Well said Kevin.

I have a tendency to listen to older Detroit Techno because it puts my mind
in a place where I remember having fun and really enjoying the music. I
remember my first trip to a DJ pool with Charles Henderson in '91, everyone
sitting around this room full of records in a guy's house and  giving every
single record 10 seconds to make us believe in it before the guy running it
put it back on the stack. I still have the three records I copped that day:
St Etienne's "Only Love Can Break Your Heart" 12" with the MAW dub, Chris
Cuevas' "Hip Hop" 12" with the MAW dub (their first remix, if memory serves
me), and Ce Ce Pennison's 12"  for "Finally". I used to love stopping by
Buy-Rite on 7 mile on Tuesdays for the longest. I remember my first gigs
around Detroit playing out in '91 with Rob Brown, Charles Henderson, and a
number of other guys at U of D, Introvest, and several other spaces on the
west side all the way up to my last time spinning in SE Michigan on Crush
Collision, Oct 11th 2001.

The music still brings me back to those places, and for that reason, I keep
listening. Sometimes you really just need a break from all the crap going
on around you, Detroit Techno, minimal, electro/technobass, and ghettotech
does it for me.

What's funny is that I've been bouncing around an idea for an EP centered
around that whole 90's vibe for maybe the last 10 years. I think I might
finally stop procrastinating and just do it. Maybe... Tomorrow for sure...

On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 11:54 PM Kevin Kennedy <the...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Denise:  First of all, thanks for sharing work you think is
> noteworthy...going to have to give it a listen when I can.
> David:  Last I checked, we're still in virtually the same spot that we
> were in the dawn of techno...as the saying goes "the names and faces have
> changed, but the game is still the same."  However, one of the fine things
> missing from many human beings doing the writing, listening and performing
> of this music that somehow unifies us all on a giant Venn Diagram
> As much as I wish to give the entire group of under-30 somethings a
> 'history lesson' and shake my fist about how things used to be (a la "they
> didn't even let us play in nightclubs!!!  We had to play in warehouses and
> inhale asbestos!!!  AND WE LIKED IT!!!"), the prevailing winds dictate that
> this revolutionary music that we were on the ground floor for now has a
> history.  We're part of that, and as Shake Shakir put it bluntly:  "Those
> who know, know.  Those who don't, don't care."
> With all the problems in the world today, some people are just looking for
> an escape, and a way to remind themselves of times where they had FUN
> (anyone remember FUN? I do...vaguely).  Honestly-I wish I could escape from
> this crazy place...
> It troubles me to think that many of us have truly lost sight of the
> enjoyment and the freedom that comes from dancing.  Of course, politics has
> its place in everything...strip it away for moments at a time and learn to
> enjoy right now.
> We ARE the future we planned.  We didn't plan as well as we should have.
> Happy holidays to everyone,
> On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 2:08 AM DJ Shiva <djsh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I surely love anyone who wants to dictate what techno should or shouldn't
>> be. I guess we all forgot our dour faces and dire music poses. **fart
>> noise**
>> On Sun, Dec 22, 2019, 12:28 AM David A. Powers <cybo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Techno should aim for a utopian future not wallow in nostalgia for a
>>> moment in time characterized by late capitalist exploitation and extreme
>>> global inequality.
>>> ~d
>>> On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 11:20 AM Denise Dalphond <
>>> denisedalph...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Has anyone else been listening to HAAi? Her latest ep from November is
>>>> amazingness. Every song. I would dance to it. It makes me feel like I’m at
>>>> a rave in the late nineties in Chicago or New York.
>>>> Denise Dalphond
>>>> --
>>>> Denise Dalphond, Ph. D.
>>>> ethnomusicologist
>>>> schoolcraftwax.work
> --
> Absoloop/Orange 82

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