nicely said dennis

When Robert Henke first built the Live prototype as a Max patch, it was for him to do his own live shows, using his own loops, but with the freedom to combine and collage (not a verb, I know) on the fly.

exactly! which from my p.o.v., makes it not so hot as a live tool as well depending on what sort of music you make...if you make more loop/groove-based or soundscapey stuff where layering and playing with fx is the hook and the excitement of the song its great, but if you make stuff with changing melodies, more narrative or song-based, it is not really much least i have never found much use from it, i have it and dont use it. imo henke's genius is in reaktor, not ableton...

It's a little like finding out that your 808 can make drip coffee, then finding out that it's really bad coffee, then selling your 808 because it sucks.

hehe!! yech this coffee has too much cowbell!
yeah i dont mean to write-off the program, or mixes done in ableton, i just do not see it as the future of music or as some new frontier for mixing. computer technology going up its own butt if you ask me, which ya didnt, rarrarwrr i'm off to the tarpits

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