25/7/03 2:41 PM Odeluga, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Martin, I think you could be somewhat slightly losing your grip on
> feasibility or even desirability here: I mean listen to yourself:
>> One of the things I've been playing around with is the idea of a VS with a
>> couple of house DJ's up here, the idea being we play all the records in
>> chronological order, should make for an interesting night of music.
> How desirable is that? Is that how your sets go? In chrono order?! It's
> pretty anal isn't it?!?

Not anal at all, I reckon it would be interesting and a challenge from a DJ
point of view, plus the music would be pretty cool Ken - it's only 5 hours
of music, not a life mission dude :) The drink would be flowing, the BBQ
would be cooking - should be a sweet party - lets keep it interesting *LOL*

> Also, this whole idea of a sort of grandstand, to me is a bit poncey and
> preachy, a bit like the BBC really - 'mission to explain'!!! It reeks of
> patronization to say the least.

I go back to what I mentioned earlier, when people ask "what kind of dance
music is this" - DJ hands punter a card with URL, punter grabs the info and
downloads - this is an information war! My stuff is always written in a calm
voice, but sure sometimes I end up sounding like a Tw*T - so be it :)
> As we get older it's natural that we calcify in our views and in our views
> about our deep felt experience. We sometimes come to believe that what we
> experienced could be more important than what younger (note emphasis,
> *younger*) folks are experiencing in their life of new and awe-inspiring
> music today. I'm not for interpolating (i.e. butting in!) as if to say:
> hey-up you lot, you don't know where it's at, listen to 'nude photo', et al.
> How uncool would you have felt that to be at age 18?

Your unlikely to see any "youngsters" in Sheffield at Techno do's Ken, it's
not interesting or happening enough and if they are their it to get pilled
into next week :(

> Also remember, 'techno' or whatever you call it, has *always* been a cult,
> always been an aquired taste. And it's always been quite literally
> *difficult* to acquire, because the records have always been publicized in a
> narrow, low key way, *if at all* and mostly printed in razor-thin volumes,
> when compared to virtually any other genre.

While I agree that it a cult, it should become a cult of personality, and
I've heard there's no decks in Heaven or Hell so all that music with never
be heard by a new generation, that's a crime - even if its only to stop them
making the same mistakes...

> Sorry for the rant and I don't wanna get at you, especially you as natch
> it's folk like yourselveswho've always kept this damned thing alive - just
> wanted to bring you to your senses - *but* I'm prepared to admit that it's
> me who needs bringing to my senses ....

Feel free to go for it fella :)

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