Alex sed:
My only problem with Claro Intelecto is that 
alot of his tracks just seem to have something missing. The sounds are 
there, the production's great, but most of them leave me a little cold. I 
think they just miss that raw emotional element sometimes, there's nothing 
that really makes my spine shiver if you know what I mean. However, I think 
I'm pretty much alone in this opinion, everyone else that I speak to has no 
bad words to say about him. I agree that he's really good, I dunno, just 
some tracks don't do it for me. 

Yeah, I'm with you Alex and that's despite the fact that I'm amongst those
people who think that he had an EP which ranks amongst the standouts of last
year in the 'Peace Of Mind'.
His productions, atmosphere and overall ideas are very very compelling. The
tracks grab you immediately and that's a real talent. However, not only are
you right to suggest there is an overlaying cold and clinical feel to his
music - I feel that too - I also find that it somehow seems to lack
quirkiness and is a little bit predictable, in a sort of mechanistic way. I
mean, usually so far, for most of his tracks, the location of the changes
has been pretty obvious to me even before the changes have happened - and
that's when there are changes. Another little prob seems to be a lack of
real variation in what music of his (Matthew Stewart) I've heard so far.
Anyway, I feel I've gone over the top 'cause as I say, I think those two EPs
(the second one was 'Section' ) are pretty special and I can't wait to hear
the LP 'Neurofibre'.

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