> Well, the thing is, not only did I major in Radio-TV-Film at Wayne State, a 
> classmate of mine from those days is now a film professor at USC (and had a 
> co-writing credit on the film "The Wood" as well as a cameo) and my best 

I've got a bachelor's degree in art and design from the university of
wisconsin, and a good job as a graphic designer doing work that's seen all
over the country.  I try not to bask in my friends' glory, but they're
pretty succseeful too.  What's your point?  

My point remains - while you may have an education in film, you have yet
to direct a nationally distributed film, and yet you feel free to
criticize them.  One might argue that while i haven't reached
international superstar level and have no desire to, i have an
"education" in techno music.  

> Sure it does. Are you out here doing better mixes than Jeff ? Making better 
> records ? The whole idea of this thing is DIY. Anyway, if folks can get on 
> here and criticize, then I can critique the critics. A vicious cycle, but 
> then, this is a free country. Supposedly.

I am making mixes and tracks. I am "Ding I Yself" you might say. Whether
or not my attempts are "better" than mills is in the eye of the beholder,
wouldn't you say?

I've got no problem with you critiquing the critiques.  I do, however,
have a problem with you COMMANDING us not to make critiques.  what was
that you just said about this being a free country?

"I wrote a hit play!"

chris ege

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