And to add to that, if Madonna has become more conservative, I think it's 
more the effect of wealth, not age. I am glad to see her defy her age -
agism is another weapon used against women, 'the old expiry date', and the
more women who don't 'act their age' the better.

> I don't think you can not acknowledge what she did in the sphere of gender
> politics and the representation of women, she was a subversive. That is an
> integral part of what she is. The feminists in the academy were terrified of
> Madonna when she first came along - she changed the paradigm of feminism. I
> don't care much for the current incarnation of Madonna, the lady of the
> manor, but she was cutting-edge once. What annoys me with the new album is
> that she hasn't been to a disco in how long so how can she be representing
> that?
> Also what happened to Guy Ritchie? He's become the Dennis Thatcher of
> film...
>> Left to her to her own devices and she would most likely have sunk like a
>> stone
>> I credit her for being pretty damn savvy when it comes to business and
>> trend following
>> she's not a trail blazer at all - it's everyone she surrounds herself with
>> (stylists, producers, etc.) that are the trail blazers

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