On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, sean deason wrote:

> okay. youre right. i dont always have my *P.C.* hat on when I write, but I 
> should not
> have used the term "ghetto kids" when speaking of innercity youths.

but it's still the same thing right?  exactly WHAT is an "inner city
youth?"  WHERE is the "inner city?"  Is it Palmer Woods?  Rosedale Park?
Sherwood Forest?  What?

> but to explain further and beat a dead horse: I also see humor in white 
> suburban
> uppermiddle class kids insisting on acting and dressing like gangster 
> rappers. It's
> funny as hell to see a city dwellers wearing cowboy boots and cowboy hats 
> too! maybe
> it just me though :^)

It's funny....because I don't really laugh when I see white working class
kids wearing "black working class gear," though I do cringe when I see
white upper class kids wearing "black working class gear."  I guess
because I realized that a lot of the people in Detroit DO have money....I
didn't see it as "faking the funk" so to speak (or would that be "the


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