On 05/06/18 15:07, Warren Young wrote:
> All right, so include [multi-component source control and build process] ...

I'm still not sure what point you are trying to make.  Yes *you* can do
that.  Should *every* SQLite user who wants non-default options *have*
to go through a similar amount of friction?

SQLite currently only has one distribution.  This distribution has to
fit most user needs regarding backwards and forwards compatibility
(including query plans), functionality, size etc.

*If* SQLite wants to step away from one size/configuration fits most,
then there needs to be way less friction in getting the alternate
configurations.  One solution is a small number of alternate downloads
("presets"), although it is hard to know what configurations they should

That is why I advocate a web site where the user (un)ticks what they
want, and the web site provides a correctly configured download.  This
will also tell the SQLite developers what features are configured.  (eg
if everyone turns off virtual tables that is useful feedback, as would
the opposite.)

> Thus the need for curated collections of build options, since a jQuery UI 
> like tool that assumes the options are all orthogonal would frequently 
> produce unbuildable output.

Huh?  No one is advocating a SQLite web tool that produces unbuildable
output, or offers every possible combination of options.  It would need
to be useful, and can start simple.


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