guys, guys, guys.... stop the madness.

We all know who the only common enemy is in the USA.  It's the UK crap
trance dj's that have bled the USA dry.  And why ?  Because the sheep in the
USA consume that crap.  In Boston it's the Euro students that seem richer
than any of the natives that have the horrendous taste in that rubbish.
Either way, it's rubbish and no amount of exposure to something with a
little more substance will convert people with bad taste.

None of the artists that either of you have mentioned have even come close
in the earnings that a terrible UK trance DJ can rape from USA promoters.
Why fight over the crumbs when you should be blowing up the bakery ?

Unfortunately, many in the USA must come to the point where we reach a
horrible realization.  The lunatics are in control of the asylum.  The USA
is a lost cause and if you can afford it you move to Berlin.  And if you
can't, you suffer.

I don't know if many of you remember the kooky letter I sent to XLR8R years
ago where I poked fun @ Oakenfold.

Well, after that got published, for at least 2 years kids would still come
up to me saying thanks for writing what I did and congratulating me like I
was some American folk hero for expressing what I felt.  UK people were
amazed that a magazine would publish my unkind words knowing that no UK
magazine could afford to publish something so harsh and alienate their
advertising clients in the manner XLR8R did.

A little while after that I was introduced to a girl in a club who worked @
XLR8R.  I forget her name, but I was going through some crap Boston club and
Christopher Lawrence was playing in it and I was hearing the same kind of
crap that I criticized in my letter.  Turns out this girl was Australian and
Christopher Lawrence's wife.  So I mentioned my letter and she came at it
from a completely different angle.  She felt that UK trance dj's were making
all the $ while the USA trance dj's with just as much skill were being
deprived of making a living and success in the USA.

So I guess my letter to XLR8R went completely over her head as she thanked
me and interpreted what I was saying by my letter as backing up her point of

I'm not sure if any of you are getting my point, so here it is.  The only
guy worth attacking is the guy with the $$$$.

As I sit in my tiny, cluttered, sh*tty apt. in Salem, MA while UK trance
plonkers live comfortably from the earnings that their bad taste and lack of
creativity rewarded them with.  I certainly don't resent any of the artists
that either of you have mentioned in your messages.

So have a good weekend and try a little terrorist activity against your
local peddler of bad electronic music and those that consume it.

