Michael Adamczyk wrote:
> For all you deep/minimal techno DJ's that play out: Does the date of the
> record effect your choice of playing it or not?  For example, one of my all
> time favorite tracks is Robert Hood's "Home" but the fact that it came out
> in '94 would make me hesistant to play it out.  Taking a look at Drum and
> Bass culture you find that one of the main attributes that distiinguishes a
> particular DJ is his/her collection of dubplates.  Not to say that it
> doesn't do the same for a particular techno DJ/producer it's just not as
> stressed.  There is, however, a lot more quality underground techno than
> there is "underground" drum and bass.  A techno DJ who's not a producer
> could definitaly have a set with tracks that another connoisseur of the
> genre has yet to hear.  I don't think that's possible with drum and bass
> unless you have dubplates.  As far as the genre, I'm stressing more on
> deep/minimal techno and minimal/atmospheric drum and bass. L8r.

Firstly anyone who plays anything from 'internal empire' is a great dj
:) Its definately my favourite release ever! (well ok, for the moment
anyway). Speaking of which, if anyone has an mp3 of the last track of
the cd (chase I think it is) I'd kill for it - my cd has a great big
scratch over that track.

I've also noticed the new is best attitude seems to be strong in the
drum and bass scene. Frankly I think it mellows with time, techno has
been around longer so quality is more important than newness (depending
on taste). I'd definately play what I wanted to play if I was you, as
long as you think its not stagnant (and considering how little 'home' is
heard out I dont think it would be).

A drum and bass dj on a local scene mailing list was recently saying how
much more progessive drum and bass is. Every few months it seems to me
that there is a new style of drum and bass, but most tracks within that
new style are very similar and a lot are unoriginal (no more than any
other music style, im not insulting d'n'b here). The tracks in that
style seem to be perceived as original and new, even if they are totally
derivative. In techno the originality is not defined by belonging to a
new style, but for the individual creativity shown in the track. At
least thats my take on the difference... I'm interested in what other
people think.

Scott Vallance
PS - for those that are interested I do have more tracks ready to go,
but I'm having problems uploading them to mp3.com

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