first off i am not here to defend anyone or answer for dj mani. but i am
posting this as maybe a little insight to why mani posted this email on
313 and many other lists for that matter.

As in classic 313 fashion everyone took this as a personal attack on
European's, especially alex. not really sure why cause it really does'nt
apply to alex or alot of people in Europe who support american artists,
But i feel people have said some fairly nasty things in direct response to
what mani has said without even trying to understand what it was he said.

Basically what mani was expressing in his email to the list is that
Obs/Ear management has represented a good amount of techno artists from
Europe in past years as well as thrown a bunch of parties in Chicago, and
what he is saying is that he has made a mistake in the artist's  he chose
to represent and that he feel's it his fault that certain american artists
can only make like 2-300 bucks in Chicago while Adam Beyer, Surgeon come
here to America and get paid 5000 bucks plus a  5 star plus business class has just become ridiculous, and i think mani is tired of it
and taking a stand.

Along with alot of other things mani has gone through this year,  from
going back to his homeland in which he has not been in 19 years and coming
to some realizations. As well as meeting and talking with mad mike this
year and sharing opinions on the global techno scene and i think he was
very inspired with alot of what mad mike was saying.....

it would seem that alot of these artists in this sect of techno could
really care less about the american techno scene and all they do is make
it VERY difficult to get here and play and do nothing but take from the
scene and small amount of resources here in america and dont give back.
take it as you will but to me this is not an attack on anyone on this list
as most people on this list have supported american artists as well as the
american techno scene obviously....

lastly this is not a direct attack on all people in Europe and for those
of you who took it that way i am suprised as it is obvious to me that
those European's on this list in particular, have been the ones who have
supported American artists and the American techno scene. yea maybe it was
not worded the way everyone on this list deems correct but it was his
words and his expression. so take mani's mail as an omission of guilt in
contributing to this problem that plague's the American techno
scene....and that he is no longer going to contribute to the problem but
instead try to remedy it in the best way he feels for his booking agency
which includes supporting more American artists in America and making the
neccessary cuts off his roster, with the exeption of the ones who have
always supported the American scene which in this case is Cisco from the
Advent and Steve Rachmad aka Sterac.

it all may seem a little late for dicovering all of this but i'd take late
than never anyday.....


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