> Random tangent : did any uk peeps see the soul documentary with trevor
> nelson last night ? Was pretty interesting stuff !
> Peace,
> Marc

Yeah man, I've always been pretty fascinated by that old Wigan Northen Soul 
scene. Looked like a wicked scene when it was happening. If I'd been 10 years 
older I reckon I would have been donning a pair of baggy trousers, braces and a 
vest and getting down myself:) Those guys were nutty dancers and it was cool to 
see all them die hard old soul boys still doing thier moves today! Every now 
and then I try and check out Keb Darge's Legendary Deep funk night down at Jo 
Jo's and Cant resist throwing the old twirl into my moves :)

What I find interesting about it is the comparison the scene had with the whole 
early rave days that I was a part of. To hear some of the guys explain how it 
started out all about the music, but as the drugs became a bigger and bigger 
part of it and it grew from a relativly underground scene to something that 
everyone wanted to get into, the music slowly started to deterioate as the DJs 
started playing for the masses rather than the hardcore fans. Guess its always 
the same with any underground scene where drugs play a large part of it, your 
never gonna get more than a couple of years out of it before it blows up and 
loses its original vibe.


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