If a scientist announced to the techno community that he had devised a new
concept in electronic music
using technology that nobody had used before, I think that most people
would be dismissive of it.
My first question was is it good DJing?
The answer is no because DJing is not involved, but you tell me that it's
incredibly difficult to do.
I am not claiming to be a scientist! That's why he's got his Phd! I believe
that he know's more about science than me! I'm more interested in music.
Good tracks?
Admittedly, the scientist is not claiming these tracks as his own. But he's
cut up the piano break from Strings of Life!
Does it sound better then the original!?
Can anyone listen to it?
Well, obviously you can listen to it in the comfort of your own living
room, but to hear it in a club you have to get the scientist around
because only he knows the technology.

If it sounds good then fine (I haven't listened to it and I have not dissed
it) but the concept sounds suspect to me. You seem confident that these
sort of innovations are part of the 'DJing' future, but it seems to me that
creativity is not enhanced by technology (shock horror). My simple argument
is by comparing the 60s (minimal technology) to today (almost unlimited
technology). There are less astonishingly creative people around today.

"Jongsma, K.J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 31/08/2001 09:01:16 AM

cc:   "'313@hyperreal.org'" <313@hyperreal.org>

Subject:  RE: [313] DE9 closer

> Am I the only person that finds the concept of this Hawtin
> album a bit up
> its own arse?
> Good DJing? - no it's all done on computer

Yeah so? If you think it's easy try to do it yourself. I think you'll think
different after you tried to cut-n-paste so many track in one smooth track.
Maybe this is the future of DJ-ing? Computers and HD-recording will become
more and more a standard DJ tool. Someone just pointed me at the Final
Scratch software, i also saw a documentary about DJ's in which Sven Vath
also used a laptop for DJ-ing. I am not sure if this was also Final Scratch
but i do know this WILL become a certain part of the DJ future.

> Good tracks? - no he is 'improving' upon other people's tracks by
> deconstructing them and putting them back together.

Yes, true and that is why they call it a mix CD so everybody knows it is
his own music.

> The result is one 90 min cut n paste track which nobody else
> can play, nor
> would anyone want to.

Why can't you play it i know i have been doing it for the last week and i
enjoying it!

> What's the point?

What's the point? well it sounds nice!



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