> Oh c'mon I'm talking about UR - Punisher rirrrr... rirrrr... rirrr...
> rirrr... rirrrr... it's very repetitive techno.

the point being made here is that techno _contains_ some tracks that are
just loops, but techno also contains tunes that are dripping in feelings
other than raw energy.

techno as an artform is extremely diverse, when presented correctly it can
(doesn't have to) illicit a whole range of emotions in the

unfortunately when you say to people the word 'techno' they just think
a night of looped bangers that give you a headache when played all

when i say techno it covers a whole pallete of music.

damn it i didn't follow my own advice....i blame you spw  :)


> > This is actually the most crap reply i have seen in months! Almost
> > every piece of modern dance music has a melody bar that is repeated!
> > This does not make it looptechno!
> >
> > Every dance record must make sense over a good installation, otherwise
> > it misses it points, every record that is played by a DJ is a DJ tool
> > in your view!!!!

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