I think we need to define what is a trend, what is a novelty?
Baroque was a 'trend' once... For culture to evolve, you have cycles, and
trends, then if it endures it maybe becomes a classic, as techno, or maybe a
bad memory (like most 70s architecture!) and that too can change with the
values of each generation...

> It's always been this way. Some people are moved by novelty far longer
> than others and can stand to hear new and interesting noises without
> caring if there was an ounce of emotion in it (moroder step bass
> anyone?). I have been guilty of this when listening to a new (insert
> anything sonic here). But at a point (unless you're that one track) you
> will change your tastes. And the one constant that I find most people
> wanting from their music regardless of genre is feeling. Whether it's
> country or techno, people want to relate their experience to something
> that comes from another angle. It's the same thing that Armando (I
> think) was saying back in the day about the acid house explosion in
> England. Something like, "it's cool, but they heard the stuff we did and
> it's like they took the bleeps and carried on the tweaks, but they left
> the message. That was really what the music was about though, the
> message. But now all you hear are the blips and bleeps and there's no
> message to it, no feeling." Or something like that. (come to think of
> it, maybe that was larry too, can't remember). I think he's right on.
> But that's my opinion. I'll try to find that interview. Gonna be hard
> when I don't remember who I'm looking for. Think I smoked that memory
> just this morning too. Dangit.

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