Justin Knight, 28

Tamborine Village, Queensland, Australia

2000 records, mostly house/electro/old school detroit and idm

run organic food business

been subbed on and off since 1995, with about 5 different handles

djing for 9 years, producing for same, will eventually get around to releasing 
more ( if days are lengthened or sleep becomes unnecessary)

pivotal moment in electronic music - hearing carl craig dj in about 94 in 
Brisbane, playing everything from "Sound on Sound" to old classic vinyl 
solution records (Jack da chemical, Secret Desire)

New Years Wish - that Theo Parrish and/or KDJ will come to Australia this year. 
 Its nice and warm here at the moment - escape the Northern Hemisphere winter 
and come an enjoy the Oz summer - mmmmm.  Come on, you know you want to!!!


(back to lurking:-)

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