That is the same price that Rub A Dub are charging



On 15 Apr 2004, at 10:02, Ken Odeluga wrote:

There seem to be a lot of concerns about the price of this re-release - and
it's highlighting a lot of issues about price in general.

However, I'd like to point out something In London, prices are varying. My copy cost me GBP9.99 from Soul Jazz (or whatever they're calling themselves
nowadays). This is only about GBP2 more or even less, than the most
expensive price of a more conventional release from most other shops
specializing in this music. Some shops are slightly above, some slightly

I would suggest - correct me if I am very wrong - that the situation is
similar in the States (although of course this discussion will be moot in
ten days I think, as the stocks really *are* finite!).

Therefore, whilst a lot of issues worthy of discussion are being raised, I
don't think that this is in fact the most expensive record of it's kind
around in recent months. From my point of view, if it's a record which you have been seeking, this is probably the best deal going for many years. In
view of that, I think the price is fine. Only mho.


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