FBK, I love and respect you 4ever. But I just gotta say, they’ve always
been havin techno in the clubs. In the eighties & nineties, in US cities,
and cities on other continents. In the clubs. It’s just rave culture is
awesomer cause more people could gather round.



On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 2:54 AM Kevin Kennedy <the...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Denise:  First of all, thanks for sharing work you think is
> noteworthy...going to have to give it a listen when I can.
> David:  Last I checked, we're still in virtually the same spot that we
> were in the dawn of techno...as the saying goes "the names and faces have
> changed, but the game is still the same."  However, one of the fine things
> missing from many human beings doing the writing, listening and performing
> of this music that somehow unifies us all on a giant Venn Diagram
> As much as I wish to give the entire group of under-30 somethings a
> 'history lesson' and shake my fist about how things used to be (a la "they
> didn't even let us play in nightclubs!!!  We had to play in warehouses and
> inhale asbestos!!!  AND WE LIKED IT!!!"), the prevailing winds dictate that
> this revolutionary music that we were on the ground floor for now has a
> history.  We're part of that, and as Shake Shakir put it bluntly:  "Those
> who know, know.  Those who don't, don't care."
> With all the problems in the world today, some people are just looking for
> an escape, and a way to remind themselves of times where they had FUN
> (anyone remember FUN? I do...vaguely).  Honestly-I wish I could escape from
> this crazy place...
> It troubles me to think that many of us have truly lost sight of the
> enjoyment and the freedom that comes from dancing.  Of course, politics has
> its place in everything...strip it away for moments at a time and learn to
> enjoy right now.
> We ARE the future we planned.  We didn't plan as well as we should have.
> Happy holidays to everyone,
> On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 2:08 AM DJ Shiva <djsh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I surely love anyone who wants to dictate what techno should or shouldn't
>> be. I guess we all forgot our dour faces and dire music poses. **fart
>> noise**
>> On Sun, Dec 22, 2019, 12:28 AM David A. Powers <cybo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Techno should aim for a utopian future not wallow in nostalgia for a
>>> moment in time characterized by late capitalist exploitation and extreme
>>> global inequality.
>>> ~d
>>> On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 11:20 AM Denise Dalphond <
>>> denisedalph...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Has anyone else been listening to HAAi? Her latest ep from November is
>>>> amazingness. Every song. I would dance to it. It makes me feel like I’m at
>>>> a rave in the late nineties in Chicago or New York.
>>>> Denise Dalphond
>>>> --
>>>> Denise Dalphond, Ph. D.
>>>> ethnomusicologist
>>>> schoolcraftwax.work
> --
> Absoloop/Orange 82
Denise Dalphond, Ph. D.

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