Name: Otto 
Age: 29, Taurus 
Born: Amsterdam, the Netherlands 
Living in: Rotterdam aka Dutch Techno City (cue flamewar with people
from Utrecht and Eindhoven *grin*)
Work: research/teaching at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus
University, which can sometimes produce interesting situations if you
run into one of your students at 5am in a club...LOL!
NonWork: Chief Travelling Officer for, although I
haven't been to Detroit since last DEMF, so I'm developing withdrawal
symptoms :)
Producing: one day...
DJing: if anyone is crazy enough to let me (thanks Marsel!)
Label: Keynote, aka the label formerly known as Ground Zero (quick plug:
the next release will be by Fabrice Lig under his Mauler moniker and
includes a Duplex remix, out in March)
Label motto: "Deep down, it all comes from the soul. There's no other
On the list since: '94 (let's save the 'embarrassing first posts'-thread
for another time, shall we?)
Record collection: too many to be able to find anything, too few to be
jaded about music
Embarrassing-moment-occurring-on-a-regular-basis: trying to trainspot a
record, only to find out that it's one I already have
Fav. Club: Body & Soul in New York. Think the Sound Signatures party @
DEMF, only even better. Quite simply in a league of its own. 
Writers: Ben Elton, Neal Stephenson, Jim Davis, Manuel Castells, Karl
Films: The Player, Dead Poets Society, In The Mood For Love, Spaceballs,
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Quote: "If you want to reach the source you have to swim against the
stream" (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

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