> Am I the only person that finds the concept of this Hawtin 
> album a bit up
> its own arse?
> Good DJing? - no it's all done on computer

Yeah so? If you think it's easy try to do it yourself. I think you'll think
different after you tried to cut-n-paste so many track in one smooth track.
Maybe this is the future of DJ-ing? Computers and HD-recording will become
more and more a standard DJ tool. Someone just pointed me at the Final
Scratch software, i also saw a documentary about DJ's in which Sven Vath
also used a laptop for DJ-ing. I am not sure if this was also Final Scratch
but i do know this WILL become a certain part of the DJ future.

> Good tracks? - no he is 'improving' upon other people's tracks by
> deconstructing them and putting them back together.

Yes, true and that is why they call it a mix CD so everybody knows it is not
his own music.

> The result is one 90 min cut n paste track which nobody else 
> can play, nor
> would anyone want to.

Why can't you play it i know i have been doing it for the last week and i am
enjoying it!

> What's the point?

What's the point? well it sounds nice! 



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