ah well, good points...
i just dont care anymore or something i guess. or maybe i am too broke. if it was normal price i'd buy it, but since it's way marked up, no way. granted those of us selling records at normal wholesale price aren't making squat. but it just seems a little odd when you have even more rare chit getting repressed and sold at normal price, but oh this, this is special! it does smell of some kinda techno elitism or something to me. and is definitely taking advantage of collector mindset/fetishism, but if you're a collector or horny for this record, what do you care i guess. i still think you're being suckered, but if you're a willing sucker i guess you're not really a sucker. it's kinda sickly funny that putting a high price on something is actually a way to hype it up nowadays. pricing a repress as if it immediately shares the rarity of the original is a bit of a marketing trick, but if it works, hey. basic channel, clone, rephlex, environ, etc etc you guys missed out on the $$...doh! of course i want to get ahold of good music (that i dont have to have my computer on to listen to) and this makes me wish i could afford to be a collector. with my reasoning and my budget, there's no way i can feel ok buying this thing. it kinda bugs me but whatever. i'll look for it in the used bins etc. they'll end up there sooner or later whether they pressed a lot or a few anyways. there's plenty floating around now.. anyways thanks for the pov dave, you forgot to insult my mentality or appreciation for music tho...

Well JT, all I can say is I've wanted this record for YEARS, if I see it
in Gramaphone I will probably pick it up even for $16-17.  I bet that
there are a lot of people like me, I don't think we are getting played
or jacked.  Note that I already have it on MP3, but I love vinyl and I
think this is really a seminal Detroit techno record, something worth
owning for the rest of my life.  I'm not buying it just because it is
rare.  Sure, maybe they pressed too many copies and the prices will come
down - but how can we know if that is the case?  And why not let an
artist make a little extra money off a great record, he couldn't have
made THAT MUCH on the original to begin with.

Remember, people can find the mp3 for free.  The value of vinyl is that
people like me enjoy owning it despite the availability of mp3s.  Sure I
look for good deals buying records, but I do collect music that I really
like just because I love it, and I'm willing to pay for this.  The vinyl
market is NOT for everyone, it is elitist by its very nature.  High
pricing for limited pressings of classics does make sense, as long as
they don't press so many that the price turns out to be unsustainable
and they can't sell all the copies produced.


-----Original Message-----
From: J. T. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 5:51 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: RE: (313) Re: () SIX NINE represses?

>so you dont like the record because its not good? i dont
>understand. if you were actually a music lover, i think youd be
>happy to finally get your hands on a good record that otherwise
>you wouldnt pay crazy loot for.

i'm not a music lover. i was just playing. music is for the birds tweet
who said i didnt like the record? i just dont like the price. i've got
better things to spend my money on, like, new stuff thats priced
normally. i
dont even buy old records for high prices, i find them cheap or i dont
them. there is too much great music out there that can be found cheap.

>stores arent smoking crack for the most part. they dont order
>things they think they wont be able to sell.

i'd be interested in hearing back from somebody in detroit whether those

69's on the wall at recordtime sell or not. they didnt order many tho.

>excellent argument.

i respond to hot air with hot air

>the repress is exactly identical to the original. how will they
>determine which it is? carbon dating a sample from the vinyl?

yes wiseass you have to carbon date the vinyl. or look at the
runout/label/sleeve. something about it will be different. if its truly
identical, than the high price is even more shady -- based on the rarity
the original, which it has suddenly become itself, but widely

>this is my point though. it would be bad if big name artists just
>started selling their records for more because they are who they
>are. putting a premium price on an established anthem is
>altogether different.

which is the "established anthem" on 4 jazz funk? my machines? anthem? i

dont think thats quite the right word somehow..more like sought-after
collector stuff...hence the pricetag...and is this not just because it's

carl craig? elite techno stuff? all that old trax stuff was wayyyyyyyy
bigger than this...and i think farley trumps craig as far as big
those represses were cheap..

anthems dont tend to have an inflated pricetag....

