lets get this off this list.

this is not:

1.) politix 313
2.) kanye west 313
3.) r&b 313

if you want to tie the whole f'ing world into 313 (as seems to be the case with 
r&b artists getting "play" on this list) then we might as well open it right 
up, because I would bet your mother that I can tie just about anything back to 
detroit, 6 degrees of seperation and all.

sorry to be "that guy" but I get extra annoyed when someone puts "OT" in the 
subject of a post and sends it to the list ANYWAYS.

if its OT, then its OT, ie this isnt the place for that particular post.

my heart(and money) goes to those affected by the hurricane, but I dont care 
about what musicians say, I care about what notes they write, in what order, 
and the manner in which they are represented.  I can think for myself, thank 
you very much


sent with love,


> From: "Odeluga, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/09/07 Wed AM 11:03:09 EDT
> To: "Cyclone Wehner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>         "313 Detroit" <313@hyperreal.org>
> Subject: RE: (313)OT Kanye Revisited
> I note that in one wide US report on West's speech it was referred to as
> a
> "rant" which is also a very value-laden term in itself.
> > What I really admired was the way that despite obviously being full of
> > emotion and nerves he composed himself and calmly delivered what he
> wanted
> > to say - major props indeed!
> ***
> Was it Fox?!
> Whatever, this is the same media which was at the weekend saying New
> Orleans escaped the worst of Katrina, so yeah I'd rather believe Mr West
> thanks!
> K

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