Mike Brown wrote on Fri, 13 Dec 2002 about following:

> You know, folks, there are discographies out there.. would save us some of
> this speculation and fuzzy recollections of records that might've been...

there are, for example discogs.com; there's plenty of good info there, 
but there's just too much errors in there. in general there seems to be 
very little possibilities verifying all entries in such system as 
discogs.com (just an example); many old labels aren't around anymore 
and there was plenty of similar cut up jobs (did i say bootleg?) like 
the stakker humanoid mix i was talking about, without any further info; 
very difficult job indeed. 

so in the end we would end up speculating it anyway.. 

i seem to use quite many "there" words in there! :)

 - * time to jack * - 

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