so i know this is OT but hardware sequencing kind of leads you into 
thinking in blocks too doesn't it (they do for me)....i suppose the fact 
that it's visually in blocks in cubase etc makes matters worse. 

Keeping in mind this is 'off-topic' (is it though?!?) I'm not too sure if
hardware sequencers neccesarily leads to the same mindset.
For a start, they generally don't encourage staring at the screen 'cause
usually the screen's too small! I thik they tend to encourage you to learn
how to use 'em them. Once that happens you tend to look at it as another
instrument, rather than constantly staring at it. You tweak it to adjust how
your other machines are playing. In that way, I think you tend to
concentrate more on the sounds which the sound-producing machines are
producing. I'm not certain of this. Just going by what producers I know have
told me. Some use totally software, some use totally machines.
I'm not advocating one method over the other by the way. I prefer the sounds
and general air of stuff done on hardware though. But I'd expect what subtle
difference I think I can detect, to be programmed into negation eventually.

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