So far there has been a pretty decent show of respect in the local media. I
missed the early news slots but know he was featured, and newsnight had an
entire feature on him including guests. One of these guests was Mark E Smith
from The Fall which was absolutely hilarious as he was being really weird
and belligerant in the way that he is. He kept on subverting all the
compliments about John and then asked the reporter if he was going to be
"allowed" to speak again. I think John Peel would have like it!

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: 26 October 2004 20:42
Subject: Re: Re: (313) John Peel

> i knew Greg would say it well, so i'll leave it at that.  ironically, we
> talked about that Sonar experience not too long ago.  i'm sorry you
> won't get that second chance as well.
> what a tragic, shocking loss.  to call him a legend, in his own or any
> time, is nearly a disservice.  has anyone done more for music in
> general, across as many genres, so faithfully?  it's hard to imagine.
> i hope he is recognized by the state.  both in saying farewell and also
> in some sort of lasting memorial.  a fund, scholarship, street,
> program...  something fitting.  he more than deserves it.
> Garrett
> Greg Earle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/26/2004, 07:34:21 PM:
> > Oh my God.  I'm staggered beyond all belief.
> >
> > In the last 20 years I've had little trouble walking up to most any
> > famous performer, DJ, band, whathaveyou, that I wanted to meet -
> > either because they seemed like interesting people or simply
> > because I respected their musical talent and wanted to say thanks -
> > as it's been easy to rationalize (hey, they all put their pants on one
> > leg at a time, just like me - and, as I've gotten older, invariably
> > they're all younger than I am, which helps).
> >
> > Except for John Peel.
> >
> > At Sonar last year I saw him standing around in SonarVillage
> > and I kept trying to get up the nerve to go shake his hand.
> >
> > I was too intimidated.  Not by his presence - he seems jovial
> > and approachable enough in person - but for an old fart like me,
> > the man is simply a God among men.  Back in the Punk days when you
> > were lucky to get a beaten-up 6-8 week old copy of the NME in your
> > local (US) record shop, the man and his playlists (and his end
> > of the year Festive 50 lists) and of course the Peel Sessions
> > were an absolute godsend to an overseas Punk fanatic.
> >
> > I told myself that if I saw him at Sonar next time 'round that
> > I'd right the wrong and go up to him this time.  Now I'll never
> > get that chance.
> >
> > I see that Tony Blair chimed in with his 2p - do the right thing,
> > Tony, give this man a state funeral.  Few Britons over the last
> > 35 years have been as important as this man was - to this overseas
> > observer, anyway.
> >
> >     - Greg

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