Agreed. Whatever may have transpired more than half a decade ago (and beyond),
what has emerged from the smoke seems (to me anyway) to be readily identifiable
as distinct. As with a good deal of electronic music you'll find a degree of
repetition involved, but some repetition (especially with a plethora of styles
and "feelings") isn't adequate basis (imo) for the broad brush of *similarity*.
And slotting Basic Channel as trance is a stretch no matter how you cut it. The
way it seems to me, the term "trance" has come to mean more than a mere
suggestion of something in the music which induces a "spaced out" feeling; what 
hear lots and lots of trance-lovers associating it with is a collection of
sounds/techniques/polish which (to my ears) run to the commercially accessible
end of the spectrum of electronic music. Most of them live and die for the 
Underground mix series. I know. I'm on a list which seems overrun by people who
crap on endlessly over them. I'm known there as having some great "anti-trance"
stance (mostly my own fault) simply because I often point out that there is more
to life than GU and I do that because it seems to me like many of those listers
are in a similar rut which many of my age-group-peers (I'm 43) are in with
"oldies" rock radio. I hate coming off as elitist, but I simply find trance as a
genre tedious and as a stylistic influence annoying. Sure, many of us listened 
it back in the day, but (again imo), it feels to me as if the state to which
present-day trance has devolved doesn't justify my interest. Other electronic
sub-genres seem to be exploring/growing, but I can't hear that in trance (and I
have listened) - as such I prefer leaving my loyalties to it in the past. I 
be objective about this, but I think it was more interesting back then (e.g, 
of the old Rising High stuff). Or maybe I'm just tired of it/don't like it.


> last time i checked techno-trance or whatever reynolds-ism  they're using for
> it today, is definitely not detroit techno...
> peace,
>     mike
> [aentrikate]
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they're right."

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