Jason Brunton wrote:

I'm not too sure as I don't know too much about the subject matter but was Baroque a movement that defined itself over a (very) short period of time and was something which artists could easily attatch themselves too (as in the case of Electroklash) , or was it a term applied at a later date by historians?


On 3 Nov 2005, at 23:26, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

I think we need to define what is a trend, what is a novelty?
Baroque was a 'trend' once... For culture to evolve, you have cycles, and trends, then if it endures it maybe becomes a classic, as techno, or maybe a bad memory (like most 70s architecture!) and that too can change with the
values of each generation...

It's always been this way. Some people are moved by novelty far  longer
than others and can stand to hear new and interesting noises without
caring if there was an ounce of emotion in it (moroder step bass
anyone?). I have been guilty of this when listening to a new (insert
anything sonic here). But at a point (unless you're that one track) you
will change your tastes. And the one constant that I find most people
wanting from their music regardless of genre is feeling. Whether it's
country or techno, people want to relate their experience to  something
that comes from another angle. It's the same thing that Armando (I
think) was saying back in the day about the acid house explosion in
England. Something like, "it's cool, but they heard the stuff we did and it's like they took the bleeps and carried on the tweaks, but they left
the message. That was really what the music was about though, the
message. But now all you hear are the blips and bleeps and there's no
message to it, no feeling." Or something like that. (come to think of
it, maybe that was larry too, can't remember). I think he's right on.
But that's my opinion. I'll try to find that interview. Gonna be hard
when I don't remember who I'm looking for. Think I smoked that memory
just this morning too. Dangit.


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