telepathic regards,
the kooky scientist

on 10/1/04 8:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Oct 2004, Renegade808 wrote:
> brother, i haven't even begun to attack you.
>> once again josh you never seem to can have your opinions
>> all you want who cares so can everyone else but this is how mani chooses
>> to conduct his agency and he has the support of alot of people (maybe not
>> on this list). i think its funny you choose to attack me but if thats how
>> you do things then i dont care..... i was asked by mani  to post the email
>> to begin with so thats that....
> You're right, I wasn't there. But if Mike told Mani he was doing the right
> thing than he should just say that (although I don't name drop personal
> contacts to try to justify my actions)
>> As for
>>> Mike, I don't think he's above making a wise crack about outside DJs who
>>> get paid more than his American peeps, but it's unfortunate that someone
>>> would twist that into his own tirade.
>> nothing was twisted you were not there when that conversation took place.
>> your the one assuming you know what mike said and if you care about it so
>> much you go ask mike what he thinks of the surgeon or adam and i am sure
>> he would be glad to tell you good or bad....
> it's self important and obnoxious, any way you cut it.
>> to attack mani personally is just stupid...because someone tries to change
>> the way they do business and with who they do business with.....improving
>> the techno scene in america was not a realization mani came to in his home
>> land,  it is just one of the many realizations he has had
>> recently....whats wrong with that???
> only you're allowd to start with opinions, dissing people who i consider
> vital talent in techno? I didn't say anything bad about Murat, why would
> you talk so much trash about Beyer or Surgeon in response? I actually like
> Murat a lot as a
> person, and see him around somewhat frequently, althouh i'll admit that
> somehow i've never heard him DJ even though he played at my former club
> several times.
> You started with some blatent;y negative comments and i responded with
> saying something positive. don' get it twisted.
>> and as for you comments and opinions about surgeon and adam beyer being
>> better than anyone on his roster...well thats your opinion and its really
>> not about who's roster is better than the other.....but i think you dont
>> understand some things....... and i dont care who you think you are and
>> who you think you know... some of us were around in the techno scene long
>> before you arrived  and don't need you to tell us which way is up....and
>> let me get this straight in MY OPINION Murat will crush Adam Beyer,
>> Surgeon and many other ego maniac's from over the pond in straight up dj
>> skills and production...
> ah, here we go. Now I'm some new schooler who works for the hype machine
> just because everyone now knows how i make my living. i will stand 100% behind
> any of the artists i feature in urb (the fact that we ALSO cover stuff
> outside this genre is another topic not on the table). Are you saying that
> Kompakt, Hawtin, Ellen Alien, Kittin, Vladislav Delay, DJ Rupture, etc,
> etc are wack?
> And since my profession is on the table, what do you do for a livin you
> douchebag? I'll bet it's something real important.
>> .but i forgot you work for Urb so it is your job
>> to HYPE up all of these overpaid and rude  european artists.....(this does
>> not include all Europeans...i think most people get an idea who i am
>> talking about)....
>> michael
>>>> Basically what mani was expressing in his email to the list is that
>>>> Obs/Ear management has represented a good amount of techno artists from
>>>> Europe in past years as well as thrown a bunch of parties in Chicago,
>>>> and
>>>> what he is saying is that he has made a mistake in the artist's  he
>>>> chose
>>>> to represent and that he feel's it his fault that certain american
>>>> artists
>>>> can only make like 2-300 bucks in Chicago while Adam Beyer, Surgeon come
>>>> here to America and get paid 5000 bucks plus a  5 star plus business
>>>> class
>>>> has just become ridiculous, and i think mani is tired of
>>>> it
>>>> and taking a stand.
>>> Mike, i don't know what year you live in, but i can guarantee you that
>>> neither Beyer or Surgeon are making $5000 (maybe at the biggest rave at
>>> the height of the big raves- but everyone was making money then). Besides-
>>> Adam can certainly hold his own, if not out DJ, everyone on Mani's roster
>>> and Surgeon? Forget it! When it comes to skill DJing/production/
>>> experimentation, no one on Mani's roster (or few in the world) can touch
>>> Surgeon. Maybe you're just using those two as arbitrary examples, but
>>> think before you speak please.
>>>> Along with alot of other things mani has gone through this year,  from
>>>> going back to his homeland in which he has not been in 19 years and
>>>> coming
>>>> to some realizations. As well as meeting and talking with mad mike this
>>>> year and sharing opinions on the global techno scene and i think he was
>>>> very inspired with alot of what mad mike was saying.....
>>> It sounds like the only realization he had was that his own sh*t's not
>>> moving fast enough for his liking, so hes railing against those who have
>>> much in deferrence to those who have not quite as much. If the only thing
>>> you can get from a trip to one of the most humanitarily challenged
>>> countries in the world is that your American techno scene isn't up to par,
>>> then you have to seriously re-evaluate the center of your universe. As for
>>> Mike, I don't think he's above making a wise crack about outside DJs who
>>> get paid more than his American peeps, but it's unfortunate that someone
>>> would twist that into his own tirade.
>>>> with the exeption of the ones who have
>>>> always supported the American scene which in this case is Cisco from the
>>>> Advent and Steve Rachmad aka Sterac.
>>> \
>>> Not diss to Cisco, he has worked America hard for at least as long as i've
>>> been in this music. But Rachmad never even played in America until DEMF
>>> 2002, and with the exception of Mani's events, I don't believe he's played
>>> America much at all. they're just his boys (and his money makers, at least
>>> in the case of Advent) and it is supreme hypocricy.
>>>> it all may seem a little late for dicovering all of this but i'd take
>>>> late
>>>> than never anyday.....
>>>> michael

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