Name : Toby Frith

Age : 28
Lived : Mostly Croydon, S.London,  3 yrs in Melbourne & 2 yrs in Berlin &

Occupation: Promotions Executive with UK broadsheet
Records :  1000 or so
Recon mission 313 :  Detroit in Jan 1998 - it was about -20 c for the three
days i was there. Will return though.
On list - since May 2001 -  yep I'm a bit of a newbie
DJing - would love to - mostly
Music  - Techno, Electro, this new compost stuff from Austria & Germany,
lots of other stuff
Website -  -

----- Original Message -----
From: robin pinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [313] about the members

> my turn i guess, to keep up the european numbers :)
> name: robin lee pinning
> age: 31
> from: northern england (born merseyside, grew up wirral, lived sheffield
> 4 yrs, leeds 5yrs, now in manchester area)
> been on list since: 95 ish (does this make me an elder? lol)
> djing since: 95 (sometimes under the name 'binnie' for leeds people)
> music: into house, electro, techno mostly of the 313 persuasion but it's
> more the approach that i love.
> production and stuff like that is something i dable in but renovating
> houses and doing me job have got in the way!
> work: i work in supercomputing (a google search on my name will give ya
> details)
> ummm thassal folks.
> robin...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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