some more (late) comments on this, I thought Stewart's comments were among the most insightful on this debate, got my miniscule mental gears churnin anyway

On Apr 15, 2004, at 1:05 AM, Stewart Caig wrote:
I guess I have slightly less of a problem with Planet E
than I do the Peacefrog Privte Pressings, at least Carl Craig is selling this record based on it being an established great record, but the Private Pressings arent even that great, certainly not to the point of them ever really becoming clasics in thier own right IMO, they certainly dont have the
judos of already being a classic to justify the price tag.

I'd agree w. you about charging more is kind of weird when it's not a proven winner. The Charles Webster remixes one (the Private Pressing) was kinda good but not a must-have any any stretch. But the Moodymann 'shattered dreams' one is AS GOOD (and IMHO even better than) most tracks on the 2xLP. that's the exception to your statement. That track is genius!! Spooky, the essence of a good deep KDJ track... among the best of his last few years of work, anyway. (Still the 1-sided J.A.N. with the Mojo interview smokes them all, and that was repressed for $6.00 or whatever!)

I LOVE the robert hood one, his best work in years IMHO, but not because it's a Private Pressing, because it's along, gorgeous building swooning synthy detroit techno track. I mean, it's a really great track! I never was able to find a copy of the album (there was one? or no..) so I can't compare it to album tracks. But if the album tracks are better than that single??

They are being sold and marketed in a way that directly
 plugs into the record collectors mentality.

Very true, they are numbered, limited, advance, etc. But hasn't Peacefrog always kind of done that by deleting older records in their catalog, so if you got it at the time it was originally released, you got it. But if you didn't, you will likely never see it again ? (or so they'd have you believe). I just kind of that that was always their m.o...

 Theres loads of better records coming out that are better and
much better value for money from a pure musical point of view that are
struggling to even sell 500 copies, so it kinda smacks of arrogance from
Peacefrog to release 500 and then use the numbers to justify the price.

Great point.

Matt MacQueen

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