On Wednesday, 6 June, 2018 10:24, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

> The build strategy for the Python APSW extension is an 
> example of unwanted dependency and loss of control.

> Building of software from source code should always be 
> under the complete control of the person who is performing 
> the build and should inherently support use of local files 
> which may contain local changes.

I build APSW this way and it uses a completely customized
version of the sqlite3.c amalgamation that I also build into
its own sqlite3 executables and DLLs, it is really not that 
difficult.  Mind you, I extract the latest APSW sources 
from the ZIP archive and have built my own build-scripts
to do this.  Because I use the mingw-w64 compiler toolchain
I also have to slightly modify the default Python library
cygwincompiler.py and have made my own customized APSW
setup.py with a different name (based on the distributed 
source setup.py) that automates the whole process.

Fossil is used to manage the local repositories that are 
created from the distribution source (I have another 
Linux machine that builds the amalgamation source from
the full sources and I copy that to use as my base 
amalgamation for generating the executables, DLLs, and 

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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