a lot with the camera over these past days to try to 
  figure out where the problem may be and I think that it's camera that makes 
  this noise. I tried mic mounted on it, further from it-on a 
  still gave that hum sound. Even when the mic was off, I could still see 
  the level of noise on my camera showing up. So I'm not sure if the jack is 
  bad or if the camera is too loud in general.

I think any further discussion on your hum problem would require us
all to see/hear a clip from this camera. Could be all kinds of things.
Youd be surprised how keenly sensitive this group will be if they can
actually hear the hum.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] avoiding/cleaning hum noise

2010-01-26 Thread Jay dedman
 I would like to know how you manage to record a sound with minimum hum in a 
 room environment. I have a good microphone that I use for my filming, but I 
 always get a huge hum sound if I film inside.

What camera do you use, or where do you place your mic? Some cameras
are notorious for their loud tape mechanism.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Learn from GIF's

2010-01-25 Thread Jay dedman
 And as for the open video alliance video you posted recently - more fine 
lofty words but there is more vagueness and blending of all the different
sorts of 'open' into one thing in order to demonstrate why open is
important, but its a bit misleading really, because the theora stuff has
nothing to do with the copyright  other open issues they mention. And the
case that we should use open standards to avoid costly barriers to entry
would carry more weight with me if it bore much relation to the reality
right now, eg if there were many video hardware  software tools that
actually used the open standards well, and no cheap h264 tools, but thats
not actually the case.

Chris Blizzard was clear that Ogg/Theora is not the holy grail:

Many of you might notice that I haven’t talked much about Theora or Vorbis.
 In fact some of you might read this post as me throwing them under the bus.
 That couldn’t be further from the truth. What I’ve really been talking about
 is one part of a larger ecosystem. What the web is really asking for is a
 codec that is implemented everywhere, that competes well on quality and
 doesn’t come with GIF-like surprises. Theora and Vorbis fit every part of
 this bill. You can actually use them on all of the desktop browsers, either
 via native support or via a Java plugin that actually works pretty well.

But given the situation with (possible) submarine patents (in .ogv) it would
 actually be a good idea for us to have more than one royalty-free codec
 available for browser vendors, site owners and content publishers. That way
 if one of them turns out to have issues, you just turn one of them off and
 continue to use the other one That’s why I think that if Google did offer a
 new codec that it would make a wonderful addition to the list of codecs we
 could use on the web. And if they want to use it on Youtube and other Google
 sites, that’s great. But it’s good to have other options in the wings.

There is certainly a lot of lofty philosophical talk happening right now
around Open Video. Even that term is being inserted into relevant
conversations so people start relaizing that there is a different being Open
and Closed video. Its a slow education process. Ultimately most things start
with philosophy and, if based in logic, move to reality.

Its still pretty amazing to me that Ogg/Theora is even in play. There are
literally just a couple dudes who work kind-of fulltime on the codec.
Compare that to the x-number of fulltime employees working on Flash and H264

As all these recent articles point out, everyone is waiting on Google to
make the big play. Will they stick with H264/Flash and pay whatever license
fees will be required to run Youtube and their emerging mobile phones? Or
was their purchase of On2 (makers of .ogv) show they feel web video is a
vital part of the web and refuse to give up that control to Adobe or the

We will see Steve!


917 371 6790

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[videoblogging] VIDEO: why open video?

2010-01-24 Thread Jay dedman
This is a really nice video explaining why the tools of video need to
be more open:
Stuff we've talked about here, but another step to making the vision more clear.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] - new British vlogging service

2010-01-24 Thread Jay dedman
 The iSight is about as good as it gets.
 You'll have trouble importing hi-8 into your Mac, unless you want to
 fork out for final cut pro and an analogue/digital converter box.
 Would be cheaper and much better just to buy a Kodak Zi8 or a Flip
 Mino HD for $100-200. Or even the previous version of either: the Zi6
 or the Flip SD, for slightly less.

I agree with Rupert that you can certainly capture a hi8 video onto
your computer with converters...but you'll cause yourself a lot of
headache. Be easier to just invest in an inexpensive, high quality DV


917 371 6790

[videoblogging] Mozilla explains why Firefox doesnt support H264

2010-01-24 Thread Jay dedman
Mozilla's VP-of-Engineering explains on his blog:

Vimeo and YouTube seem to believe that reliance on proprietary plugins for
 video is a problem on the web. Mozilla believes that reliance on
 patent-encumbered formats is a problem on the web. Who’s right? Both groups
 are, in this case; that we can attack, from different perspectives, the
 multifacted problem of freeing video on the web is an example of the
 distributed innovation that has made the web such a powerful and popular

 For Mozilla, H.264 is not currently a suitable technology choice. In many
 countries, it is a patented technology, meaning that it is illegal to use
 without paying license fees to the MPEG-LA. Without such a license, it is
 not legal to use or distribute software that produces or consumes
 H.264-encoded content. Indeed, even distributing H.264 content over the
 internet or broadcasting it over the airwaves requires the consent of the
 MPEG-LA, and the current fee exemption for free-to-the-viewer internet
 delivery is only in effect until the end of 2010.


917 371 6790

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