---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

>lets get this off this list.
>this is not:
>1.) politix 313
>2.) kanye west 313
>3.) r&b 313
>if you want to tie the whole f'ing world into 313 (as seems to be
the case with r&b artists getting "play" on this list) then we
might as well open it right up, because I would bet your mother
that I can tie just about anything back to detroit, 6 degrees of
seperation and all.
>sorry to be "that guy" but I get extra annoyed when someone puts
"OT" in the subject of a post and sends it to the list ANYWAYS.
>if its OT, then its OT, ie this isnt the place for that
particular post.
>my heart(and money) goes to those affected by the hurricane, but
I dont care about what musicians say, I care about what notes they
write, in what order, and the manner in which they are
represented.  I can think for myself, thank you very much

man, youre ALWAYS the one jumping in on OT posts. this was hardly
even offensive, like maybe 15 posts over the last 2 weeks? thats
ione whole time pressing the delete key per day. that must be so

good luck with that thinking for yourself, BTW. 




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