Alright- here's my longstanding beef with this. 

Everyone is entitled to demand proper equipment and
sound to deliver the best performance. I understand

 However, when one is an act whose complete music
sales make up a small niche of the market and you
yourself are an act who has even smaller record sales-
is it really....fair? do such a huffy dance?

 If the promoter delivers on EVERYTHING as specified
in the contract and then the act shows up and says 'uh
no not good enough' when said act is charging a large
amount of money and ammenities, it just seems a bit
_wrong_ (and I know the music industry doesn't rotate
on an axis of morals) to stomp around and say 'no
we're not doing this, but thanks for flying us across
the pond and putting us up in the hotel...see ya'.

 This is in NO WAY a personal attack on
please no panties in bunches. I'm just trying to grasp
this because I've seen this happen before in
electronic music, and when this microniche makes up
such a small % of overall sales it all seems silly to

fire away.

--- Paul Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The gig was pulled from the show at the last minute
> because when Mike
> got into London and saw the venue Ranx (the promoter
> guy) had booked, he
> said it was not suitable for the live show, so they
> moved it to another
> venue and they still didn't play live, I would think
> it was just not
> right. 
> the Press conference was funny with the lights out.
> Because they turned
> them on at the end when the boys were still in the
> room, ha-ha.
> Good night though....
> Rolando and Pennington killed it.
> I just wish they would play London so I could get to
> see the
> show...selfish really.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Dust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 20 July 2006 15:03
> To: 313 Detroit
> Subject: Re: (313) did anyone go to...
> > party but your not a load the act that's NEVER
> been to London. But
> > surly
> > that the act the punters want to see?????????????
> >
> Haven't they played London once? I seem to remember
> them doing a press 
> conference with the lights off....
> m

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