throw is 1000 times the anthem of anything on 4 jazz funk, but is priced

normally. the price of the 69 is to take advantage of collectors. you
argue all you want, yes it's a great record to own, but you got played.
course it's no problem to you if it was worth (personally) what you paid
it. but in the larger context of the record business, it sucks and is a
move..and its not normally how represses are handled. usually they are
at giving rare music a renewed availability and accessibility. the
is cheap, the original stays valuable and rare and even more sought
after...but the pricetage on this is jumping the gun. it's essentially
calling a record "rare" even as it's hot off the presses and available
everywhere, totally a marketing ploy. it's the record industry
collapsing on
itself, not looking for new listeners but to instead take existing
(collectors especially) for all it can...while it can. because soon
will be aware that this record is not so hard to find anymore. there
will be
copies sitting in stores, the urgency will wear off. the collector
will evaporate. it's allll a gaaame, and i do not like these games

>ill bet you a ton of money on that. look at "shades of jae" by
>moodymann. that record has been repressed, even as recently as 5

what its worth and what people will pay for it are seperate things
sometimes. i've sold records which arent worth a pile of beans for a
little chunk on eBay. the record collecting business is very similar to
comic book collecting. price trends are extreme, and shortlived. what
be "worth" $50 this year, in five years could be worth $5. or you might
find it for $1 in some secondhand store somewhere. some people only look
eBay...italo is crazy on there too. dirt cheap if you actually look for
like, give a wantlist to somebody you know in nyc or chicago...

>im the sucker because i have a record i want? how does that make
>sense? IMO youre a sucker if you pass up a chance to buy a great

it doesnt make sense, but you asked not me. you're asking yourself
that dont make sense, which really doesnt make sense.

it didnt make sense to pay $17 for 4 jazz funk when we could (and did)
less money on a couple fragile represses, an original copy of voice of
and classic old dancemania chit. we got an entire dj set of classics for

less than $17. we probably would have bought 4 jazz funk if it was
normally. if we were eagerly after it, maybe we would have paid the $17.
be happy to have it. but it still doesnt justify the pricing.
what we could spend our money on instead, it made a whole lot more sense
just hope to run into a cheaper copy some other time

>record because of a $10 price increase. dont go out to eat one
>night. dont buy a couple drinks next time youre at the club
>watching deejays spin. $10 isnt $100, there are so many ways that
>money can be spent that is much more worthless than getting a
>great record. ill play this 12" way more than 17 times in my life.
>even at $1 per play it would be well worth it.

well i'm glad you value music so highly, i do too. that's not my point.
talking business not just musing about how great such n such music is. i

have loads of music that i consider priceless, but thankfully it was
normally so that i actually got ahold of it.
have fun not eating not drinking and playing your overpriced record over

>good mentality. music cant stay good if it sounds dated? thats
>especially funny coming from you, considering the type of music
>you like to make.

"dated" means it hasnt held up over time. some older things sound old
fresh at the same time -- or not even old. some things dont. if you ever

actually dig thru old records this becomes incredibly obvious
there are retroactive records which dont sound so hot anymore, only
collectors would drool over them for collecting sake. do you really not
understand this or are you just taking an oppurtunity to insult me
personally? i appreciate it.
my entire life has been spent around the oldest records that exist and
the serious record collecting business. i dont have time to argue with a

stubborn and disrespectful person who just wants to toss off insults and

sarcastic know-it-all comments

>$100 does suck, youre right. $17 OTOH doesnt at all.

yes, it sucks too. great, you can afford it. doesnt mean it's right. the

only recent repress i would pay that much for is glass domain, just
i have been after it for so so long. and i'd still be pissed off at the
unreasonable pricing, you should be too. originals cost money because
are hard to find, brand new represses are only worth the vinyl they're
pressed on! music is not priced according to its own greatness! we're in
a real mess if that's the new criteria. music becomes valuable when it
great AND rare. inflated record pricing is NOT GOOD, same as it is not
for cd's...

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