i think ACID was used for that mix.

and yeah it's a good example of the use of software for a mix....could
do with a few more hooks in there tho to contast with the
minimalism....but that's just a personal taste thing.


-> i don't know whether this is going solely to you or the 
-> whole list. i don't
-> speak often. 
-> but: closer to the edit!?!
-> i don't know if he was using ableton, but i do believe that 
-> that is the
-> potential of LIVE mixing loops that you 'spent a week to cut 
-> up'. if that is
-> your vision, and that's how long it takes, and that's how 
-> nerdy you're
-> willing to get then...sobeit. 
-> beautiful. and i aspire to it. 
-> -r
-> --- "J. T." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-> > i strongly dislike ableton. it's a good tool for studio 
-> style mixing, a 
-> > great advance and added flexibility etc, but i still see 
-> it as studio style
-> > mixing. it makes mixing a very cerebral process; it's way 
-> geeky. and it's 
-> > too safe. to me it is at odds with the pleasure of playing 
-> and listening to
-> > music, the alive-ness of music, and of 
-> mixing...simplicity... sure it
-> > sounds 
-> > alive in the end when you can screw around with 500 loops 
-> it took you a
-> > week 
-> > to cut up, but...i dunno. it's halfway between traditional 
-> mixing and 
-> > production, but not as open-ended and versatile and 
-> hands-on as either...it
-> > just seems half-canned to me, music from concentrate just 
-> add ableton and 
-> > stir. the complexities arent worth the result, or 
-> vice-versa. not that i 
-> > dont enjoy some ableton mixes, but no more than i do 
-> traditional mixes -- 
-> > usually not as much. people tend to go overboard with the 
-> layering of loops
-> > and frantic pace, which is fun at first, and good for 
-> booty music where you
-> > dont care to hear 3 minutes of the same track, but it 
-> takes too much energy
-> > and attention to listen to...i just wanna relax and hear 
-> some music not a 
-> > vigorous exercise in sound editing...and when mixing, i 
-> wanna wander around
-> > crates throwing on whatever grabs me...the inclination to 
-> digitize and 
-> > computerize (and perfect and control) everything can end 
-> up draining some
-> > of 
-> > the joy out imo...its a cold cold world..i know there are 
-> loads of people 
-> > older than myself on the list, but seeing people get 
-> excited about this 
-> > stuff makes me feel like a dinosaur...
-> > 
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