> I do know what you mean about putting things in a box but this is how the
> kids of today understand things and they are the ones who are going to be
> buying the tunes, the least we could do is give them a clue and keep it
> interesting. Lets give them a box of cool stuff to download/read and if
> breaking it into waves or years makes it easier then I'm all for it.

i see the angle you come from here (and i partially agree on the need) but
i'm not sure you encourage people to find their own things if you classify
it down and neatly package it like that...or give a good picture of how
things were (if indeed there is a single view on how things were...which
there isn't)

detroit techno (to me) is not _just_ about the tunes produced there....it
is more an approach to many different kinds of music and a way of playing
them. it'd be difficult to illustrate that easily to people not familiar
with the material, any kind of classification (into waves, or whatever) is
just trying to verbalise a feeling from a bunch of records....

....do i make any sense here or am i just griping cos it's pissing it down
in manchester. :)

all that said, if there is web-space for any of this stuff and someone
puts the effort in then it can't harm can it? at the very least it'll
spark some discussion...and maybe get a few more people listening to more
interesting music.


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