I highly doubt you've directed a feature-length motion picutre which has
]national distribution. Yet I bet you'd feel free (as a bird) to voice your
]opinion if you thought a movie was crap.
]Well, the thing is, not only did I major in Radio-TV-Film at Wayne
]State, a
]classmate of mine from those days is now a film professor at USC
](and had a
]co-writing credit on the film "The Wood" as well as a cameo) and my best
]friend in LA is a screenwriter and former assistant to John
]Singleton ("Boyz
]N The Hood"). That same friend has been telling me for years I should come
]out to LA and storyboard (because *snicker* I can draw too). Plus, I'm a
]published writer (Mixer, Psycomic.com). Not film criticism, granted, but I
]could probably do that too if given the chance. Plus I used to know Elvis
]Mitchell (New York Times or The Voice film critic, can't remember
]which) when
]he lived in Detroit ! We got our comics from the same place. Great
]analogy !

now, come on. alot of us here are published writers... I cant be bothered
listing the people I might know who are involved in the film industry like
you have, but the fact is, it was an allegory. please!

]Sure it does. Are you out here doing better mixes than Jeff ?
]Making better
]records ? The whole idea of this thing is DIY. Anyway, if folks can get on
]here and criticize, then I can critique the critics. A vicious cycle, but
]then, this is a free country. Supposedly.

>]Until you all invent an entire sub-genre of techno music
>](lock-grooved, loop techno) and a host of
>]imitators, you need to keep your criticisms to yourselves.

ummn, I'll take hypocrisy for $1, anyone?

seriously, I respect you. I enjoy your music, and what you have said in
interviews, but  the rhetoric that seems to be spewing forth from you lacks
alot of.... shall we say, understanding?


the fact that jeff mills might be a better dj than the speaker has nothing
to do with the validity of the speaker's opinion. an opinion is just that,
a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.

its not like anyone is saying that "the word on the street is ... " or
"everyone know's..." or "its common knowledge..." or anything to that

regardless, this thread is getting old. very few of us here have "invented
an entire sub-genre of techno music" and we will still enter into discussion
on 313 related techno, be it positive or not.


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