erm...I am the only one who sees an inherent contradiction in this post?

At 9:40 am -0700 7/9/05, James Newhouse wrote:
IF I may butt in...

I think Joe is tired of posts that have nothing to do
with 313/detroittechno.

I am a first time poster (hello!) who happens to agree
with him.  I miss the Morgan Geist days (and I wasn't
even around back then) when just posting about Aphex
was considered OT and not acceptable.

OT-  As for mr. West, I can't beleive how gullible
everyone (esp 313list members) are about this.

-He has a new album out
-He knows that what he said will get him a ton of free
-He know how to manipulate the media

What he said doesn't really change anything, and its
not even ground-breaking.  He knows that people will
keep repeating it, and that will keep in in the news.
(and keep people buying his album!)

R3dshift was just asking what Kayne West has to do
with the price of music in Detroit.

Jay N
--- "Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 ---------- Original Message

 >lets get this off this list.
 >this is not:
 >1.) politix 313
 >2.) kanye west 313
 >3.) r&b 313
 >if you want to tie the whole f'ing world into 313
 (as seems to be
 the case with r&b artists getting "play" on this
 list) then we
 might as well open it right up, because I would bet
 your mother
 that I can tie just about anything back to detroit,
 6 degrees of
 seperation and all.
 >sorry to be "that guy" but I get extra annoyed when
 someone puts
 "OT" in the subject of a post and sends it to the
 list ANYWAYS.
 >if its OT, then its OT, ie this isnt the place for
 particular post.
 >my heart(and money) goes to those affected by the
 hurricane, but
 I dont care about what musicians say, I care about
 what notes they
 write, in what order, and the manner in which they
 represented.  I can think for myself, thank you very

 man, youre ALWAYS the one jumping in on OT posts.
 this was hardly
 even offensive, like maybe 15 posts over the last 2
 weeks? thats
 ione whole time pressing the delete key per day.
 that must be so

 good luck with that thinking for yourself, BTW.



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