Martin D>it often shifts in my mind

Yeah, me too.
and I see you think of it differently as well.
e.g. your first answer "strings"
as opposed to say, "the punisher"

Ken>It's interesting to see what people in Detroit might regard as 'Detroit
>Techno' isn't it?

yeah I reckon it is Ken. I reckon I benefit alot out of this list, I find
it really interesting how people from different places percieve different
things. Like say, do peeps in detroit consider that fast booty sound as
detroit techno?

Brendan>I tend to think of the whole shebang,

clever clogs!
thats typical!
No, I guess this is the correct way of thinking about it (or is there a
correct way?) but for some reason, I don't think of it like that. Should be
interesting when some of our comrades from across the pond drag their lazy
labour day asses out of bed.

; )

btw, I don't know where this discussion is going, or the use of it. But my
boss ain't in.

oh and I have a Q for Greg Earle as well. Have you lived in San Fran all
your life? Do you know an old band (punk/wave? - dunno what you'd call
'em).. THE UNITS. If you can remember them, I really want to try and get
hold of someone who might know them, would be really grateful.

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