Shake said to me last week that the only people interested in history are
historians, I disagree :)

The amount of times we've played out at clubs and people have asked me "what
kind of dance music is this?" or "is this classed as techno?".

I do know what you mean about putting things in a box but this is how the
kids of today understand things and they are the ones who are going to be
buying the tunes, the least we could do is give them a clue and keep it
interesting. Lets give them a box of cool stuff to download/read and if
breaking it into waves or years makes it easier then I'm all for it.

How cool would it be to have a disk like the one Greg Wilson sent you with
all the mixes and interviews on about electro-funk :) Man, you'd be tooled
up to win any argument with that kind of info....

Last week in the studio, two of the DUST DJ's accused me of wanting to
reinvent the techno wheel, why? Well I was doing things that they considered
to be outside of what is deemed "techno" (one example would be a long snare
roll), for me this music has always been about innovation, ideas, great art
work, propaganda and the third record not about block building in Cubase or
Logic, I think Tom MagicFeet wrote an article about all this and about the
damage done my minimal techno - my point being 99% of the public think they
know what techno is, the truth is only 1% of what they know is true and that
would be the 4 to the floor side of it...we have no one but ourselves to


> hi martin,
> don't get me the wrong way, i think history of this stuff is very
> important and sometimes it's good to have this stuff down in a way that
> isn't jounalism with an agenda (see blogs stuff etc). i like the way
> you're headed with this tho.
> i'm complaining about waves in the same way i complain about genres, and
> microgenres....i use em, as we all do, but it doesn't stop me thinking
> they prevent a certain creativity... (it's a "mistaking the menu for the
> meal" situation for me)
> peace
> robin...
>> While I agree Robin, I'm not trying to make this into a "year zero" thing,
>> no point really. What I'm interested in doing is getting a good list
>> together of the players, doing a mix of the tunes and adding some biog info.
>> We could always do a mix of tunes that influenced the first wave, there's
>> plenty of references points and I know there's a couple of the early players
>> "lurking" on the list, should be to hard. And if we through in a copy of
>> Dan's book and a couple of articles for good measure, it should make it easy
>> for people to get into the History and therefore push the present into the
>> future.

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