Martin, I think you could be somewhat slightly losing your grip on
feasibility or even desirability here: I mean listen to yourself:

>One of the things I've been playing around with is the idea of a VS with a
>couple of house DJ's up here, the idea being we play all the records in
>chronological order, should make for an interesting night of music.

How desirable is that? Is that how your sets go? In chrono order?! It's
pretty anal isn't it?!?

Also, this whole idea of a sort of grandstand, to me is a bit poncey and
preachy, a bit like the BBC really - 'mission to explain'!!! It reeks of
patronization to say the least.

As we get older it's natural that we calcify in our views and in our views
about our deep felt experience. We sometimes come to believe that what we
experienced could be more important than what younger (note emphasis,
*younger*) folks are experiencing in their life of new and awe-inspiring
music today. I'm not for interpolating (i.e. butting in!) as if to say:
hey-up you lot, you don't know where it's at, listen to 'nude photo', et al.
How uncool would you have felt that to be at age 18?

Also remember, 'techno' or whatever you call it, has *always* been a cult,
always been an aquired taste. And it's always been quite literally
*difficult* to acquire, because the records have always been publicized in a
narrow, low key way, *if at all* and mostly printed in razor-thin volumes,
when compared to virtually any other genre.

Sorry for the rant and I don't wanna get at you, especially you as natch
it's folk like yourselveswho've always kept this damned thing alive - just
wanted to bring you to your senses - *but* I'm prepared to admit that it's
me who needs bringing to my senses ....

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 4:11 PM
>Subject: Re: (313) The Techno Wheel
><written in a chilled voice, drinking tea>
>>> I do know what you mean about putting things in a box but this
>is how the
>>> kids of today understand things and they are the ones who are
>going to be
>>> buying the tunes, the least we could do is give them a clue and keep it
>>> interesting. Lets give them a box of cool stuff to download/read and if
>>> breaking it into waves or years makes it easier then I'm all for it.
>> i see the angle you come from here (and i partially agree on the
>need) but
>> i'm not sure you encourage people to find their own things if
>you classify
>> it down and neatly package it like that...or give a good picture of how
>> things were (if indeed there is a single view on how things were...which
>> there isn't)
>One of the things I've been playing around with is the idea of a VS with a
>couple of house DJ's up here, the idea being we play all the records in
>chronological order, should make for an interesting night of music.
>I would also argue that because there isn't enough quality history stuff
>around it would only help encourage people to dip into the back
>catalogue as
>well as purchasing new material.
>There's a new generation coming that will never go into a record shop, own
>decks, care about a 909 in mint condition, times move on - and we should
>If you add new stuff on the same page it can only help. How many times have
>you seen on this list new DJ's mentioned? Not many...Where are they or we
>happy just to keep talking about the same old stuff? Lets get it out of the
>way and focus on the present and future.
>> detroit techno (to me) is not _just_ about the tunes produced
>> is more an approach to many different kinds of music and a way of playing
>> them. it'd be difficult to illustrate that easily to people not familiar
>> with the material, any kind of classification (into waves, or
>whatever) is
>> just trying to verbalise a feeling from a bunch of records....
>I was just thinking of doing a mix not a brand, music with always be
>subjective but there's no getting away from the facts or time they where
>released and it's a great way to present things - think about the music not
>the myth or politics :)
>> i make any sense here or am i just griping cos it's
>pissing it down
>> in manchester. :)
>You do, it pissing it down here as well - but then again that's normal....
>> all that said, if there is web-space for any of this stuff and someone
>> puts the effort in then it can't harm can it? at the very least it'll
>> spark some discussion...and maybe get a few more people listening to more
>> interesting music.
>I may need some help with some of the 12's but I'm up for it....anyone else

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